3. Chapter 5: Social Structure

Chapter 5: Social Structure – status and roles
Sociology 12 Reading Review Questions (pages 134-141)
Name: _________________________________________________________________
1. Why do sociologists that are part of the “functionalist” school of thought say social
structures are important for individuals and society? (Two reasons). ( 2 marks)
2. What occurs when someone’s social structure breaks down? Provide an example. ( 2 marks)
3. What are the weaknesses of the social structure framework? ( 2 marks)
4. Define social marginality and discuss its’ relationship to stigma. ( 2 marks)
1. Define status and distinguish between ascribed and achieved statuses. Provide examples. ( 3
2. Explain why occupation is usually a person’s “master status”? ( 2 marks)
3. Why do people buy/have/wear/display status symbols? List three specific status symbols
you have personally seen other people and explain what you think each person is trying to
say with each symbol. Be specific, don’t say jeans. Think of things that REALLY are on
display. ( 3 marks)
4. List three status symbols that you have bought/displayed/wore and explain what you were
trying to convey with each symbol. ( 3 marks)
1. What is the difference between a status and a role? (2 marks)
2. Can a person’s “role expectation” be the same their role performance? Explain your answer
by using an example. ( 3 marks)
3. What is key difference between role conflict and role strain? (1 mark)
4. Explain a situation where you encountered role strain and explain how you attempted to
reduce this strain. ( 2 marks)
5. What is role distancing and why does it occur? Give an example of how you have used role
distancing. ( 3 marks)
6. What is role exit? Summarize the four stages of role exit. ( 3 marks)