MASTER LIST Plagiarism, Citing, and Editing “Giving Credit Where Credit is Due” “The Nature of Plagiarism” “What Does This Say?” (Proofreading) “The Fine Art of Proofreading” “What Proofreading will the Writing Center do for me?” Owl MLA 2009 Update APA In-Text Citations APA Format for Reference Page Creating a Bibliography using Microsoft 2007 Practice with Quotes, Paraphrases, and Summaries 2009 MLA Citation (Comparative Table) Chicago Style Guide Word Choice, Sentences, and Paragraphs “When Sentences Get Together, a Paragraph is Born” “What’s Your Type? Finding and Using a Variety of Sentences” “When Writing a Sentence Seems Like Writing a Sentence” “Where Do I Begin?” “Building Up Weak Writing” “Transitions: Making Connections to Provide Coherence” Lists of Transitional Words and Phrases “Recognizing Charged (Loaded) Words” (word choice) “Index of Templates” (Introducing sentences) Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling “How Well Do You Spell?” “Basic Spelling Rules” “The Master Chart of Parts of Speech” “Subjects and Verbs” “Let’s Get Person-al” “Commas! Help!: Comma Rules Explained” “When To Use Active and Passive Voice in Writing” “Run-ons – Comma Splices – Fused Sentences” “Clause Identification: Run-ons, Splices, and Fragments” “Comma Help Sheet” “Comma Splice, Run-on, and Fragments” “ A Splice of Life” (Commas) “Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases” “Fragments” “Bits and Pieces” (fragments) “Who’s In Charge Here?” (fragments) “When Lesser is Better” (subordination/coordination) Outlining, Test-taking, and Reading “Finding the Main Idea in a Paragraph” “10 Steps to Better Test Taking” “6 Types of Test-Taking Errors” “Subject Outline – Informative Paper” “How is College Different from High School?” Spanish Handouts “Stem Changers” “Spanish Tenses” “Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns”