The General Health Management Aspects of The Intellectually Challenged Child.(ICC) IN The context of Downs Sydrome(Trisomy 21)

Study collection by emmanuelonyekweluprofdott2024

Although intellectual function cannot be measured directly however it could be deduced by inference from the assessment of skills in a number of different executive and cognitive domains. The most reliable, rapid and consistent indirect measure of evaluating intellectual function is by the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test, albeit the results are inconsistent and are usually influenced by cultural and environmental factors. Although intellectual function cannot be measured directly however it could be deduced by inference from the assessment of skills in a number of different executive and cognitive domains. The most reliable, rapid and consistent indirect measure of evaluating intellectual function is by the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test, albeit the results are inconsistent and are usually influenced by cultural and environmental factors. For a long time, IQ tests have been misappropriated and its interpretation biased by the zeal to re-enforce social, ethnic and cultural supremacy. However, it is axiomatic that the original intent and purpose of IQ tests and still their only valid use is in the identification of children who would benefit from additional assistance. The application of an IQ test to a population produces the standard bell-shaped normal distribution curve. The mean is set at a score of 100 and 2 standard deviations below the mean (which scores 70 on most tests) is usually defined as the lower limit of “normality”.


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