Interactive Video Script Template Lesson Objective Course Semester Unit Lesson Science 6 B 2 7 Students will define the term protist. Students will list the characteristics of protists that make them unique. CLIP A Introduction – 45 to 60 seconds Visual Audio <Image> ntor_roeseli_composite_image.jpg Have you ever wondered what to call those organisms that don’t quite fit into any of the obvious groups? Some life forms aren’t animals, aren’t plants, and aren’t fungi (fuhn-guy)…so what are they? <Image> Eukaryotic (you-care-ee-yaw-tick) organisms that cannot be classified as animals, plants, or fungi are in the Kingdom Protista (pro-tiss-tuh). thic_foraminifera.jpg <Image Display together> Protists (proh-tists) can be single-celled or simple multicellular organisms with specific internal structures. Their modes of nutrition can be either heterotrophic (het-er-oh-troe-fick) or photosynthetic.(foe-toe-sin-theh-tick) oeba_proteus_2.jpg oebas_from_Ehrenberg.jpg <Image Highlight the term PSEUDOPOD on image> Some protists have distinguishing features such as the use of pseudopodia (soo-doepaw-dee-uh) or “False Feet” for movement. oeba_(PSF).png <Image Label the image “Eukaryotic Algae”> Protists are found where there is moisture. Many live in rivers, streams, oceans, and soil that is damp. omeas_w.jpg <Image Display images together with the title: “Red Raspberry Slime Mold”> ifera_ferruginosa_2010_G1.jpg ifera_ferruginosa-IMG_3438.jpg There are unique fungi-like protists that are heterotrophic and must seek out food, like these slime molds. <Image Display text: “Assorted Diatoms”> Diatoms (di-uh-tomes) are photosynthetic and have double shells made of silica (sillick-uh). oms_through_the_microscope.jpg <Image Drop in the first image, then the 2nd The algae (al-gee) are photosynthetic and image, then the 3rd image> are also multicellular. These include the red, brown and green algaes. CN1720.JPG l0626_-_Flickr_-_NOAA_Photo_Library.jpg egreen_algae_and_mineral_deposits_in_W aimangu_Stream_(Hot_Water_Creek).jpg <Image> Ciliates (sill-ee-ates) use tiny cilia (sill-eeuh), or hair like projections for movement to seek out food. cophrys_patula_as_drawn_by_Stepan_Kut orga.jpg Question for Clip A Stem: Kingdom Protista is diverse and has several distinguishing characteristics. Which of the following are found in protists? Answers for Question A A. Pseudopods B. Cilia C. Photosynthetic features D. All of the above Correct Response D Correct – Go to Clip B Incorrect – Go to Clip E CLIP B <Image Place 2 arrows pointing to the extensions> Build on Introduction – 25 to 35 seconds Protists have various means of movement. Amoebas (uh-mee-buhs) move by the use of pseudopodia which are simply extensions of the cytoplasm (sie-toe-plazuhm). They are able to capture food this way too. oeba_proteus_from_Leidy.jpg <Image> Foraminifera (four-am-in-iff-er-a) are single celled and look similar to a snail with a shell-like covering. nktonic_foraminifera.jpg <Image Place an arrow to flagella> Flagellates (fluh-gel-uhts) like Euglena (you-gleen-uh) and others, use a whip-like flagella to propel themselves. amydomonas_(10000x).jpg <Image Place the term;” CILIA” near the #8 Cilia (silly-uh) are used to propel and and highlight the perimeter of the organism control movement. Some protists, like the where cilia are located> paramecium (pair-uh-mee-see-yum) use thousands of cilia for motion. ophora_morphology.svg Question for Clip B Stem: Foraminifera and amoebas use _____________________________ for locomotion and to get food. Answers for Question B A. cilia B. pseudopodia C. flagella D. arms Correct Response B Correct – Go to Clip C Incorrect – Go to Clip F CLIP C Build on Clip B – 25 to 35 seconds Visual Audio <Image Circle the picture of the DIATOMS on the chart> Diatoms are photosynthetic organisms which are the base in most marine and freshwater food chains. e_Huron_Food_Web.pdf <Image Place an arrow pointing at the outer shell> These are single-celled organisms with an unusual two-layered shell made of silica. Because they conduct photosynthesis, they produce a lot of the world’s oxygen. ymosphenia_geminata_Rio_Espolon.jpg <Image Display under image “FRESHWATER GREEN ALGAE BLOOM”> The red, green, and brown algae are multi cellular organisms that grow in fresh water and ocean colonies. er_blooms.JPG <Image> p_300.jpg Kelp beds, which are found off of the coasts, are brown algae organisms. Question for Clip C Stem: A common characteristic among diatoms and algae is: Answers for Question C A. Photosynthesis B. Heterotrophism C. Silica shells D. Flagella Correct Response A Correct – Go to Clip D Incorrect – Go to Clip G CLIP D Build on Clip C – 25 to 35 seconds Visual Audio <Image Place the term FLAGELLUM on line #1> Flagellates are marine or fresh water protists that use a whip-like tail called a flagellum (fluh-gel-um) for movement. chelomonas_lorica.svg <Image Place arrows pointing to the dark purple organisms> Some flagellates (fluh-gel-uhts) use hosts and can cause diseases, such as sleeping sickness in humans. panosoma_sp._PHIL_613_lores.jpg <Image> Protists like molds are not fungi, but single-celled organisms that eat bacteria. me_Mold_Olympic_National_Park_North_ Fork_Sol_Duc.jpg <Image Display side by side> During environmental stress, slime molds can change their forms into a stalk that fills up and releases spores. me_mold_HoodRiver_Oregon.JP hia_decipiens_(Pers.)Macbr.jpg Question for Clip D Stem: The whip-like tail used by some protists is known as a: Answers for Question D A. Diatom B. Pseudopodium C. Cilia D. Flagellum Correct Response D Correct - Success Alert Incorrect – Go to Clip H CLIP E Remediation for Clip A – 25 to 35 seconds Visual Audio <Image Display the 1st image, then the 2nd image, then the 3rd image> Kingdom Protista has some similar characteristics as fungi, animals and plants. <Image Circle the bottom row of organisms> Many protist organisms are primary producers in freshwater and marine systems. e_Huron_Food_Web.pdf <Image Display the text “UNICELLULAR or Protists can be unicellular or multicellular MULTICELLULAR on the image> and must live in an environment that has water or moisture. <Image Display only the PHAGOCYTOSIS portion of the 1st image, then display the second image> ocytosis_types.svg Kingdom Protista consists of both heterotrophic (het-er-oh-trof-ick) and autotrophic (aw-tow-trow-fick) organisms. osynteza2.png Question for Clip E Stem: Many protist organisms are _____________________________ for freshwater and marine systems. Answers for Question E A. primary producers B. secondary producers C. primary consumers D. tertiary consumers Correct Response A Correct – Go to Clip B Incorrect – Go to Clip F CLIP F Remediation for Clip B – 25 to 35 seconds Visual Audio <Image Place the name CILIA near #8 > Cilia are short, hair-like projections on the cell membrane which are used for movement. ophora_morphology.svg <Image Place the term “ORAL GROOVE” near #7> These move like oars through water and help with feeding by moving the particles closer to the oral groove. ophora_morphology.svg <Image Place the text: “GREEN ALGAE WITH FLAGELLA” under image> Flagella are long, whip-like structures which can pull or push flagellates through the water. amydomonas6-1.jpg <Image> Pseudopodia are temporary projections used by amoebas (uh-mee-buhs) to move and ingest nutrients. oeba.microscope.JPG Question for Clip F Stem: Three means of locomotion in protists are: Answers for Question F A. Cilia, flagella, pseudopodia B. Flagella, cilia, vacuoles C. Pseudopodia, oral grove, flagella D. Nucleus, cilia, flagella Correct Response A Correct – Go to Clip C Incorrect – Intervention Alert – then Clip B CLIP G Remediation for Clip C – 25 to 35 seconds Visual Audio <Image> Foraminifera can live in sand, rocks or even on algae and fish. They are enclosed in a shell made of silica or calcium carbonate. _sand.JPG <Image> Diatoms are the major producers in the food chain and have complicated patterns and shapes. omeas-Haeckel.jpg <Image Place the text: “SIMILAR” above the image> Algae are similar to plants because they are photosynthetic, contain chloroplasts, and are autotrophic. <Image Place the text: “DIFFERENT” above the image> Algae are different from plants because they have flagella (fluh-gel-uh), and no “true” roots, stems, or leaves. Question for Clip G Stem: Diatoms contain a double shell made of: Answers for Question G A. Silica B. Calcium carbonate C. Chloroplasts D. Both A & B Correct Response D Correct – Go to Clip D Incorrect – Go to Clip F CLIP H Remediation for Clip D – 25 to 35 seconds Visual Audio <Image “EXAMPLES OF FLAGELLATES> A flagellate has a whip-like appendage (uh-pen-duj) called a flagellum that it uses to move. gellata_1.png <Image> Flagellates can be either independent or parasitic (pair-uh-sit-ick) organisms found in animals and humans. Another distinction is that some species can be autotrophic and heterotrophic. chelomonas_lorica.svg <Image> Slime molds are unicellular organisms which are bright in appearance and like moist decaying soil or trees. go_septica_bl1.JPG <Image> When food supplies are scarce, these organisms will group together and exist as a single being. etozoa_Protozo.jpg Question for Clip H Stem: Slime molds resemble fungi, but differ because of walls made of cellulose, not chitin, and the presence of a ________________ in many species. Answers for Question H A. flagellum B. chlorophyll C. spores D. none of the above Correct Response A Correct – Success Alert Incorrect – Go to Clip G