Dracula Study Guide Chapters 18 and 19 Ryan - LMS-English-8

Ryan Morelock
Chapters 18 -19 – Study Guide
1. Mina asks Dr. Seward if she can see Renfield. What is Renfield’s method of “tidying up”
his cell before her visit?
Renfield tidies up his cell before Mina visits by swallowing all of the spiders and flies in
his boxes before Mina comes into his cell. Pg. 317
2. What is Renfield’s explanation for eating live flies and spiders?
Renfield’s explanation for eating spiders and flies is that he gains life through consuming
these animals. Pg. 320
3. List the powers that Van Helsing claims Count Dracula has as a nosferatu.
Van Helsing claims Count Dracula becomes stronger the more times he kills, and that he
is as strong as twenty men and more cunning than a mortal, he can control the weather,
command the animals of the night, and can grow, get smaller, and vanish at times. Pg.
4. What does Van Helsing claim is the greatest danger that the men face as they attempt to
destroy Dracula?
The greatest danger the men will face while fighting Count Dracula is not defeating him
and becoming a vampire when they all die. Then they will become evil. Pg. 325
5. What limitations does Van Helsing say that a vampire has?
Van Helsing says that a vampire cannot go where he wishes to go, he cannot enter into a
household of someone who doesn’t invite him, his power ends when the night turns to
day and the vampire can only change himself at sunrise, noon, or sunset. The vampire is
afraid of garlic, crucifix, and a host, a branch of a rose stops him from moving, and a
bullet fired into his coffin can kill the vampire. Pg. 328-329
6. What does Quincey Morris claim he was shooting at when he broke the parlor window at
Dr. Seward’s home?
Quicey Morris claims he was shooting at a huge bat. Pg. 331
7. What does Van Helsing tell Mina about the quest to hunt down the Count?
Van Helsing tells Mina that she is too precious to risk, and that the men should hunt
down the Count. Pg. 331
8. What is Renfield’s reaction when Dr. Seward tells him that he may not leave the asylum?
Dr. Seward tells Renfield that he can’t leave the asylum, so Renfield falls on to his hands
and knees and begs Dr. Seward to release him. Pg. 337
9. How does Van Helsing prepare Dr. Seward and the others to go to Carfax to find the
Van Helsing handed out a cross and a garlic wreath for each person, as well as a half of a
host for each. He then handed each a revolver, a knife, and a small electric lamp. Pg.
10. What do Dr. Seward and the others notice the most as they enter the old chapel at Carfax?
Dr. Seward and the others notice the heavy smell of blood as they enter the chapel the
most. Pg. 344
11. When thousands of rats swarm the chapel, how are the men able to continue searching?
The men are able to continue searching Carfax because Lord Godalming called for dogs
with a whistle, and the dogs were able to scare or kill the rats and keep them away from
the party. Pg. 346
12. How many boxes were missing from Carfax of the original fifty boxes shipped from
Transylvania to London?
21 boxes of the original 50 were missing from Carfax. Pg. 345
13. What does Jonathan Harker notice about his wife when he returns from Carfax?
When Jonathan returns form Carfax, he notices that Mina was exhausted and had a blank
look of terror on her face. She’s also much paler than before. Pg. 348-349
14. Describe Van Helsing’s meeting with Renfield the morning after the visit to Carfax.
Van Helsing’s meeting with Renfield was very short after he visited Carfax, and said that
Van Helsing was a thick-headed Dutchman who should take his theories somewhere else.
Pg. 351
15. What is distressing Mina regarding her husband’s visit to the Count’s house?
Mina is distressed regarding Jonathan’s visit to Carfax because Jonathan didn’t tell Mina
a word of what had happened that night. Pg. 352
16. Why does Mina wish she’d never gone to Whitby to visit Lucy?
Mina wishes she’d never gone to visit Lucy because Lucy hadn’t gone to the churchyard
before Mina arrived, and didn’t start sleepwalking there until Mina was there. Mina
believes that if she hadn’t have gone to Whitby, Lucy would still be alive. Pg. 353
17. What strange dream does Mina describe?
Mina describes a dream where she was in bed, and powerless to move. She then sees a
thick mist come rolling through the joining of a door, and then a column of mist with two
red eyes. The last thing she sees before the dream ended was of a large, white face
leaning over her. Pg. 355-356