Introduction to Sociology (SOCI–1113) Fall 2013 Call

Introduction to Sociology (SOCI–1113) Fall 2013
Call#: 14450 Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00 – 9:20 am
Room: SE 7110
Instructor: Carolyn Carmichael
Office Email address:
Cell Phone: 918-906-4623 (Phone calls and emails will be answered within 24 hours of receipt).
To Contact Academic & Academic Services:
Division: Liberal Arts
Associate Dean: Phoebe Baker
Office: SE 4107
Phone: 98-595-7780
Director: Susan Burlew
Office: SE 2202
Phone: 918-595-7673
COURSE PREREQUISITE: Reading proficiency or concurrent enrollment in a reading course.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a general survey of the field of Sociology. The course examines the basic
concepts, theories and perspectives in sociology. Topics include the nature of society and the
foundations of social life, along with such specialized areas as groups, culture, social class, social
institutions and social change. Sociological concepts are used to help students to understand the social
influences in everyday life. Lecture 3 hours. No Laboratory
Title: Society in Focus
Author(s): William E. Thompson & Joseph V. Hickey, 7th Edition
Publisher: Pearson
Supplies: Green and White Scantrons and #2 Pencil for Exams
Textbooks and Supplies May be Purchased at: TCC Bookstore
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course students will be able to -------
Describe the sociological perspectives
Define and describe the history and origin of Sociology as a Science
Define and describe social research methods
Describe the relationship between history theory and methods
Identify what society is; what is culture?; and culturally diversity
Discuss the major agents of socialization
Identify deviance and conformity
Describe the socialization process
Teaching Methods:
The class structure is a combination of lecture, films, online assignments, student participation, in -class
discussions and activities.
Evaluation Techniques:
The exam given in finals week will NOT be comprehensive.
Active Class Participation/Attendance:
Quizzes (10 @ 10pts each):
Research Paper
Total points
160 points
400 points
100 points
140 points
800 points
Final Grading Scale:
800-700 = A
699-600 = B
599-500 = C
499-400 = D
399 and below = F
Research Paper (140): Each student will write a paper on a Sociological issue, theory, or sociological
concept of your choice. Please find a topic that you are interested in and feel comfortable with.
 This paper should effectively communicate the major issues, ideas or findings in the topic you
 This paper should be a minimum of 4 double-spaced pages, should have at least three (3)
references which can be professional journal articles, books, and the textbook.
All assignments outside of class MUST be typed using Times New Roman and font no larger than 12.
Attendance Policy:
Each student will be held responsible for all class activities, lectures, assignments, etc., whether s/he
attends or not.
Non-attendance does not constitute an official withdrawal: Official withdrawals must be initiated in
Advisement and Career Services Center. Please talk with your instructor before withdrawing, she may be
able to help you. THE LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW IS FRIDAY, November 8, 2013.
PLEASE NOTE: Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course
grade of “F,” which may present financial aid consequences for the student.
Late Assignment and Make-Up Policy:
Attendance points may NOT be made up.
NOTE: There is NO extra credit for this class.
Attendance will be taken each class session and is the responsibility of the student, as is any
material missed when absent. Non-attendance does not constitute formal withdrawal.
Withdrawal is the responsibility of the student. Quizzes will be given periodically throughout the
semester. The dates will NOT be announced.
Students who continually come late to class or leave early without the instructor’s approval will
NOT get full points for that day.
If you miss a class I suggest you contact a classmate to get notes and pertinent information. I do
not provide notes to students who are absent, this is your responsibility.
Name of person sitting near you
phone and/or email address
Late Assignments and Make-Up Work: None
Email: All TCC students receive a designated “TCC” email address (ex:
All communications to you about TCC and course assignments will be sent to your TCC email address;
and you must use TCC’s email to send email to, and receive email from the Instructor regarding this
Inclement Weather:
TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency arise, TCC always gives cancellation
notices to radio and television stations. This information is also posted on TCC’s website
General Education Goals:
General education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that
comprise a common foundation for their higher education and a backdrop for their work and personal
lives. TCC’s General Education Goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning,
and Technological Proficiency.
Classroom Etiquette:
Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during
classroom or online discussion encourages the free exchange of ideas that is essential to higher learning
and to the ability to learn from one another. Please silence all electronic devices during class.
Syllabus Changes:
Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to the
syllabus via Blackboard.
Students with Disabilities:
It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments.
Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the
Education Access Center (EAC) at or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and hard of
hearing students may text (918) 809-1864.
Academic Dishonesty:
Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or
about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at
campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a
policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty.
Tentative Class Schedule
(Subject to change)
Introduction to Sociology Fall 2013
Tuesday, August 20th
Overview of Syllabus – Introductions
Thursday, August 22
Chapter 1: Discovering Sociology
Tuesday, August 27th
Chapter 2: Doing Sociology
Thursday, August 29
Chapter 2: Doing Sociology
Tuesday, September 3rd
Chapter 3: Culture and Society
Thursday, September 5
Chapter 3: Culture and Society
Tuesday, September 10th
Chapter 4: Socialization
Thursday, September 12
Chapter 4: Socialization/Review for Exam 1
Tuesday, September 17th
Exam 1: Chapter’s 1-4
Thursday, September 19
Go over exams/Social Interaction in Everyday Life
Tuesday, September 24th
Video: “Body Language”
Thursday, September 26
Chapter 6: Social Groups and Organizations
Tuesday, October 1st
Chapter 6: Social Groups and Organizations
Thursday, October 3rd
Chapter 7: Deviance and Conformity
Tuesday, October 8
Chapter 7: Deviance and Conformity
Thursday, October 10th
Chapter 8: Social Stratification & Social Class
Tuesday, October 15
Chapter 8: Social Stratification @ Social Class
Thursday, October 17th
Chapter 10: Race and Ethnicity
Tuesday, October 22
Video: Shadow of Hate/Review for Exam 2
Thursday, October 24th
Exam 2 – Chapter’s 6-8 and 10
Tuesday, October 29
Go over Exams/Chapter 11: Sex and Gender
Thursday, October 31st
Chapter 11: Sex and Gender
Tuesday, November 5
Chapter 12: Age and the Elderly
Thursday, November 7th
Chapter 12: Age and the Elderly
Tuesday, November 12
Chapter 13: Families
Thursday, November 14th
Chapter 13: Families
Tuesday, November 19
Chapter 14: Education
Thursday, November 21st
Video: Stupid in America/Review for Exam 3
Tuesday, November 26
Exam 3 – Chapter’s 12-14
Thursday, November 28th
T H A N K S G I V I N G, Be safe and enjoy!
Final Week of Term December 9th thru December 15th
Record your grade for each exam in the following spaces:
Exam 1: _____________
Date: _________________
Exam 2: _____________
Date: _________________
Exam 3: ______________
Date: _________________
Final Exam: ___________
Date: __________________