Determinants π π A=[ ] π π A is invertible iff ππ − ππ ≠ 0 1 π −π [ ] ππ − ππ −π π ππ − ππ Is the determinant of A det π΄ = det(π΄) = πd-bc π΄−1 = Defintion: If A is an nxn matrix, it’s determinant is defined as follows: 1 1) If n=1, π΄ = [πΌ], then det A=πΌ, A is invertible iff πΌ ≠ 0. π΄−1 = πΌ [πΌ] 2) Otherwise if n>1, and π΄ = πππ then for any i π det π΄ = ∑((−1)π+π πππ β det(πππ )) π=1 where πππ is the matrix obtained from A by deleting row i and column j. π det π π Also good for rows. + − ∗ + − − + − = π det ( ∗ ∗ ) − ππππ‘ ( ∗ ∗ + + + ) + ππππ‘ ( ) ∗ − − Thm The determinant function det: [nxn matrix] -> β has the following properties: 1) Det(AB) =(det A)(det B) 2) det(π΄−1 ) = 1/ det π΄ 3) π·ππ‘ π΄π = det π΄ 4) det(ππ΄) = π π (det π΄) Elemantair row operation marix determinants Swap (E1) -- det πΈ1 = λ Multiply 1 row by (E2() -- det πΈ2 = λ add multiple of one row to row (E3) -- det πΈ3 = 1 Thm is a square matrix is in upper triangular then it’s determinant is the product of the diagonal entries of the matrix. Corrallory: a matrix in echelon form is automatically upper triangular. so if matrix is in echelon form then its determinant is the product of the diagonals. Finding the derteminant of uning row reductuion 0 2 3 2 7 4 has det =d 1 1 5 1 1 5 2 7 4 R1ο→ R3 (type 1) 0 2 3 1 1 5 0 5 −6 0 2 3 has det =-d R2—> R2-2R1 (type 3) has det =-d 1 1 5 6 π 0 1 − 5 R2—> R2/5 (type 2) had det=− 5 0 2 3 1 1 5 6 0 1 − R3-2R2 (type 3) had det=− π 5 5 27 0 0 5 − π 27 =1 ×1× ⇒ π = −ππ 5 5 Thrm A matrix is invertible iff it’s determinate is not zero. Proof: let A’ be the echeloen form of A π·ππ‘ π΄′ = πΌ det π΄ , πΌ ≠ 0 α is product of all determinants of the row operations done on it If A is invertible A’ has non-zero entries on the diagonals. Geometric interpretation of determinant π ( π π ) π Imagine a parellagram. Coners on orign, (a,b) ,(a+c,b+d),(c,d) The determinate is the area of that parrellagram. The area is zero when the matrix is not invertible In 3D we ger a parallel pyperd (3D solid with faces all parallelograms) where the volume is the determinant. In n-dimensions, the determinant is the nD-hypervolume If the matix is not invertible the (hyper) solid is clapseds so it does have a (hyper) volume EigenVector: Definition; Let A be an nxn matrix A nonzero vertor π£Μ ∈ βπ is called an eigenvector of A with eigen values λ if π΄π£Μ = ππ£Μ A marix of size nxn can have atmost n eigenvalues. Finding Eigenvectors and egen values If π΄π£Μ = ππ£Μ (ππΌ − π΄)π£Μ = 0Μ (ππΌ − π΄) is a null space for v. For A to be invertible det (ππΌ − π΄)=0 1) Solve3 (ππΌ − π΄) = 0 to find possible eigenvalues (λ) 2) Solve (ππΌ − π΄)π£Μ = 0Μ to find v. Intro: Matrix A, we are theyin iot find vectors such that the matrix just scales the vector. ie: π΄π£Μ = ππ£Μ where A is a matrix, λ is a scalar, and π£Μ is a vector. 2 Steps: 1) f9ind possible eigenvalues: ππ π΄π£Μ = 3π£Μ therefore (π΄ − 3πΌ)π£Μ = 0Μ λ is a eigen values iff: |ππΌ − π΄| = 0 remember: |ππΌ − π΄| = det( ππΌ − π΄) Example: π΄ = 7 −4 π , ππΌ = 2 1 0 π−7 ππΌ − π΄ = [ −2 0 π 4 ] π−1 |ππΌ − π΄| = (π − 7)(π − 1) + 8 = (π − 3)(π − 5) Eigenvalues for A are 3 and 5 The chartaceristic polynomial of A, Ο(A,λ ), πΆπ΄ (π)= (π − 3)(π − 5) 2 Solve π΄π£Μ = ππ£Μ As Eigenvalues for A are 3 and 5l. λ =3,5 = For Eigenvalue λ=3 Solve [ π£1 3π£ 7 −4 π£1 ] [ ] = 3 [π£ ] = [ 1 ] 3π£2 2 1 π£2 2 Solution: (use guaisan elimination after rearaging to put variables on left side) π£2 ππ ππππ π£1 = π£2 eigenspace of A,3 is πΈ(π΄, 3) = π πππ {(1,1)} = {(π£2 , π£2 )|π£2 ∈ β} For Eigenvalue λ=5 π£1 5π£ 7 −4 π£1 solve [ ] [ ] = 5 [π£ ] = [ 1 ] 5π£2 2 1 π£2 2 Eigenspace: span{(2,1)} Check: [ 7 −4 2 10 2 ] [ ] = [ ] = 5 [ ] correct 2 1 1 5 1 Example 2: 6 8 4 π΄ = [−2 −2 −2] −1 −2 1 What are the eigenvalues and eigen vectors? 1) find the charascteristic polyniomial. When it is zero the siolutioons to it are the only possible eiogen values: π − 6 −8 −4 |ππΌ − π΄| = | 2 π−2 2 | = (π − 1)1 (π − 2)2 1 2 π−1 has eigenvalues λ = 1,2 the indexes 1,2 are called Alegbraix multiplicity 1,2 as eigenvalues. that means that the \lamda=1 root offucrs onxe anf λ =2 occurs twice sortof Solve: π΄π£ = 1π£ and Av=2v π΄π£ = 1π£ has eigenspace of dimension 1. Av=2v has eigenspace of dimension 2. The dimensions of the eigenspace is the geomantic Multiplicities. FINAL THEORM For any eigenvalue the (geometric multiplicity) ≤(algebraic multiplicity) 1 2 (π₯ + ) (π₯ − 1) + = 0 6 6 1 2 1 π₯= 3 π₯=