About Site Presentation

This human lived something that may, or may not be entirely inside his mind. He is
influenced by the destruction of the environment, the misinformation of media, and
indeed from the divided opinions whether this destruction is truly happening. The
mind can only take so much sadness and confusion. This person is on the verge of
The loneliness is what I wanted to make myself feel, and stayed away from anything
that might influence into thinking differently, other artists, tutorials, talking even
about my project. I felt I had to keep this feeling inside me, to understand how this
person might be thinking.
The project is made only by words and photographs because it was essential for
me to find a way to express this event, without changing or altering the environment
at all. It would seem to me as a self defeated purpose. If i made the slightest change
to that place this event might have taken place. It is the Man‘s Head in St Ives.
The words are made of different already existing songs, for a number of reasons.
I could clearly see their meaning, and although intended for something entirely
different, was very close if not exactly what I wanted o say.
Those lyrics could have been a subconscious way of crying out exactly this
meaning they take within the project, even without the song writer’s knowledge.
I like coincidence.
There is no such thing as coincidence.
Speaking through the minds of different people show clearly the signs of a very
frustrated, distorted mind
Most of the translated songs make as much sense in their original language…
In conclusion, this project focuses more on the despair, confusion, and
psychological distortion that world we live in (we have created it) can bring, rather
than on some higher power who seeks revenge.
Nigma-Feat Kazoullis- An isoun Aggelos (If you were an Angel) (some of my words are added at the end for
reasons of clarification of the purpose). The human is confused by all the destruction happening to the
environment, and having despaired goes to the sea and asks for guidance.
Alkinoos Ioannidis-O kathreftis (the mirror) The sea speaks about the cruelty of humankind, and its luck of
insightfulness into matters deeper than the appearance (a possible refusal from nature to trust this human)
Phantom of the Opera –The Mirror. The human is at a loss of words. It seeks to flatter the sea and calm her,
not having any excuses for the reasons why human beings treat each other like that.
Oi Fovoi Tou Prigipa- Oi Fovoi Tou Prigipa (the prince’s fears) the sea speaks about the greedy nature of
mankind, its lack of thankfulness, its opportunism and inability to think further than the present ( the sea is
getting offended by the humans flattering, still not convinced that nature can trust human kind any more. Also
there is the indication that nature, having given the humans her best gifts feels now betrayed because they do
not listen to her advice anymore)
Frail (you might as well be me) the human completely surrenders itself to the will of the sea, unable to excuse
human kind to the sea for its mistakes, the only way to make nature trust this individual is to blindly give up his life
to the will of the sea=nature)
Mitropanos –Vgike o Haros Pagania (The Reaper Set Out) the Sea instructs the human what her will is.
The human is to be the reaper (the personification of death). The blacksmith symbolizes the hopes that the sea
yet hopes for a better person to survive, and perhaps calm down her instrument of death.
Xilina Spathia-Fotia Sto Limani (fire at the harbour) the human declares devotion to the purpose. Speaks
about his sadness and confusion then walks away with a look mixed with determination and sadness.
Ipogia Revmata-San Fos. The sea speaks about the human’s nature in general. There is also the notion that
the sea still is unsure of trusting this human (my absense makes you forget) and others.