IV) Government in the Colonies = Government in the US Today

IV) Government in the Colonies =
Government in the US Today
• A)
First some
background…the 13
colonies differed in why
they were formed over
125 years – What are
the thirteen original
• 1)
some were
formed by a company
wanting to get rich
(like Va.)
• 2)
some were
established to be a
safe place for people
in debt (Ga.)
• 3)
some were
established so that
the people could
worship how they
pleased (Mass.)
• B)
Yet they all had an executive branch (a governor), a legislature
and a court system (just like today’s government) – however they
differed in who had the most power
• 1)
In the royal
colonies- the king and
governor are chiefly in
control – ex: NH, Mass,
and GA
• a) king appoints a
governor to supervise
what he wants to be
• b) the king
appointed a governor,
an advisory council
(the upper house of
the legislature) and a
high court
• c)
lets certain land
owners elect the lower
house (the lower
house shares the
power to tax –similar
to the House of Rep.
today - with the high
council and governor)
• d) governors and
king pass the laws
• 2)
in the propriety colonies – ex: MD,PA, DE – the Landlord ruled
for example Lord Baltimore ruled Maryland and William Penn ruled
Pennsylvania and parts of Delaware
• a) the governor is appointed by the proprietor (landlord) of the
the legislature has two houses (similar to today) in
some states (MD and DE) and only one house in PA –
• b)
they had some officials appointed by the proprietor
• c) courts were under supervision by king and
members of the high council chosen by the proprietor
• 3)
Finally in the charter colonies – the people ruled (much like
today) – ex: CT&RI
• a) governors were elected each year by white freemen who
owned property (king didn’t need to approve but sometimes the
people wanted his blessing)
• b) they had a 2 house legislature which was not subject to royal
review or even review by the governor
• c)
their judges were appointed by colonists (through their
• C)
No matter what their differences, all of the
colonies (because they were so far from their rulers in
England) had established a set of rules and
procedures for their colonial governments called their
• 1)
The first attempt by the American colonies to put their laws in
order was the Mayflower Compact signed in 1620
• a) stated that the Pilgrims all got together and agreed to
chose their own leaders and make their own laws
• b) it wasn’t too specific on just how exactly they wanted this to
be done though
• 2)
1st real constitution of the US – Fundamental Orders of
Connecticut, signed in 1639
• a) showed how the governor was to be elected (through a
simple ballot process)
• b) showed how and when the courts were to be chosen and sworn
• c)
showed how they were to debate in order to “give liberty of
speech” and “silence unreasonable and disorderly speaking” –
many of these rules are used by our Congress today
• 3)
Other constitutions which
followed in the colonies only
made improvements – For
• a) VA’s constitution included
the legislature having the power
to help farmers in times of
drought (just like today) and even
say what was or wasn’t improper
• b) Other constitutions soon stated that legislatures could control how land
was distributed, how to establish schools and local courts, and how to build
• c) Finally all constitutions stated that there would be a clear separation of
powers between the executive (governor) and legislative branches to make sure that
the government was not going to be controlled by just one power
• d) As more
constitutions were being
enacted, the legislature
was gaining more power
over royal officials
appointed by the king (at
that time King George
• e) This seemed
reasonable to the
crown since messages
sent from the king took
at least 2 months to
reach the colonies –
the king figured it might
be easier if they ruled
themselves and didn’t
bother him
• f)
As for the colonies they
didn’t mind for the most part
since the remaining royal
presence there since:
• 1) the British were
protecting them from the
French (who had settled in
nearby Canada) and …
• 2) their taxes were low!
• D) This would all change after the French and Indian War
(1754-1763) – as a result of the war:
• 1) the colonies (and Britain) gained large amounts of territory
in the east to settle
• 2) both sides were
also given a huge war
• 3) seeing no other way
to pay off the debt
(because he had taxed
the people of England
too much already), the
newly appointed King
George III raised taxes
in the colonies
• 4)
Even though the colonies were paying less than the actual British
citizens, they were still upset about the new taxes
• 5) They thought the king had assessed the tax without their consent thereby
violating what English document?
The English Bill of Rights
They argued that the members of Parliament shouldn’t be representing
the colonies because none of them were from the colonies
• 7) Parliament argued however that they represented the best interests of
the entire British Empire
• 8) The colonies figured now that once the French threat of invasion had
been removed, they could take care of themselves fully
• 6)
• E) The colonies began to unite
• 1) the colonies first got the idea to join up in 1643 when parts of
Mass. and Conn. formed a confederation (the joining together of
individual groups for a common purpose) called the New England
Confederation to defend themselves against Native Americans
• 2) Then in 1754,
during the French and
Indian War, the Albany
Plan of Union was
• a) the plan and its
congress did not work
because the colonies
thought the proposed
legislative branch would
have too much power
• b) however, at the
meeting, Benjamin
Franklin proposed that
the colonies should be
able to trade and raise
an army to defend
themselves and trade
with Native Americans
• 3) Then in 1765, in protest to the harsh British laws known as the
Stamp Act, the Stamp Act Congress was formed
• a) 9 out of the 13 colonies met and declared that the Stamp
Act passed by the British was unfair and should be repealed
• b) they did not call for a revolution though
• 4) After the
Stamp Act
Congress fell,
Samuel Adams
and his
Committee of
kept the colonies
together through
an intense letter
writing campaign
• 5) The colonies then formally got together during the 1st
Continental Congress
a) it was organized as a result of the Intolerable Acts (a reaction to the
Boston Tea Party)
• b) 12 of the colonies met together to find some common ground
(Georgia did not attend)
• c) they decided to place an embargo on all British goods until the
British taxes were repealed – What does that mean?
An embargo is when you refuse to trade with another country
• d) They also sent King George III a “Declaration of
Rights” for the people in the colonies
• 6) In response, the
British sent in
troops and fighting
broke out and the
colonies met
together for the 2nd
Congress in 1775
where they
organized (due in
part to the battles
of Lexington and
Concord) an army,
navy, military
leader (George
currency, central
government, and
also the …
F) Declaration
of Independence
• 1) influenced by
the essay
Common Sense
by Thomas Paine
who argued that
the colonies
desire for
government was
a “natural right”
– What English
philosopher said
that we also have
certain “natural
rights” as part of
our agreement
with a ruler?
John Locke
• 2) the writing of the declaration was seen as the next
logical step for the 2nd Continental Congress in terms
of moving away from the king
• 3) it was written by Jefferson, proofread by John Adams
and Benjamin Franklin
• 4) approved by Congress on July 4, 1776
• 5) influenced many other
states to adopt new
constitutions centered
around its ideas
6) 3 main parts
a) the idea of basic
human rights
b) the complaints the
colonies had against King
George III
c )the determination of the
colonies to not let this
happen again
• Now its your turn to rewrite the Declaration IN YOUR OWN
WORDS – here’s the deal:
• 1) you will be split into four groups
• 2) each group will be given 1 of the 4 portions of the
Declaration to rewrite in your own words
• 3) you may split the lines up however you may wish but each
person will be responsible in rewriting something
• 4) Remember, these are your words so make them as
“creative” as you want in translating the document but keep it
“G” rated. By the way if you don’t understand a word – look it
up in the dictionary!
• 5) Once you and your group have all you lines rewritten have
one member write them in marker with the paper provided