Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs

Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs
True or False
 Alcohol has the same chemical and
physical effects on everyone who drinks.
 Someone who doesn’t act drunk isn’t
 When a person in intoxicated, coffee, a
cold shower, or fresh air will sober him or
her up.
 Alcohol impairs judgment and social
True or False
 People can get into serious health,
legal, and social problems anytime they
use alcohol.
 Drinking alcohol on weekends or
once in a while is not harmful .
 No amounts of alcohol is safe for a
pregnant woman to drink.
 Binge drinking has no long-term
Tobacco Use
 Nicotine is a substance that causes
physiological or psychological dependence.
 All tobacco products contain nicotine.
 Nicotine is a stimulant.
 Stimulant is a drug that increases the action of
the central nervous system, the heart, and other
 Nicotine raises blood pressure, increases heart
rate, and contributes to heart tobacco to satisfy
the craving for nicotine.
Cigarette Smoke
 Not only is tobacco addictive, but the smoke from
burning tobacco is toxic.
 In 1992 the Environmental Act Protection Agency
classified tobacco smoke, or second hand smoke as a
GROUP A carcinogen.
A carcinogen is a cancer-causing substance.
 Cigarette smoke also contains tar, a thick, sticky, dark
filled fluid produced when tobacco burns.
 This tar penetrates the smoker’s respiratory system, it
destroys cilia which are tiny hair like structures that line
the upper airways and protect against infection.
 Lungs damaged by smoking are more susceptible to
diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema,
and cancer.
Effects of Pipes and Cigars
 Cigars contain significant more
nicotine and produce more tar and
carbon monoxide than cigarettes do.
 One cigar can contain as much
nicotine as a pack of cigarettes.
 Pipe and cigars smokers have in
creased risk of developing cancers of
the lip, mouth, and throat.
Harmful Effects of Smokeless Tobacco
 Smokeless tobacco is tobacco that is sniffed
through the nose, held in the mouth or chewed.
 These products are NOT a safe alternative to
 Smokeless tobacco contains the same amount
of nicotine in addition to 28 other carcinogens, all
of which are absorbed into the blood through the
mucous membrane or the digestive tract.
 If you dip 8 times in a day its like smoking two
packs of cigarettes.
 Smoking tobacco is as addictive as smoke
Tobacco affect the body
 Short-Term Effects of Tobacco use.
 Changes in brain Chemistry- Because it is very
addictive, the user may experience withdrawal
symptoms such as headaches, nervousness, and
trembling as soon as 30 minutes after his or her last
tobacco use
 Increases respiration and heart rate- Breathing
during PA becomes more difficult, nicotine may cause
an irregular heart rate.
 Dulled taste buds and reduced appetite.
 Bad breath, smelly hair, clothes, and skin.
Tobacco affect the body
 Long Term Effects of Tobacco use.
 Chronic bronchitis- Repeated tobacco use can damage the
cilia in the bronchi until they no longer function. Leads to a
buildup of tar in the lungs causing chronic coughing and
excessive mucus secretion
 Emphysema- Disease that destroys the tiny sir sacs in the
lungs. The air sacs become less elastic, making it more
difficult for the lungs to absorb oxygen.
 Lung Cancer-When the cilia in the bronchi are destroyed
extra mucus cannot be expelled. Cancerous cells can grow in
these conditions.
 Coronary heart disease and stroke- Nicotine constricts
blood vessels, which cuts down on circulation, or blood flow.
Nicotine also contributes to the plaque buildup in the blood
vessels, which can lead to hardened arteries, a condition
called Arteriosclerosis.
Reduced Tobacco Use Among Teens
 Antismoking Campaigns- In 1998 tobacco
companies and 46 states reached a legal
settlement that restricted tobacco advertising and
promotion. Tobacco companies are now required
to fund ads that discourage young people from
 Financial cost- Tobacco is very expensive.
 Societal pressure-Legislative acts have limited
smoking in public places.
 Family influence- Teen avoid tobacco use
because their parents strongly disapprove.
Reasons to Give Up Tobacco Use
 They begin to have health problems, such as asthma
or respiratory infections
 They have the desire, will, and commitment to stop.
 They realize how expensive the habit is
 They realize that using tobacco can lead to other risky
behaviors, such as the use of alcohol and other drugs
 They find it difficult to purchase tobacco products b/c
selling tobacco products to persons under the age of 18
is illegal in all 50 states
 They realize the damage effects of secondhand
smoke and don’t want to harm their families and friends,
Stopping the Addiction
 Millions of people have succeeded in their
effort to quit tobacco use.
 Most people who stop using tobacco will
experience symptoms of nicotine withdraw, the
process that occurs in the body when nicotine, an
additive drug, is no longer used.
 Nicotine substitute a product that delivers small
amounts of nicotine into the user’s system
Substitutes includes gum (over the counter),
patches, nasal strays, and inhalers (doctor
Getting Help
 Prepare for the day
 Get support and encouragement
 Replace tobacco with healthier alternative
 Change daily behavior
 Engage in healthful behaviors
Risks for smokers and nonsmokers
 Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or second
hard smoke is air that has been contaminated by
tobacco smoke.
 Second hand smoke is composed of
mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke.
 Mainstream smoke-the smoke exhaled from
the lungs of a smoker
 Sidestream smoke-the smoke from the burning
end of a cigarette, pipe, cigar.
 Which smoke is worse and why?
The Facts about alcohol
 Alcohol is ethanol which is the type of alcohol
in alcoholic beverages. Ethanol is a powerful
and addictive drug.
 Ethanol can be produced synthetically or
naturally through the fermentation of fruits,
vegetables, and grains.
 Fermentation is the chemical action of yeast on
 Water flavoring, mineral are mixed with ethanol
to produce a variety of beverages such as beer,
wine, and liquors.
Effects of Alcohol
 Alcohol is a depressant- a drug that slows the
central nervous system.
 Alcohol quickly affects a person’s motor skills
by slowing reaction time and impairing vision.
 Clear thinking and good judgment also
 Intoxication is the state in which the body is
poisoned by alcohol or another substance and
the person’s physical and mental control is
significantly reduced.
Factors that influence Alcohol use
 Peer Pressure
 Family
 Media Messages
 Advertising Technique
Alcohol and life Situations
 Alcohol and the law
 If you are under 21 it is illegal to buy, posse, or
consume alcohol
 Alcohol, Violence, and Sexual Activity
 Teens can protect their health by avoiding
situations where alcohol is present. Teens who drink
alcohol are more likely to be victims of a violent crime
such as rape, aggravated assault or even robbery.
 Alcohol Abuse-excessive use of alcohol.
Being Alcohol Free
 Maintain a healthy body
 Make responsible decisions
 Avoid risky behaviors
 Avoid illegal activities
 By refusing alcohol its always better to be
prepared for it. When your in the situation
of refusal you must be assertive.
Short term effects of drinking
 Body size and gender- a small person feels the
effect of the same amount of alcohol faster than a
large person does.
 Food- Food in the stomach slows down the
passage of alcohol into the bloodstream
 Amount and rate of intake- As the amount of
alcohol consumed increases the level of alcohol
in the bloodstream also rises. When a person
drinks alcohol faster then the liver can break it
down, intoxication happens.
Driving under the influence
 Drinking alcohol impairs vision, reaction time,
and coordination.
 Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving
Under the Influence (DUI) is the leading cause of
death among teens.
 Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the
amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, expressed
as a percentage. NYS BAC is .08.
Consequences of DWI
 harm to the driver and others
 severely restrict driving privileges and/or immediate
confiscation of a driver’s license
 alcohol related injuries, property damage, and even
 living with regret and remorse from these
 loss of parental trust and respect
 arrest, jail time, court appearance, and heavy fine or
 a police record and possible lawsuits
 higher insurance rates- up to three times higher than
those for nondrinking peers
 Binge drinking five or more alcoholic drinks at one
sitting, is a serious problem among young people.
 Alcohol Poisoning- is a severe and potentially fatal
physical reaction to an alcohol overdose.
 Effects of Alcohol Poisoning mental confusion, stupor, coma, vomiting, and seizure.
 slow respiration 10 seconds between breaths or fewer than
8 breaths a minute
 irregular heartbeat
 hypothermia or low body temperature.
 severe dehydration from vomiting
Long Term Effect of Alcohol
 Changes to the brain
 Addiction
 Loss of brain function
 Brain Damage
 Cardiovascular Changes
 Heart
 Enlarge heart
 High blood pressure
 Liver Problems
 Fatty liver
 Alcoholic hepatitis- inflammation of the liver
 Digestive System Problems
 Irritation
 Pancreas Problems
Alcohol and Pregnancy
 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
 The baby may be born with a small head and
deformities of the face, hands, or feet. Heart, liver,
kidneys, defects, as well as vision and hearing
problems, are common.
 The baby could experience slow growth, and
coordination and have difficulties with learning,
attention, memory, and problem solving.
 Alcoholism is a disease in which a person has a
physical or physiological dependence on drinks that
contain alcohol.
 Alcoholism is characterized by an impaired ability to
study, work, or socialize normally.
 Alcoholic is a person who is addicted to alcoholic, who
is dependent on the alcohol.
 displays harmful behavior to themselves or someone one,
such a a violent or aggressive behavior
 Others may become quiet and withdrawn
 cravings
 Loss of control
 Physical dependence
 Health, family, and legal problems
Stages of Alcoholism
 Stage 1 Abuse
 It all begins with social drinking in an attempt to
 Stage 2 Dependence
 The person reaches a point where he or she
cannot stop drinking and is physically dependent on
the drug.
 Stage 3 Addiction
 Final stage drinking is the most important thing in a
person’s life.
Treatment for Alcohol Abuse
 Recovery- Process of learning to live an
alcohol free life.
 2/3rds of all alcoholics who try to recover do so
with proper treatment.
 What kind?
 Sobriety- living without alcohol is a lifelong
Substance Abuse
 Substance abuse is any unnecessary or
improper use of chemical substances for
nonmedical purpose.
 Illness drugs are chemical substances that
people of any age may not lawfully
manufacture, possess, buy, or sell.
Factors that Influence decisions
about drugs
 Peer Pressure- is the control and urging of
friends or social groups to take a particular
 Family Member- can help teen resist drugs,
 Role Models- are people you admire and want
to imitate. Teens who look up to coaches,
 Media Messages can influence your
impression of drug use. Could be misleading
about the harmful effects of drugs.
Health Risks of Drug Use
 Physical Health- Once a drug enters the
bloodstream, it can harm a users brain, heart,
lungs, and other vital organs.
 Mental Health- People who experiments with
drugs often lose sight of their values.
 Social Health- Even people who are “just
experimenting” with drugs do and say things
they later regret.
 Overdose is a strong, sometimes fatal reaction
to taking a large amount of a drug.
The Addiction Cycle
 Tolerance- The body of the substance abuser
needs more and more of the drug to get the
same effect.
 Psychological dependence- A condition in
which a person believes that a drug is needed
in order to feel good or to function normally.
 Physiological dependence- A person who
experiences the sever effects of withdrawal
when he or she stops taking the drug.
 Addiction- a physiological or psychological
depending on a drug.
Other Consequences of Drug
 To the individual- effects that person health
 Legal- Teens possessing, using, manufacturing or
selling drugs use.
 For family and Friends- When a person decides to
use everyone is involved.
 For the Babies and Children- Substances abuse can
cause considerable harm to developing fetuses,
infants, and children of drug users.
 Cost to Society- One of the biggest burdens placed
on society is a rise in drug related crime and violent
because the use of drugs decreases inhibitions,
increases aggressiveness, and clouds judgment.
 Is the common name for the Indian hemp plant
Cannabis, which is a plant whose leaves, buds,
and flowers are smoked for their intoxicating
 It is one of the most widely used illegal drugs.
 Nicknames include weed, grass, or pot.
 Hashish or hash is a more stronger from of
Marijuana and Addiction
 Marijuana raises levels of a brain chemical
called dopamine
 This chemical produces a pleasurable feeling.
 The Drug triggers the release of so much
dopamine that a feeling of intense well-being.
 When the drug wears off however the pleasure
sensation strips often dramatically.
 This abrupt letdown is called a crash.
 Paranoia- an irrational suspiciousness or
distrust of others.
 For teens marijuana poses physical risks to the
reproductive organs.
 In males, regular use interferes with sperm
production and lowers levels of testosterone. Which
means voice might not change, body hair will not
 In woman, the opposite occurs an increase of
testosterone such as unwanted facial hair and can
lead to infertility.
 Are substances whose fumes are sniffed and
inhaled to achieve a mind-altering effect.
 Most inhalants go immediately to the brain,
causing damage and actually killing brain cells
that will never be replaced.
 Includes glues, spray paints, gasoline, nitrates
and nitrous oxides.
 All inhalants are very dangerous, and are
labeled as poisonous
 These substances were never designed to be
taken into the body and case permanent
nervous system and brain damage
Resisting Pressure to
Use Drugs
 Peer pressure can be intense during the teen
 “Everyone is doing it,” but the fact is that illegal
drugs never become a part of most teens’ lives.
 58% of teens of high school students have never
tried Marijuana and 90% of students have never
tried Cocaine.
So the claim that “Everyone is doing it” is simply
not true.
 Make a commitment to be drug free
 Refusal Skills