
Physical Development
Fine Motor Skills
 Using Scissors
 Writing
Gross Motor Skills
 Peddling a bike and a tricycle
 Balancing (two feet)
 Running
 Jumping (two feet)
Physical Development
Future Growth
Fine Motor Skills
 Continuing to work in holding pencils from different
 Cutting small, medium, and large pictures and lines
Gross Motor Skills
 Jumping with two and one foot with hula hoops and
a rope
 Balancing: walking on a line and balancing on his
left and right foot for seconds, and skip leading with
one leg)
 Kicking and hitting a ball with a bat
School Activities to Scaffold
Physical Development
Making playdough (invite him to make
different balls, animals, cakes, cookies, or
Tracing, coloring, and drawing
Inviting him building streets, houses, or
towers with small, medium, and large
blocks and Legos
 Dancing
Home Activities to Scaffold
Physical Development
Continuing doing the grocery list
Drawing horizontal and vertical lines
During Cooking with his Mom:
Grabbing measurements cups and the
items that his mom will be need to make
the food.
Writing a recipe with his mom
 Riding a tricycle, scooter, and
continuing ride bikes with his family
Cognitive Development
Andy uses:
 Creativity and imagination
 Solitary play (which is part of play and
cognitive development)
 Constructive play in where he uses items
from the classroom to represent something
 Dramatic, and associative play
 Also, attention, concentration, and memory
during different activities
Cognitive Development
Strengths Future Growth
Incorporating different areas of play in
the house area
Working in groups
Implementing more music and movement
Playing math games and problem solving
situations (individual and as a group)
School Activities to Scaffold
Cognitive Development
Using small blocks from different colors
and work with him using patterns
Incorporating table games to enhance his
Having conversations with open-ended
Home Activities to Scaffold
Cognitive Development
Counting the items that his mom would
need to cook (cans, boxes, bags, pans,
forks, spoons, or plates).
Playing games at home as a family such:
bingo about letters or numbers.
Matching colors with cards
Language Development
Semantic language (he uses English words
in his sentences)
Phonetic language (saying aloud the
sound of letters)
 Syntactic language (he uses complete
sentences with nouns, verbs, and
adjectives in appropriate way)
Pragmatic language (he uses appropriate
and signficative conversation [please and
thank you])
Language Development
Strengths Future Growth
Reading picture books (read aloud) in
English and Spanish
Practicing sentences with appropriate
adjectives, verbs and nouns in both
languages English/Spanish
Practicing adjectives words in games and
Providing readings of his choice and
interest in English and Spanish
School Activities to Scaffold
Language Development
Focusing in vocabulary words before,
during, and after the story
helping Andy to spell words and
recognize letters through games and
Incorporating activities connecting
sound and substitution of letters in both
Rephrasing his complete sentences in
both languages
Home Activities to Scaffold
Language Development
 Reading books with him about verbs, prepositions,
and nouns in English and Spanish
 Andy’s parents could practice the sound of letters
in Spanish with him and after them, Andy’s
sisters could help him in English (through
 Understand and learning prepositions with
games (playing match cards)
 Practicing in rhyming words in English/Spanish
(“Carrot” ask Andy “Can you think a word that
rhymes with it, such as “Parrot”. Also, this could
practice in Spanish like “Piña” “Niña”)
Development Strengths
Andy demonstrates:
He helps others in many ways (feel better
and solve conflicts) and shares with
Emotional Development
Strengths Future Growth
Providing readings about different
feelings with puppets
Singing songs about feelings
Asking questions in morning circle time
“how are you feeling today? And why?
(Like happy, sad, excited, shy, sleepy, and
School Activities to Scaffold
Emotional Development
Creating pictures of children of the
classroom making different feelings
(happy, sad, excited, shy, sleepy, and
Making a journal about feelings
Incorporating movement and active
activities about feelings in the classroom
Home Activities to Scaffold
Emotional Development
Continuing in the reading program
(“Raising a Reader”) in where he is
exposing in readings with puppets about
Having conversations with him about his
and others emotions
After readings, asking him how he thinks
a character of the book may feel and
Social Development
General interaction with his
Social Development
Strengths Future Growth
Working as a groups in different
Conversations in circle time and with
their family at home
Giving Andy the opportunity to interact
with other people (parks and other places
around the community)
School Activities to Scaffold
Social Development
Introducing books about cooperation,
friendship, respect, conflict management,
and interaction with others
Creating a puppet implementing stories
and readings that relates to social
Table games to practice and continuing
develop his social skills
Home Activities to Scaffold
Social Development
Going to the park as a family (to enhance
Andy’s social development)
Creating a puppet show with his family
with topic of cooperation, friendship,
respect, conflict management, and
interaction with others
Playing sports with his friends, cousins,
and sisters and to continuing ride bikes
around the community