Watford Grammar School for Boys Philosophy, Religion and Ethics Scheme of Work Title: Beliefs and teachings about meaning and purpose Year group: 7 Term: spring (to begin in the last week before Christmas – DO NOT do more than the first lesson before Christmas) Weeks: 14 Key skill areas (related to levels for assessment): meaning and purpose Resources: Themes to inspire 1 student book and teacher resource book Learning objectives Who am I? Lesson content What is a person? What is dualism? What is physicalism? What makes people unique? Possible activities Homework On massive pieces of paper in pairs draw around each other and write around it what a person is and what makes them unique. Define dualism and physicalism. Discuss what we mean by the 1 Are you a dualist or physicalist? Why? ICT SMRC Literacy Resources What is a person? What makes people unique? Definitions Pg 32/33 Key terms: dualism, person, unique, physicalism, Descartes Where do I What do I belong to? belong? What contributes to me as a person? (family, nationality, teams, age group, religion, work, friends) How does family give me a sense of belonging? Where do I belong? (assessmen t) What life? term ‘person’. Brainstorm what do I belong to? Brainstorm what contributes to me? In groups give students each of the different idea that contribute to you e.g. age group and brainstorm what it means and how it contributes to you. Students should spend the double lesson starting their work This is the spring 1 assessment. Students are to research their family history and produce a essay entitled where do I belong? The project should focus on family, nationality, religion and work and should be done on their own. Please mark the assessments 6a – 3c is What do the Eastern and Split the class into West religions teach about groups and in groups 2 The family is the most important part of your identity – what do you think? Family Group work Pg 34/5 What Key terms: contributes to person, you as a belonging, person? family, nationality, teams, age group, religion, work, friends Finish their Research projects on family Who am I? Where do belong? Write 2 Research paragraphs Life Research Pg 34/5 I Key term: me, family, religion, nationality, work Research Pg 44/45 Key terms: Does the universe have a beginning? Religious views of the beginning of the universe. human life? they should prepare a e.g. humans created in his presentation on either own image, karma the Western or Eastern views of life to present to the rest of the class. They can use the lap tops or information in the textbook What does science believe Brainstorm all about the creation of the they know about world? the Bang Bang and evolution Produce a play/drama of the Big Bang and evolution Draw a diagram of the Big Bang and evolution What do Christianity, Read the Biblical Judaism and Hinduism teach version of about creation? creation. BBC broadband clip on the Hindu view of creation Story board of the views of creation Similarities and differences 3 summarizin g Eastern and Western views of life east, west, life, image, karma, actions Research Research the Sikh view of creation Creation Key terms: Pg 48/9 creation, big bang, evolution, natural selection, Darwin, science Which view Video clip do you agree with most – Hindu/Jude o Christian/Si kh or science? Why? Creation Opinions Reading the Pg 49 - 51 original text Key terms: Hindu, Judeo Christian, Bible, creation, creationism Will the Scientific views of the end of universe the world – big freeze, big have an rip and big crunch end? Religious The Western view of the views of Messiah the end of The Hindu concept of the the Trimurti universe Assessment Students are to complete the assessment on page 55/6. This should be done in between Hindu & Judeo/Christian views of creation Do you think the world will ever end? Discuss the Big Freeze, crunch and rip – what are they? How will it happen? Do students agree or disagree? Using the Bible find examples of the Messiah Define Messiah Brainstorm what the Messiah will be Triangle to represent the Trimurti – for each part label, explain and draw each part Students to spend the double lesson on their assessment 4 Which view do you like most and why – big crunch/free ze or rip? Opinions End of world Key terms: Pg52 the big freeze, big crunch, big rip, creation, universe, end, science Research Research another view of the end of the universe End of world the Using the Pg 53 - 55 Bible Key terms: messiah, Jesus, Trimurti, Brahma, Vishu, Shiva Finish assessment Community Research Group work Pg 56/7 Key terms: community, What faith? groups of four. Students should spend the double lesson preparing and should be given two weeks to do their work and hand it in. students should be marked individually so groups will need to present their group work as well as evidence what each person in the group did levels 6a – 3c. Please get the students to fill in the sheet on page 68 during the assessment and the one on page 69 after the assessment. is What is faith? What is belief? religion, God, purpose, admire What is What is religion? religion? What are the seven dimensions of religion Define faith and belief True/false – which statement is belief and which one is faith? Make up a story that includes examples of faith and belief in it. Define what we mean by religion List as many 5 ‘Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see’. What does this mean? Belief Key terms: Pg 36/37 faith, belief, religion Definitions Research Research and get 10 for facts on homework Religion Definitions Pg 38/9 Key terms: Ninian (Ninian Smart – beliefs, rules, feelings, social, material, rituals, stories) What do different people believe about God? What do the terms omniscient, omnipotent, immaterial, infinite, omnipresent and benevolent mean? What do you think about God? What do What do the six major world different faiths believe about God? religions think about God? What God? is examples of religions Brainstorm what makes a religion a religion In groups design a poster that explains what of Ninian Smart’s dimensions of religion Do a class survey about the classes views of God Discuss the statistics on page 40 Define the key terms to do with God Opinion line - do you believe in God Homework presentations 6 one world faith Smart, religion, seven beliefs, rules, feelings, social, material, rituals, stories For Homework homework research in groups different religious views of God for presentatio n next lesson God Views Definitions Pg 40/1 Key terms: God, view, omniscient, omnipotent, immaterial, infinite, omnipresent and benevolent Presentatio n God Views Key terms: Pg 42/43 religion, God