Name: ___________________________________ Class #: _____________ Class Period: ______________ Health Science Mid-Term Review Nervous System 1. What is a nerve fiber that carries impulses toward the cell body called? Dendrite 2. What is the part of the brain that is responsible for thought, reasoning, memory, judgment, speech, and voluntary body movement called? Cerebrum 3. What are the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord called? Meninges 4. What do the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work together to maintain? Homestasis 5. What carries messages to the cell body of a neuron? Dendrites 6. What does the parasympathetic nervous system do? slows heart rate, decreases respiration, and increases activity in the digestive tract Cardiovascular System 7. What is the muscle layer of the heart called? Myocardium 8. What is the chamber of the heart that receives oxygenated blood as it returns from the lungs called? Left Atrium 9. What is the valve between the right atrium and right ventricle that prevents blood from flowing back into the right atrium called? Tricuspid Valve 10. What are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart called? Arteries 11. What are the blood vessels that contain valves to prevent blood from flowing in a backward direction called? Veins 12. What is the double-layered membrane that covers the outside of the heart called? Pericardium 13. What are the smallest branches of arteries called? Arterioles 14. What is hypotension? Low blood pressure Respiratory System 15. What do sinuses do? Warm and moisten air, provide resonance for the voice, and are lined with a mucous membrane 16. What do the esophagus and trachea branch off of? Laryngopharynx 17. What is the correct name for the voice box? Larynx 18. What are the structures that allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and blood called? Alveoli 19. What is the membrane or sac that encloses each lung called? Pleura 20. What are the tiny hairlike structures that filter inhaled air to trap dust and pathogens called? Cilia 21. What divides the nose into two hollow spaces? The nasal septum 22. Are nasal cavities lined with mucous membranes and have a rich blood supply? Yes 23. What does the basic structure of a lung look like? Left lung has 2 lobes and right lung has 3 lobes 24. What area of your brain controls the process of respiration? Medulla oblongata 25. What is surfactant? A liquid substance that covers the inner surfaces of alveoli and helps prevent them from collapsing Digestive & Urinary System 26. What are the folds in the mucous membrane lining of the stomach called? Rugae 27. What are the circular muscle between the stomach and small intestine that keeps food in the stomach called? Pyloric Sphincter 28. What is the enzyme in the stomach that begins the chemical breakdown of fats called? Lipase 29. What is the first section of the large intestine called? Cecum 30. What are the fingerlike projections that line the walls of the small intestine called? Villi 31. Where does most of the digestion take place? Small intestine 32. What is the storage area for indigestibles? Rectum 33. Where are most of the nephrons of the kidney located? Renal Cortex 34. What are the two muscular tubes that extend from the kidneys to the bladder called? Ureters Name: ___________________________________ Class #: _____________ Class Period: ______________ Skeletal System 35. What is the material in bones that produces red blood cells, platelets, and some white blood cells called? Red Marrow 36. What is the membrane that lines the medullary canal called? Endosteum 37. What are the first seven pairs of ribs called? True Ribs 38. What is an inflammation of small, fluid-filled sacs surrounding the joints called? Bursitis 39. What is a bone break that pierces or ruptures through the skin called? Compound Fracture 40. What is a freely movable joint such as the shoulder or hip called? Diarthosis (synovial) 41. What is a fracture called when bone fragments or splinters into more than two pieces? Comminuted 42. Define epiphysis. The ends of the long bones 43. What is used to diagnose blood diseases and is sometimes transplanted? Red marrow 44. What is the appendicular skeleton? Arm bones, leg bones, shoulder girdle, and pelvic girdle 45. What is the maxilla? The upper jawbone Muscular System 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Which type of muscle is voluntary? Skeletal What type of movement occurs if the lower leg is straightened away from the upper leg? Extension What is muscular dystrophy? A group of inherited diseases that lead to chronic, progressive muscle atrophy In what muscles are injection sites located? Deltoid, quadriceps femoris, and gluteus maximus What happens when muscles contract? They become shorter and thicker Define origin. The muscle-to-bone attachment that does not move Why does muscle atrophy occur? Severe illness, injury, or disease What is myasthenia gravis? A chronic condition where nerve impulses are not properly transmitted to the muscles, thought to be an autoimmune disease, and leads to progressive weakness and eventually paralysis Integumentary System 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Define sebaceous. Oil glands of the skin Define dermis. Corium, or true skin Define sudoriferous. Sweat gland Define jaundice. Yellowish skin color that indicates liver or gallbladder disease Define erythema. Reddish skin color caused by burns or congestion of blood cells What are nails made of? Dead, keratinized epidermal epithelial cells packed closely together What does the skin help in the production of by using ultraviolet rays from the sun? Vitamin D What is ringworm? A highly contagious fungal infection – not an actual worm! Does sweat contain odor? No Patient’s Rights and Choices 63. Define malpractice. If a physician fails to use a degree of skill and learning commonly expected and the person receiving care is injured 64. Define ethics. A set of principles relating to what is morally right or wrong 65. What is not included in a patient’s rights? A patient is entitled to free care regardless of circumstances. 66. Define a living will. A legal document that allows an individual to state what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when a condition is terminal 67. Give examples of signs of abuse. Poor personal hygiene, aggressive or withdrawn behavior, unexplained bruises, fractures, burns, or injuries 68. What are requirements of the Patient Self-Determination Act? Affirm that there will be no discrimination or effect on care due to advance directives, document any advance directives on the patient’s record, and educate the staff on the medical and legal issues of advance directives. 69. What do the privacy standards of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) require? Patients must be able to obtain copies of their medical records, patients must be given information on how to file a complaint against a health care provider who violates the privacy act, and health care providers must tell a patient how they will use the patient’s medical information. 70. Define negligence. Failure to give care that is normally expected of a person in a particular position, resulting in injury to another person Name: ___________________________________ Class #: _____________ Class Period: ______________ 71. 72. 73. 74. Define abuse. Any care that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish Define torts. Wrongful acts that do not involve contracts What is considered privileged communication? All information given to health care personnel by a patient Are health care workers responsible for knowing and following state laws that set standards for their profession? Yes 75. What is required before health care facilities are allowed to release patient information to another facility? A written consent by the patient 76. Does the patient have the right to withdraw consent at any time? Yes 77. What can result when you fail to meet your legal responsibilities? Legal action against you and your employer Conflict Resolution and Mediation 78. How do you manage conflict? Use good listening skills 79. What is an example of a ground rule for dealing with anger? Never block someone from leaving an argument 80. What are the advantages of co-mediation? different mediators might use different skills and techniques, disputants might relate to one or the other of the mediators, and mediators can split responsibilities. Cell Phone Etiquette 81. What are the 7 rules for cell phone etiquette? Love the one you’re with, lights out phones off, avoid annoying ring tones, modulate your voice, 10 foot proximity rule, keep it short, and hang up and drive Non-Verbal and Verbal Communication 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. What has the highest impact when understanding the message? Body language What is the reason many relationships end? Lack of communication Are men or women more likely to avoid conflict and downplay the emotions they are feeling? Men What is required when a contract is explained to a non-English speaking individual? An interpreter What percent of communication is done via verbal communication? 45% What does verbal communication include? Spoken work and tone of voice Teamwork & Consensus 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. How could you help to eliminate gender bias? Refer to the health care professional by name or title What is the definition of consensus? A collective opinion or general agreement What is not a ground rule for consensus? Only the leader’s reactions are heard and considered In consensus, is it acceptable to just drop the subject and move on? Yes In consensus, should team members be more focused on team productivity or individual credit? Team productivity Parliamentary Procedure 93. What is the first step to an agenda? Call to order 94. What are the rules for discussing motions? Clearly state at the beginning of your debate whether you are for or against the motion, ask permission to speak to your motion, one person speaks at a time, and follow the time limit for discussing the motion. 95. What is the “Rule of Eight”? Obtain the floor, assign the floor, make the motion, second the motion, state the motion, discuss/debate the motion, put the question, and announce the vote/state the action 96. Define bylaws. The specific rules that govern an organization, written by the members 97. Define out-of-order. To speak out of turn 98. Define plurality. The largest number of votes cast when there are more than two choices 99. One basic principle of parliamentary procedure is for the right of the minority or majority to rule? The majority 100. Define quorum. The minimum number of members needed to transact business legally