bill of rights court cases famous

“ Congress shall make no law respecting the
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof. . .”
Government can neither help no hurt
Government must stay neutral
Fighting words
Brandenburg Test
The Court now held that a person's words were
protected as free speech as long as they did not
directly incite unlawful action. Concerns became
raised later that the standard established in the
decision was not appropriate in situations involving
mass communications through the Internet and
popular talk-shows int he 1980s and 1990s.
Constitutional or Unconstitutional
•Schools limit student speech only because it is criticizing the
President. ______________
•Schools limit profanity ______________
•Schools force students to follow a dress code. Constitutional
•Schools require a school uniform. __________________
•Teacher instructs his students on religion in class.
•Teacher leads his students in a prayer____________________
•School conducts random Locker searchers ________________
•School conducts random book bag searches ______________
•School doesn’t allow a student to wear religious symbols
•School allows a bible club in school
•Bible club students use the school’s loudspeaker to lead the
stadium in a prayer prior to a football game. ______________
•Principal leads a moment of silence. ______________
•School conducts a holiday concert that has many religious
songs. _________________
•School forbids a teacher from wearing religious symbol in
school. _______________
•School allows for a prayer during graduation. ________________
•“Under God,” in the pledge. ___________________
1. ____________________
The Patriot Act and warrant-less
electronic searches?
2. ___________________
The Death Penalty?
3. __________________
Slanderous stories reported on the
evening news?
4. __________________
The 10 commandments displayed in
the Supreme Court?
5. ___________________
A girl playing football?
6. ___________________
Background checks and other restrictions
meant to control weapons sales.
7. __________________
Censorship on the radio or the Fairness
8. __________________
“Under God” in the pledge
9. ___________________
Cross buring
Same –sex marriages
11. _________________
Abortion rights
In this case the Supreme Court ruled against
the school led bible readings and prayer.
Supreme Court’s decision that greatly
increased the rights of the accused.
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of students
wearing black arm bands. This decision
protected student rights in schools. Schools
may still limit student expression, but they
must prove that the expression is causing a
The Supreme Court desegregated public
schools. The court ruled that “Separate but
equal” violated the 14th Amendment
The Supreme Court determined the
constitutionality of the state paying teachers
who taught in Catholic schools. The Court
determined that it was in fact a violation of
the establishment clause. This later led to a
test that is used to determine violations of
the establishment/free exercise clause of the
1st Amendment.
The Supreme Court determined that Anti-flag
burning laws were unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court declared that it was
unconstitutional for a school to force its
students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Supreme Court upheld the school’s
decision to conduct random locker searches.
The Supreme Court agreed that the principal
has the right to censor student newspapers.
The Supreme Court ruled against
inappropriate student speech, claiming that
the right to free political speech is not always
extended to students in a school.