Chapter 25 Reading Guide

Chapter 25 Reading Guide
The Age of Western Imperialism
What is Imperialism?
How is it different from Colonization?
What are reasons why countries colonized? What are justifications for Imperialization?
The Age of British Imperial Dominance.
What is Imperialism of Free Trade? What does it mean for Great Britain?
How did this idea affect China?
What was the Opium Trade?
What did China do to stop the Opium Trade?
What happened to Hong Kong?
What are some British Settler colonies?
India the Crown Jewel of the British Empire
How did British colonize India? When did it begin? Why?
What resources did India have/provide the British with?
Who are Sepoys? What was the Sepoy rebellion all about? Were they successful?
The “New Imperialism” 1870-1914
How did western nations see Imperialism?
What is a protectorate?
What is a sphere of influence?
Give actual examples of the two…
Who are some “new” imperial powers?
Why were imperial encounters of this era perceived as new? (p. 792-793)
Motives for the New Imperialism
Imperialism, the Highest stage of Capitalism, by J. A. Hobson really sums it up… How?
What are the three motives that extend beyond economic ones?
The Partition of Africa
What were the primary goals of European nations with regard to Africa?
Who Conquered? Why?
What did they do to it?
Who Conquered? Why?
South-West Africa
South Africa
What was the Berlin Conference?
What was the Boers War?
What is apartheid?
What did they do to it?
Russian Expansion in Mainland Asia
What areas did Russia target and why?
Where there any major conflicts? Resistance?
Was Russia successful?
Western Powers in Asia
Western Power
Where did they
What happened? Significant
battles? Etc.
The United States
Tools of Imperialism
Tropical Diseases
What was the Boxer
What is it? What does it Do?
Additional info
Machine Gun
Sir Maxim Hiram
Submarine Cables
The Missionary Factor
After power and resources, faith is the next motive for Imperialism. Please list and
describe some examples of missionaries and their work.
Science and Imperialism
Travel and imperialism led to the discovery of new species of plants, animals, geography
and disease. Please chart the most prominent from this chapter.
James Cook
David Livingston
Please write thesis statements for two of the following…
How can we explain the historical phenomenon of the new imperialism? What were the
causes? Which seems to have been the most significant?
The “Scramble for Africa” is the most striking example of the European rush for empire.
Trace the history of imperialism in Africa, being sure to identify the key developments and
events. How did it epitomize the new imperialism?
Both Egypt and Japan, to different degrees and at different times, attempted to modernize
their states. Describe these attempts. How can we account for the failure of one and the
success of the other?
How did Asians and Africans respond to the establishment of European imperialism? Using
specific examples, describe these responses. What factors seem to have influenced the
choice of a particular response?