I/CCI Assignment Project #1: Exploring the Writing Process

I/CCI Assignment
Project #1: Exploring the Writing Process
developed by Marie Flocco flocco@rowan.edu
Teaching Thinking by Teaching Writing by Peter Elbow
A Way of Writing by William Stafford
Writing Matters by Julia Alvarez
Note to Instructors:
I use this essay as my first essay in ICC1. I find it is a good way to introduce the process of writing a collegelevel essay. It also provides opportunities for discussion among the students concerning transition-to-college
issues. Many students had certain places and times they did their writing in high school. This all changes in
college and this essay seems to provide a platform for discussing/creating good writing habits in college.
Tangible skills taught/used in this essay:
Identification Sentence: In Peter Elbow’s essay Teaching Writing by Teaching Two Kinds of Thinking he attempts to….
Signal phrase for quotes
Quote sandwich
Practice using templates for agreeing/disagreeing from They Say, I Say
Summary writing
Assignment Sequence to consider when planning
Class discussion/brainstorm on the meaning of writing process
Write personal narrative of writing process
Read: Peter Elbow article, William Stafford Essay, Julia Alvarez essay
Write summary/annotated bib entry for each article
Discuss articles
Complete critical engagement worksheet (see universal assignment/worksheet on Instructor Support
web site) synthesizing the three readings
7. Write Analysis of Writing Process in light of Elbow’s theory and one other author.
**see Universal Critical Engagement Assignment and Worksheet on the instructor support
website for this portion of the project
Essay #1 Assignment Sheet
In this essay, you will be writing a narrative of your writing process. This will help to create mindfulness about
your process and how it relates to your education. You will also read three expert perspectives on the
process of writing. Finally, you’ll analyze of your process in light of your newly acquired knowledge from class
readings and discussion.
Learning Outcomes
All of the Core Values of FYW apply to all ICC1 assignments, this assignment is designed to create a greater
self-awareness of your writing process and how it relates (or not) to theories on writing process by
composition theorists and prolific writers.
Students can experience writing as an interactive process.
Students come to a better understanding of their own process how it functions and changes.
Students can reflect on and critique their own and other’s writing.
Students can show awareness of the complexity of ideas associated with composition theory.
Students can draw on their own experience and perceptions to interpret this information.
Teaching Thinking by Teaching Writing by Peter Elbow (handout)
A Way of Writing by William Stafford (handout)
Writing Matters by Julia Alvarez (handout)
Essay Parts
Part 1: Writing Process Narrative Instructions
For the 1st part of this assignment, it’s time to think about what you do and what you’re thinking when writing.
As we’ve discussed in class and from the readings, the writing process is both physical and cognitive. In an
effort to come to a better understanding of your writing process: what you do, why you do it and what and
who you’re thinking about along the way. Please write a narrative of your typical writing process when
assigned an essay in high school (since you probably haven’t written an essay in college yet). Begin with the
narrative with when the teacher assigned the essay and follow through with as many details as possible until
handing in the final draft. Be sure to include all the details—do not worry about someone “judging” your poor
writing habits. This is about self-awareness and recognizing the productive and unproductive parts of your
Part 2: Writing Process Analysis Instructions:
Now that we’ve articulated our physical and cognitive habits of while writing, it is time to “see” ourselves (or
not) in Composition Theory. Write an analysis of your writing process in light of Peter Elbow’s Theory on 1st
and 2nd order Thinking while writing. How do recognize yourself in this theory? And/or how do you differ
from the theory? Some students identify themselves as pure “2 nd Order writers” and explore the reasons
(experience, education, etc) for such a claim. Others see themselves as 1st Order or perhaps, 1.5?
Also, include reference to another reading of your choice: Alvarez or Stafford. Do you find yourself setting a
structured “writing day” for yourself? Or perhaps you are patiently ‘fishing” for your next idea.
What would Elbow say to you or Alvarez or Stafford? How would you reply? Be sure to utilize the templates
(or your versions of them) for agreeing and disagreeing throughout the analysis.
Essay Title: The title is important and provides an indication of the meaning of your essay
Length: Process narrative: 500 words—Analysis essay 750-1,000 words.
Presentation: header and page numbers are required—no cover.
 Your Name
 Professor’s name
 Course name/number
 Date
Sources: Two (2) sources are required—one must be Peter Elbow’s article.
Citations: You should use informal citation to reference sources in your assignment and include a works cited
page in [MLA or APA style].
Visual Element: While this is not required, it is welcome—if you find yourself drawing a “map” of your
process or some visual representation of it, please include this in your essay.
Due dates:
Essay Evaluation Sheet
Student: ______________________________
Introduces a concrete and clear context for the paper.
Strong ___________________________________________________ Weak
Introduces the main idea and direction of the essay.
Strong ___________________________________________________ Weak
Thesis is clearly stated.
Strong ___________________________________________________Weak
Overall Presentation and Organization
Development—the essay adequately addresses the issue/topic, develops complex ideas, and provides concrete examples and/or
Structure – the essay move smoothly from paragraph to paragraph and stays focused.
Paragraphs —are well organized and focused.
Conclusion –wraps up the essay and answers the so-what question.
Use of Sources
 Meets source requirements.
 The relevance of the sources is clear or explained.
Strong __________________________________________________ Weak
 Sources
Are appropriately introduced and integrated.
Strong __________________________________________ Weak
Are appropriately quoted or paraphrased
Strong __________________________________________ Weak
Develop and enhance the essay
Strong ________________________________________ Weak
Grammar and Mechanics Minor __________________________________________Significant
Revision Status
Portfolio Ready ________________________________________________ Significant Revision Needed