晨暉社 中一級 晨暉社 成立典禮 Form 1 Council, Sun Fai Kick-off Ceremony 晨暉社 社訓:如日之昇 Council Motto:Shine through the community 社花:向日葵 Council Flower:Sunflower 社色:紅白 Council Colours:Red and white 姊妹社:旭晶(中四) Sister Council:Yuk Jing (Form 4) 晨暉社社歌 晨暉瀛寰景象新,真光照徹世塵, 攜手共渡艱難險阻,共沐救主宏恩, 剛強奮勇進德修業,願為正道捨身, 齊奔前程當自強,服務社會人群。 晨暉社社歌 高聲歌頌此良辰,葵花向日歡欣, 發揚真理匡正時弊,協力組成義軍, 陰翳盡散慈光普照,喜作主愛之民, 紅白兒女同奮發,修己立德榮神。 The Sound of Music Scene One Mother: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Mother Abbess, from the Nonnberg Abbey. I’m going to tell you a story today and it starts with a young postulant in the Abbey and her name is Maria. The Sound of Music My day in the hills has come to an end, I know. A star has come out to tell me it’s time to go. But deep in the dark green shad-ows are voic-es that urge me to stay. So I pause and I wait and I lis-ten for one more sound, for one more love-ly thing that the hills might say. The hills are alive with the sound of mu-sic, With songs they have sung for a thou-sand years. The hills fill my heart with the sound of mu-sic. My heart wants to sing ev-‘ry song it hears. My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds that rise from the lake to the trees. My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies from a church on a breeze, To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls o-ver stones on its way, To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray. I go to the hills when my heart is lone-ly. I know I will hear what I've heard be-fore. My heart will be blessed with the sound of mu-sic And I'll sing once more. Bernice: Mother: Bernice: Mother: Bernice: Reverend Mother Sister Bernice I simply cannot find her. Maria She’s missing from the Abbey again. Berthe: Perhaps we should have put a cowbell around her neck. Magaretta: (To Bernice) Have you tried the barn? You know how she adores the animals Bernice: I have looked everywhere, in all of the usual places. Mother: Sister Bernice, considering that it’s Maria. I suggest you look at someplace unusual. Tell me, Sister Catherine, what do you think of Maria? Catherine: She’s a wonderful girl, some of the time. Mother: Sister Agatha? Agatha: It’s very easy to like Maria, except when it’s difficult. Mother: And you, sister Sophia? Sophia: I love her very dearly, but she always seems to be in trouble, doesn’t she? Berthe, Magaretta, Catherine, Agatha: Exactly what we have in mind.. Mother: Come here my child. Maria: Oh Reverend mother. I’m so sorry. I just couldn’t help myself. The gates were open. The hills were beckoning and before IMother: Dear, I haven’t summoned you here for apologies. Maria: Oh please, mother, do let me ask for forgiveness. You see, the sky was so blue today. And everything was so green and fragrant. I just had to be part of it. And the bird kept leading me higher and higher, as though it wanted me to go right through the clouds with it. I can’t seem to stop singing wherever I am. Mother: See, this is Maria, she’s just like a moonbeam that we can never hold her in our hands. Maria, it seems the will of God for you to leave us. Maria: On Reverend mother, please don’t ask me to leave the abbey. Don’t send me away. Mother: Only for a while. There is a family near Salzburg that needs a governess until September to take care of seven children of Captain Von Trapp. Maria: Seven children and a Captain? Scene Two Captain: Now, this is your new governess, Maria. You will step forward and give your name. Lisel: Lisel. Friedrich: Friedrich Louisa: Louisa Kurt: Kurt Brigitta: Brigitta Marta: Marta Gretl: Gretl Maria: Now I have to tell you a secret, I have never been a governess before. Louisa: You mean you don’t know anything about being a governess? Maria: Nothing. I’ll need lots of advice. Louisa: Well, the best way to start is to be sure is to tell father to mind his own business. Friedrich: You must never come to dinner on time. Brigitta: Never eat soup quietly. All: Slurp!!! Kurt: And during dessert, always blow your nose! Gretl: Don’t believe a word they say, Maria. Maria: Why not? Gretl: Because I like you. Maria: Gretl, are you scared? You’re not frightened of a thunderstorm, are you? All: No! We’re not scared! Maria: You just stay right here with me. Gretl: Why does it do that? Maria: Well, the lightning says something to the thunder, and the thunder answers back. Marta: The lightning must be nasty. Maria: Not really. Kurt: Then why does the thunder gets so angry? It makes me want to cry. Maria: When anything bothers me and I’m feeling unhappy, I just try and think of nice things. Gretl: What kind of things? Maria: Oh, well, let me see. Nice things —Daffodils! Green meadows. Skies full of stars... Raindrops on roses...and whiskers on kittens... My Favorite Things Rain-drops on ros-es and whis-kers on kit-tens, Bright cop-per ket-tles and warm wool-en mit-tens, Brown pa-per pack-ag-es tied up with strings, These are a few of my fa-vor-ite things. Cream col-ored pon-ies and crisp ap-ple strud-els, Door-bells and sleigh-bells and schnitz-el with noo-dles, Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings, These are a few of my fa-vor-ite things. Girls in white dress-es with blue sat-in sash-es, Snow-flakes that stay on my nose and eye-lash-es, Sil-ver white win-ters that melt in-to springs, These are a few of my fa-vor-ite things. When the dog bites, When the bee stings, When I'm feel-ing sad, I sim-ply re-mem-ber my fa-vor-ite things and then I don't feel so bad. Maria: All right everybody, over here. Marta: What are we going to do? Maria: Let’s think of something to sing. Friedrich: Father doesn’t like us to sing. Maria: Well, perhaps we can change his mind. Now, what songs do you know? Lisel: We don’t know any songs. Maria: Not any? Lisel: We don’t know even how to sing. Maria: Well, let’s not lose any time. You must learn. All: But how? Do-Re-Mi Maria: (I’m going to teach you how to sing.) Let's start at the ver-y be-gin-ning, A ver-y good place to start. When you read you be-gin with Gretl: (A, B, C,) Maria: When you sing you be-gin with do-re-mi. Children: Do-re-mi? Maria: Do-re-mi, The first three notes just hap-pen to be Do-re-mi. Children: Do-re-mi! Maria: Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti (Come, I’ll make it easier for you. Listen.) Maria: Doe, a deer, a fe-male deer, Ray, a drop of gold-en sun, Me, a name I call my-self, Far, a long, long way to run, Sew, a nee-dle pull-ing thread, La, a note to fol-low Sew, Tea, a drink with jam and bread, That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh!) Gretl: Do Maria: a deer, a fe-male deer, Children: Re Maria: a drop of gold-en sun, Children: Mi Maria: a name I call my-self, Children: Fa Maria: a long, long way to run, Maria: So All: a nee-dle pull-ing thread, All: La, a note to fol-low Sew, Ti, a drink with jam and bread, That will bring us back to Children: Doe- a deer, a fe-male deer, Ray, a drop of gold-en sun, Me, a name I call my-self, Far, a long, long way to run, Maria: Sew, a nee-dle pull-ing thread, La, a note to fol-low Sew, Maria: Tea, a drink with jam and bread, That will bring us back to doe Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do Children: So Do! Do-Re-Mi Encore Maria: (By mixing them up. Listen.) So Do La Fa Mi Do Re (Now you do it.) Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re Maria: So Do La Ti Do Re Do Children: So Do La Ti Do Re Do Maria: (Now let’s put it all together…) All: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re So Do La Ti Do Re Do Brigitta: (But it doesn’t mean anything.) Maria: (One word for every note.) Maria: When you know the notes to sing You can sing most an-y-thing. (Now, altogether. And…) All: When you know the notes to sing You can sing most an-y-thing. Maria: Doe Gretl: a deer, a fe-male deer, Maria: Ray Marta: a drop of gold-en sun, Maria: Me Brigitta: a name I call my-self, Maria: Far Kurt: a long, long way to run, Maria & Louisa: Sew, a nee-dle pull-ing thread, Maria & Friedrich: La, a note to fol-low Sew, Maria & Liesl: Tea, a drink with jam and bread, Maria: That will bring us back to Do Gretl: Do Brigitta: Mi Louisa: So Liesl: Ti Marta: Re Kurt: Fa Friedrich: La Maria: Do Maria: Do Liesl: Ti Friedrich: La Louisa: So Kurt: Fa Marta: Mi Gretl: Re Gretl: Do Brigitta: Mi Marta: Re Friedrich: La Brigitta: Mi Mi Louisa: So So Kurt: Fa Fa Liesl: Ti Ti Children: Do Mi Mi Mi So So Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti Children: Do Mi Mi Mi So So Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti Do Mi Mi Mi So So Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti Do Mi Mi Mi So So Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti All: an-y-thing. Maria: When you know the notes to sing You can sing most … All: Doe, a deer, a fe-male deer, Ray, a drop of gold-en sun, Me, a name I call my-self, Far, a long, long way to run, Sew, a nee-dle pull-ing thread, La, a note to fol-low Sew, Tea, a drink with jam and bread, That will bring us back to Maria: Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re Do Children: Do! Gretl: Maria, I’m tired. Maria: Ladies and gentlemen, the children of Captain Von Trapp wish to say good night to you. So Long, Farewell Maria: There's a sad sort of clang-ing from the clock in the hall and the bells in the stee-ple too, and up in the nurs-'ry an ab-surd lit-tle bird is pop-ping out to say "Coo-coo" Children: "Coo-coo" "Coo-coo" Children: "Coo-coo“ "Coo-coo“ "Coo-coo" All: To you. Maria: Re-gret-ful-ly they tell us But firm-ly they com-pel us To say goodbye . . . All: So long, fare-well, auf Wie-der-sehn, good night. Marta & Kurt: We hate to go and miss this pret-ty sight. All: So long, fare-well, auf Wie-der-sehn, a-dieu. Lisel & Friedrich: A-dieu, a-dieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu. All: So long, fare-well, auf Wie-der-sehn, good-bye. Louisa & Brigitta: We flit, we float, we fleet-ly flee, we fly. All: So long, fare-well, auf Wie-der-sehn, good-bye. Gretl: The sun has gone to bed and so must I, Gretl: Good-bye Captain & Maria: Good-bye Captain: Good-bye Both: Good-bye. Scene Three Mother: As you all see, Maria gets along very well with the children, and also with the Captain. And this is the problem that drives herself back to the Abbey. Maria: Oh, Reverend Mother. Mother: Why did they send you back to us. Maria: They didn’t send me. I left. Mother: Tell me what has happened. Maria: Well, I was frightened. I was confused. I felt- I couldn’t stay there anymore. I think I’m in love with the Captain. But I didn’t want to believe it. I just couldn’t stay, I just couldn’t. Mother: The love of a man and a woman is holy. You have a great capacity to love. What you have to find out is how God wants you to spend your life. Maria, you must find out. You must go back. These walls were not built to shut up problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live. Climb ev'ry mountain Mother: (Sit down, Maria. What is it you can’t face?) Maria: (Oh, no, Mother, please don’t ask me to do that. Please.) Mother: Climb ev-'ry mountain, Search high and low. Fol-low ev-'ry by-way, Ev-'ry path you know. Mother: Climb ev-'ry mountain, Ford ev-'ry stream. Fol-low ev-'ry rain-bow till you find your dream. A dream that will need all the love you can give Ev-'ry day of your life for as long as you live. Mother: Climb ev-'ry mountain, Ford ev-'ry stream. Fol-low ev-'ry rain-bow till you find your dream. Climb ev-'ry mountain, Search high and low. Fol-low ev-'ry by-way, Ev-'ry path you know. Mother: Climb ev-'ry mountain, Ford ev-'ry stream. Fol-low ev-'ry rain-bow till you find your dream. A dream that will need all the love you can give Ev-'ry day of your life for as long as you live. Mother: Climb ev-'ry mountain, Ford ev-'ry stream. Fol-low ev-'ry rain-bow till you find your dream. -The End -