Headquarters U.S. Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Configuration Steering Board [Program Title] • This template is consolidated for all lifecycle phases. Refer to notes pages for phase-specific instructions/tailoring. • Briefing should focus on the current lifecycle phase of the program. • Unless otherwise stated, all charts are required. • Updated Mar 2015. • Please see notes pages for further explanation/guidance. Rank, Name Office Symbol 1 Why We Are Here Today Information to include: Reference Tech Baseline List of Deltas/Changes Approved by PEO or SAE Cost of Deltas/Changes to Program and AF Enterprise Rationale for Deltas/Changes Proposed recommendations to change the program BLUF Example: “Program” Increment III (98% expended) No significant development activity remaining “Program” Inc IV (focus of CSB) No funding vs requirements mismatches in program profile No change in requirements since Inc IV MS B, Apr 11 Potential descoping options Integrity - Service - Excellence 2 Interrelationships, Dependencies and Synchronization with Complementary Systems Aviation Platforms: KC-135 KC-10 AWACS H/MH-60 CV-22 MH-47 MH-6 CH-53 A/OA-10 Ground Teams: GAWS SF SEAL STS HC/MC-130 Recap Mission Planning PFPS JMPS Be sure to include CYBER links and infrastructure. C-130J: Indicate any issues/cybersecurity risks introduced by Aircraft Procurement program interconnection. LAIRCM & Block Upgrades Solid denotes current system Dash denotes future system Arrow to Recap denotes supports Recap Arrow from Recap denotes Recap supports Indicates program are interdependent 3 No known issues affecting inter-related programs Resolvable interface issues affecting programs Unresolvable interface issues affecting programs Integrity - Service - Excellence Program X Schedule FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 IOC MDD FY11 FY12 FY13 FDDR MAIS List Milestones FY10 AFRB FOC RIT Requirements Review/Management Board ICD Requirements Annual X-Plan System/Architecture Studies Design & Integration Highlight critical path. Acquisition Test & Evaluation OUE OT&E Procurement Operations & Support Strategic & focused on Milestones and critical events between milestones. Must communicate schedule changes Integrity - Service - Excellence 4 Acquisition to O&S Cost Ratio Total Required Acq (BY$M): 4,456 Total Required O&S (BY$M): 10,358 Program Funding & Quantities ($ in Millions / Then Year) RDT&E Prior $ (PB 15) Current $ (PB 16) Delta $ (Current - Prior) Required1 $ Delta $ (Current - Required) Prior FY15 FY16 108.0 108.0 108.0 - 32.4 30.0 (2.4) 32.4 (2.4) FY18 FY19 FY20 Curr Est D Current 55.7M +4.6% 50.4M -3.2% D Original +10.2% +60.2% FY16-20 To Comp Prog Total 44.2 43.1 (1.1) 44.2 (1.1) 45.1 45.6 0.5 45.6 - 37.9 38.3 0.4 46.0 (7.7) 12.4 12.5 0.1 15.0 (2.5) 5.3 5.4 0.1 6.5 (1.1) 3.2 3.2 4.0 (0.8) 103.9 105.0 1.1 117.1 (12.1) - 288.5 286.1 (2.4) 301.7 (15.6) Prim ary Line Item s: APPN 0300D - BA 2 - BLI 1000CV2200; APPN 1506N - BA 1 - BLI 0164; APPN 3010F - BA 4 - BLI V022A0 - 99.9 99.5 (0.4) 99.9 (0.4) MILCON 150.4 148.2 (2.2) 150.4 (2.2) 200.2 203.1 2.9 203.1 - 304.8 309.2 4.4 312.3 (3.1) 618.6 522.9 (95.7) 528.1 (5.2) 627.6 530.5 (97.1) 535.8 (5.3) 360.1 538.1 178.0 543.5 (5.4) 2,111.3 2,103.8 (7.6) 2,122.8 (19.0) 2,257.3 1,954.5 (302.8) 1,974.1 (19.5) 4,618.9 4,306.0 (313.0) 4,347.1 (41.2) Prim ary Line Item s: APPN 0500D - BA 1 - PE 1140494BB; APPN 1205N - BA 1 - PE 0204696N Prior $ (PB 15) Current $ (PB 16) Delta $ (Current - Prior) Required1 $ Delta $ (Current - Required) - - - 6.1 6.1 6.1 - SYSTEM O&M2 Prior $ (PB 15) Current $ (PB 16) Delta $ (Current - Prior) Required1 $ Delta $ (Current - Required) 1.3 1.4 0.1 1.4 - 1.6 1.7 0.1 1.7 - Prior $ (PB 15) Current $ (PB 16) Delta $ (Current - Prior) Required1 $ Delta $ (Current - Required) 3 - 2.1 2.0 (0.1) 2.0 - 2.3 2.1 (0.2) 2.1 - 3.0 3.0 3.0 - 9.0 8.8 (0.2) 8.8 - 15.3 12.6 (2.7) 12.6 - 25.6 22.8 (2.8) 22.8 - Prim ary Line Item s: APPN 0100D - BA 1 - PE 1120172BB; APPN 1106N - BA 1 - PE 0206312M 8.3 8.3 8.3 - 10.4 11.4 1.0 11.4 - TOTAL QUANTITIES FY17 (BY yyyy) PAUC: APUC: Prim ary Line Item s: APPN 0400D - BA 7 - PE 1160403BB; APPN 1319N - BA 5 - PE 0604262N; APPN 3600F - BA 5 - PE 0401318F PROCUREMENT Prior $ (PB 15) Current $ (PB 16) Delta $ (Current - Prior) Required1 $ Delta $ (Current - Required) FY14 30% 70% 108.0 108.0 108.0 - 138.4 135.6 (2.8) 138.4 (2.8) 204.2 201.0 (3.2) 204.3 (3.3) 257.3 261.8 4.5 261.8 - 26.5 29.2 2.7 29.2 - Do 37.8 55.0 91.4 41.6 60.5 98.6 3.8 5.5 7.2 41.6 60.5 98.6 - any BCA not- disclose 221.1 241.2 20.1 241.2 funding 5,904.8 (5,904.8) levels past 235.5 255.6 20.1 6,160.4 (5,904.8) FY16 as they are not official AF position. However, if BCA in the457.7 out years will cause 369.2funding 670.9 levels 690.2 2,445.3 2,272.6 5,168.5 376.6disconnects, 579.0 598.5 642.9 1,967.1sense. 4,870.5 highlight them2,458.8 in a generic If 7.4 (91.9) (91.7) 185.2 13.5 (305.5) (298.0) there586.7 is major cause649.1 for concern, provide a BCA 387.4 604.9 2,489.9 7,891.4 10,832.0 Spruill Chart separately from the CSB briefing that (10.8) (7.7) (6.4) (6.2) (31.1) (5,924.3) (5,961.5) can be given to leadership for AF eyes only. Prior Qty (PB 15) 0 2 3 4 6 12 12 0 34 41 80 Current Qty (PB 16) 0 2 3 4 6 10 10 10 40 35 80 Delta Qty (Current - Prior) 0 0 0 0 0 (2) (2) 10 6 (6) 0 Required1 Qty 0 2 3 4 6 9 9 9 37 38 80 Delta Qty (Current - Required) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 (3) 0 Note 1. Requirement Source: [e.g., OSD CAPE ICE, Oct 2013] Note 2. O&M requirement assumes [e.g., a service life to 2035; includes ctr field mx, petro/oil/lube, spare/repair parts, depot mx, sustaining engineering & software mx.] This line does not include of $8.3M (FY15-19) of Acquisition-related O&M for program office expenses, nor does it include O&M-funded disposal costs. Note 3. Quantities in FY14-15 are funded with RDT&E version PB 16.1 5 Affordability Analysis FY11 Congressional Reduction -$65M Affordability Cap (BY13$B) Current Estimate (BY13$B) 2.0 1.9 30% Reduction to RDT&E Budget FY08-19 FY14-15 Sequestration Reductions Increment 3.1 Future Increments APUC Increment 3.2A U6 CTF Infrastructure F-22 Tactical Mandates U5 O&S* 10.0 9.0 Increment 3.2B Lab Infrastructure *Indicate whether O&S is for entire weapon system or the ACAT I program in question Adv Tech Dev Other Affordability Challenge Mitigation Requirement A is more difficult, more costly to achieve than expected at APB Reduce threshold to X -- maintain current affordability cap Increase affordability cap -- critical capability adds distinct value, more expensive to wait for future increment User-Requested addition of Requirement B Integrity - Service - Excellence 6 Should Cost Summary $M Will Cost Estimate FY12 Budget Authority 81.6 [Current Year] PB FY13 62.4 100.0 100.0 (1.4) (11.0) [Should Cost Initiative Title] Phase 1 Test Activities Phase 2 (Contract Award) Flight Body-2 Streamline Training Net Should Cost Savings Total Should Cost Estimate FY14 33.0 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 To Complete Total 1,090.7 198.4 213.5 207.9 153.7 97.3 42.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 500.0 (1.0) (1.0) (1.0) (1.0) (1.0) (24.6) (22.5) (24.5) (23.2) 800.0 (6.4) (11.0) (70.3) (24.5) (26.0) (26.0) 0.0 100.0 (12.4) 87.6 (1.0) 99.0 (1.0) 99.0 (25.6) 74.4 (48.0) 52.0 (50.2) 49.8 0.0 100.0 (138.2) 661.8 375.2 Realized Projected Realized • FY13: • FY13: $ 1.400M; EMD Phase 1 Aircraft Integration If savings have been realized, be prepared to discuss $11.000M; EMD Phase 1 Test Activities Projected • FY16-FY18: • FY 17: • FY18: $70.292M; EMD Phase 2 (Contract Award) Source Selection Savings $24.500M; Flight Body-2 $26.000M; EMD Phase 2 Test Activities where that money went (ex. Elsewhere in the PEO portfolio, back to the AF, etc) Integrity - Service - Excellence New and Evolving Threat Analysis New / Evolved Threat Requirements Challenge Mitigation New adversary capability X Requirement C may not be sufficient for future missions Engage AFROC process; New capability will start new ACAT enhancement program if >$100M New adversary capability Y Intel Mission Data Requirements will not account for new threat Work with AF/A2 to ensure all IMD req’ts can be met within existing budget New adversary capability Z Connectivity with program A will create a Cyber Vulnerability Remove requirement to connect to program A Integrity - Service - Excellence 8 Change Management & Governance AF Configuration Steering Board (CSB) SAE Chaired Annual and Special Request Approve/disapprove changes that impact cost and Schedule HQs AF Requirements & Planning Council (R&PC) Co-Chairs: User and PEO Approve changes that do not impact cost and schedule PEO/User CCB Program Office TRB Stakeholders: Sponsor Command/Functional Users External Agencies (ex. DOE, USSTRATCOM, DISA) Other Services Etc. FRRB Technical Team Integrity - Service - Excellence 9 Requirements Changes (+/-) since last CSB New / Refined Requirement Threshold / Objective Rationale for New Req. Current Est. Cost/Sched Impact Approved / Authority 7500 lbs / 6600 lbs AMC/A3/5 identified new weight requirement updated to allow transport in … 7650 lbs $$ Increase: AMC providing funding No Schedule impact PENDING / CSB Resolution 7 cm / 5 cm New threat identified by xxxx and being worked through AFROC that … 6.8 cm Threat to MS-C Schedule – need requirement finalized by XXX to maintain schedule PENDING / CSB Example 3 4.0 Reallocation 4.0 N/A YES / CCB 15JAN14 Weight Do not limit to just new KPPs/KSAs or changes to CDD/CPD. Also, include updates or refinement to requirements identified by the User or other organizations. Integrity - Service - Excellence 10 Configuration Update Not Required for Pre-MS B programs. Previous 12 Months ECP Performance Impact Schedule Impact Cost Impact Interfaces Affected Approved / Authority Disconnected Waypoints Incorporates more operationally relevant method of handling nonsequenced points during route planning None. Change incorporated in subsequent, planned release $200M Total across FYDP User Interface only PENDING / CSB Allows for proper handling of mission data loads for multiple aircraft OFPs from single workstation None. Change incorporated in subsequent, planned release $569K – all FY08 funds User Interface only APPROVED / CCB Mission Data Load Handler Next 12 Months ECP None Performance Impact N/A Schedule Impact N/A Interfaces Approved / CostIdentify Impact all ECPs affecting form, fit Authority or function from Affected past 12 months and all anticipated during the next 12 months. N/A N/A Integrity - Service - Excellence N/A 11 Potential Descoping Options Option User Capability Assessment and Perf Impact Defer Mode S Low-to-med impact in FY08-13 timeframe: Risks denial to European airspace Reduce sensor resolutions by 50% Impact to remaining program Investment to date Savings No impact $12M spent of an estimated $36M effort $24M Total: $3M FY08 $8M FY09 $10M FY10 $3M FY11 $3M spent in risk reduction; total effort estimated at $87M $84M Total: $2M FY08 $7M FY09 $15M FY10 $23M FY11 $28M FY12 $9M FY13 Med impact in FY10-11 and High impact in FY12-21: Inability to … Changes critical path to xxxx; reduces schedule risk by four months * What would program descope to address a FUNDING CUT Provide three or four options based on input from user on requirements, impact to programs ability execute remaining program, and % of costs already invested. Etc. Integrity - Service - Excellence 12 Issues This is an opportunity to communicate/discuss program issues with the SAE Discuss any issues that are of a particular concern to the PEO and PM. Examples might be: OSD Oversight issues Funding instability Requirements instability Technical transition issues Sustainment planning/execution issues Congressional Interest New User unfunded requirements/refinements Be clear about what help you request and from whom Integrity - Service - Excellence 13