Expectations in Literacy for Year Two

Expectations in Literacy
Emma Fitzpatrick
Literacy Team Member
Key Leader for Key Stage One
and the Early Years
Literacy in Year Two
• Expectations in reading
• Expectations in writing
• How to help your children achieve these
• At Holly Park we believe that all children
should make the best progress that they can,
using their starting points as a baseline.
• The national expectation is that they will
develop by 2 sub levels per year.
Levels of Progress
Early Learning Goals
End of Foundation Stage
End of Key Stage One
Reading at 2B
I can change my voice when I see punctuation and read with expression.
I make a good attempt at reading words that are unknown to me.
I can read fluently from a given range of books, making only a few mistakes.
I am able to read ahead.
I know if I have made a mistake and will correct myself.
I am able to comment on plot, setting and characters in familiar and unfamiliar books.
I can use reading to find the answer to a simple question that concerns me, finding
information in fiction and non fiction books.
I refer to the main characters in a story when retelling it, I can describe them and think about
features such as their behaviour and motives.
I can distinguish between fact and opinion.
I can confidently find appropriate pages in non-fiction books by using the contents page.
I pick out words in a sentence that give the reading more impact.
I begin to understand why the author has used a specific word in the text.
I express my opinions about the characters, events and settings in a story.
I understand and comment on the way text is presented in fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
Strategies for Reading
• What does it look like?
• Can you sound it out?
• Can you think of a word that
would make sense?
• Can you think of a word that it could be?
• Does the picture give you a clue?
• Can you break it into parts?
Understanding the Text
Children should be able to read about 90% of a
text without struggling; this enables them to
understand what they have read.
What can you tell me about the characters?
What was your favourite event?
How was the character feeling?
Which word tells you that?
Reading with expression
What does the author mean?
• Which words tell you that?
• How did they make you feel that?
• How did they use description?
Finding Information
Navigate a book
Different genres of text
Answering questions
Remembering the features of different texts –
knowing where to look
• Finding the words that were used
Any Questions?
Reading to Writing
What do authors do?
Why do they do it?
Who did they write it for?
Why did they write it like that?
Who is the reader and what do they need to know?
Expectations in Writing at 2B
I know who will be reading my writing and make it as interesting as I can for them to read.
I can use features of different types of writing and make sure it is sequences correctly and
makes sense.
I can make my writing more interesting through using interesting words, connectives,
sensible beginnings and endings.
My ideas are grouped together in my writing, I can say something, then say something
about it.
I can use different ways to start a sentence and can use connectives to join ideas that go
I use capital letters when I am writing the names of people and places.
I am able to use a question mark at the end of a question and an exclamation mark for
I try to use new words in my writing and I have started to use more adventurous words and
phrases in my descriptions.
Most of the time I use upper and lower case letters correctly, forming them correctly.
I know and am able to write correctly tall letters and those that fall below the line.
Does your writing make sense?
• Encourage your child to read it through…
• Actually read it through!!!
• Children often read what they think they have
written…not what they have actually
put on the page.
• Sentences MUST have finger spaces, full stops
and capital letters at the end of each
sentence. These are non-negotiables!
• Sentences MUST make sense.
• Later in the year children will be aware of
speech marks, exclamation marks,
question marks and commas.
Extended Writing
Knowing the features of different text types
Story – beginning, middle and end
Recount – events in the right order
Report – introduction, information, conclusion
Understanding how paragraphs work
Grouping information
Descriptive Exciting Language
• Using the interesting words that authors use
• Being a ‘Magpie’
• When children are reading they should be
noticing the interesting, exciting words that
are used and their effect on
the reader. They should write
them down and keep
for their own use.
Extra Details
• Children sometimes flit between ideas
without finishing each part successfully.
• What else can you tell me about that?
Connectives and Sentence Starters
• Once children are confident to punctuate their
sentences with full stops they can start to
connect their ideas with connectives… and,
then, because, also, however, meanwhile etc.
• Sentences need to be started with different
words or the writing as a whole becomes
• Children should be forming all letters
• Letters should then be sized appropriately
with ascenders (t d h k l b) and descenders
(q p g j y).
• By the end of the year most
children should be starting to
join their letters.
• Decodable words that can be sounded out
• Digraphs and trigraphs eg ai, sh, ng, tch, dge
• Rules eg double letters, adding ed for past
tense and ing for present tense
• Key words
• Topic words
• Words of interest
Any Questions?
• Be a reader and a writer yourself. You don’t
have to make a big thing about it but let your
children see you doing it…and enjoying it!
• Read to your child every night, even if it’s just
for 5 minutes.
Suggested Book Lists
Books for the expected level at the end of
Year 2 (Level 2B)
The Shopping Basket – John Burningham
Biscuit Bear – Mini Grey
Willy the Wizard – Anthony Browne
Winnie’s Dinosaur Day – Valerie Thomas
Rumble in the Jungle – Giles Andreae
Into the Forest – Anthony Browne
If your child is able to read these books
fluently, try these…
The Owl was Afraid of the Dark – Jill
Dinosaur School
The Queen’s Knickers – Nicholas Allen
The Tunnel – Anthony Browne
Horrid Henry’s Author Visit – Francesca
Stories of Dragons – Christopher Rawson