Night Essay Test

Night Essay Test
Choose one of the following essay prompts. Write a five-paragraph essay. Use the essay structure we
discussed in class.
Your answers must follow the 3C’s format: claim (student answer), citation(s) (quotation or text
reference), commentary/clarification (student explanation of how the claim and citation(s) are linked
and support the thesis). Remember to brainstorm before writing.
Your essay will be assessed using the following rubric.
 Topic is introduced clearly and focus is maintained
 Student claim (answer) demonstrates insightful understanding of the text.
 Ideas are logically organized
 All answers are formatted according to the 3C’s; therefore, they are based on the text
 Answers provide the complete content asked for in the essay question using relevant, well-chosen
citations with thorough development and elaboration of ideas as commentary.
 Transitions are used to link the information and ideas in the 3C’s (claim, citation, commentary), to
introduce quotations, and to clarify relationships between ideas.
 Tone is formal and objective.
 5 paragraph essay.
 Demonstrates mastery of the conventions of English grammar (capitalization, usage, punctuation,
spelling, etc).
 Double-space. Use 12 point font (Cambria, Times New Roman, or Georgia). Use this header:
o Name
o Class period
o Date
o Prompt option
Proficient 100 pts.
Competent: 90pts.
A competent score is awarded if an essay answer does not fully demonstrate a level of proficiency
on one or more of the categories listed but does demonstrate competency on the category(ies).
Developing: 80 pts.
A developing score is awarded if an essay answer does not fully demonstrate a level of
competency on one or more of the categories listed.
Below Standard: 70 pts.
A below standard score is awarded if an essay answer does not adequately demonstrate a level of
competency on all four categories listed.
See next page for test questions.
Night Assessment
English II – Mounce
Name ____________________________________________
Period _______________(Ex. MW 12)
Directions. Complete ONE of the following essay questions for the novel Night by Elie Wiesel. Use your
notes from class and the novel. QUOTE DIRECT TEXTUAL EVIDENCE.
1. Consider the unit’s overarching question, “How do humans respond to adversity?” How does Wiesel
respond to that question through his memoir, Night? You may choose more than one example of human
response portrayed in Night to compare and contrast.
2. Delineate the changing relationship between Elie Wiesel and his father from the beginning of the
memoir to the end. Be sure to provide textual support for each of your claims about their relationship
and commentary. Provide at least 3 analyses of their relationship.
3. Identify a theme present in Night and support your claim by providing textual support and
commentary that fully explains the theme you identify.
4. Identify 1 literary element or rhetorical device present in Night. Explain its
significance/meaning/impact on the text. Follow the 3C’s: claim, citation, commentary. Possible choices
include: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, foreshadowing, rhetorical questions, hyberbole, personification,
and repetition.
5. Think of the kapos and the little blonde pipel who is hanged on page 64. Who are the bystanders? Who
are the perpetrators? Who are the victims in Night? Do these roles sometimes overlap?
6. At the end of Night, Wiesel writes: "From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The
look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me" (p. 115). What parts of Eliezer died during his
captivity? What was born in their place?