HS Mid-Term Note Cards 2015

Health Science Notes Cards Questions
Mid-Term 2015
Ancient Times: what procedure cuts holes in people’s heads to cure a headache?
Who was the Arab Hippocrates?
What animal did Asclepius use to treat patients?
The founder of the American Red Cross in 1881 was ____.
What microorganism caused the Bubonic plague?
Who was credited with the use of chemistry and pharmacology as their major contribution?
Who developed the code of ethics that physicians go by still today.
The Father of Medicine is ____.
What was the cause of typhus?
The Arabs major contribution to medicine was______________________.
What group of people believed that illness was caused by nine venoms?
Which hepatitis is spread by fecal oral route?
Which hepatitis is spread by blood and body fluids?
Which hepatitis is leading indicator for liver transplant?
Which hepatitis is dependent and needs another form of hep to live?
Which hepatitis is not found in the US at this time?
Which hepatitis virus causes liver cancer and death?
What is the single most important aspect of infection control?
What is the number one method of protection from the Hepatitis B Virus?
A degree awarded by a college or university after a prescribed course of study that usually lasts four or more years is
a/an ____.
21. A process by which a government agency authorizes individuals to work in a given occupation after the person has
completed an approved education program and passed a state board test is ____.
22. A medical specialist who treats disease of the skin is a/an ____.
23. A medical specialist who treats diseases and disorders of children is a/an ____.
24. A medical specialist who uses X-rays and radiation to diagnose and treat disease is a/an ____.
25. A medical specialist who treats tumors and cancer is a/an ____.
26. The body system that includes the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi is the ____.
27. The body system that carries some tissue fluid and wastes to the blood and assists with fighting infection is the ____.
28. The body system that protects the body from injury, infection, and dehydration is the ____.
29. The body system that filters blood to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body is the ____.
30. Which plane is a horizontal cut?
31. Which plane cuts the left from the right ?
32. Which plane cuts the front from the back?
33. Directional term for the point farthest away from attachment.
34. Directional term for the point closest to point of attachment.
35. Name the abdominal quadrants.
36. Body parts in front of the frontal plane are called ____.
37. This structure warms, moistens, and filters inhaled air.
38. The correct name for the voice box is the ____.
39. The part of the pharynx that is behind the nose.
40. The windpipe is known as the______________.
41. In order to carry air to both lungs, the trachea branches into two tubes called ___.
42. The Right Lung has _______ number of lobes.
43. The Left Lung has ________________number of lobes.
44. The smallest vessels that surround the air sacs in the lung are _______________.
45. The air sacs in the lungs are known as_________________.
Health Science Notes Cards Questions
Mid-Term 2015
46. When breathing in the diaphragm moves ________________ in direction.
47. Inhalation is also known as_________________.
48. Exhalation is also known as________________.
49. The part of the pharynx that is behind the uvula is ___________________.
50. The chamber of the heart that receives O2 positive blood is____________.
51. The valve between the L ventricle and the aorta is the_____________.
52. The 2 large vessels that brings O2 negative blood into the heart is the____________ & _______.
53. Structure that initiates an impulse to make the heart pump is the ________ node.
54. Middle layer of the heart muscle is the ________________.
55. Valve that is between the R. Atrium and the R. Ventricle is the _______________.
56. The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are the ____.
57. The blood vessels that contain valves to prevent blood from flowing in a backward direction are the ____.
58. The largest artery in the body is the ____.
59. Salivary glands produce salivary amylase, which ____.
60. The enzyme in the stomach that begins the chemical breakdown of fats is ____.
61. The folds in the mucous membrane lining of the stomach are called ___.
62. The circular muscle between the stomach and small intestine that keeps food in the stomach is the ____.
63. The first section of the large intestine is the ___.
64. The organ behind the stomach that produces enzymes and the hormone insulin is the ____.
65. What is the main function of the large intestine?
66. What is a bolus?
67. The reflex that occurs when an infant reacts to a loud noise or sudden movement is the ____.
68. The basic needs required by every human being to sustain life are ____.
69. When people have attained their full potential, or are what they want to be, they have met the need for __.
70. The stage when Emotional development is often stormy and in conflict.
71. The stage when one learns bladder and bowel control.
72. The stage when one deals with independence, makes career choices, selects a marital partner, and starts a
73. The stage when one tends to be more group-oriented and form groups with members of own sex.
74. The stage when one plays alongside other children is more common than playing with other children.
Health Science Notes Cards Questions
Mid-Term 2015