Jefferson Park United Neighbors General Membership Meeting

Jefferson Park United Neighbors
General Membership Meeting
February 12, 2013
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Riverside Baptist Church
1) Riverside Baptist Church
a) Church is putting up some new signage due to Spanos development blocking
existing signage – moving over one panel.
2) Introductions
3) Denver Police District 1 report – Brian Niven, District 1 SCAT Officer
a) Contact Info: Brian Niven 720.913.0463 (office) 720.641.0941 (cell)
b) Passed out updated crime statistics
Mainly property crimes. Easy to prevent by keeping valuables out of cars and
keeping doors locked. Puffers still a big issue/target for theft and officers are
currently writing citations
(1) 27th and Federal has a lot of incidents – mostly due to Safeway and
shoplifting reports, also the apartments in that area generate a lot of calls
ii) District lines are changing (still in the works) though Jefferson Park area
probably won’t change much
4) Councilwoman Shepherd’s office – Theresa St. Peter
a) Representative in attendance but no updates
Community is happy with response times from office
5) Approval of JPUN Membership Applications from last month – Maureen Parina
a) Only a few people registered through JPUN site (3-4), but have a list from people
that signed in last month (passed around for review). New attendees should fill
out registration and bring back to membership meeting next month
6) JPUN By-Laws – Vote on proposed changes – Jeff Archambeau
a) Motion to approve – Approved with no voiced issues.
b) Changes voted on with 17 in favor and 0 against
7) Spanos - Pete
a) Project is well underway. Poured 1st elevated slab structure last week and had
some late night noise issues – Should not happen again
b) Plan on opening first building in July
c) There seems to be significant amount of mud/ muddy water coming from site
All entrances/exits have gravel to help mitigate issue
ii) Spanos will be replacing asphalt in the future which will help
iii) There has been no design changes since last presentation. Same as before
with 265 units and stucco composite buildings
8) Sports Authority
a) Plans to lease about 1600 spots to RTD. RTD will have access to the spots except
during events
9) 23rd ave bridge
a) JPUN community has helped spearhead/put in place improvements - Put up
guardrails, and permaculture project past summer
b) JPUN/Community requesting C-Dot and public works look at area and see if can
make multi-modal improvements (replace bridge). Working with Children’s
Museum with request and getting local buy-in. Councilperson Shepard, Brooks,
Montero, and Artega seem to be on board. Bike Denver/Denver Moves really
want bike lane. District 1 also in favor of replacement
c) Focusing on Macro level – want support from area to help move the bridge up
the ladder in hopes of replacement
d) South side of bridge does not have barrier
e) Resurfacing from Alcott to Federal is currently on public works to do list
f) C-Dot agrees that bridge needs to be replaced
10) Sun Valley Developments – Michael Guiietz
a) Change will be coming in a relatively short time south of the stadium (probably
b) Decommission of Xcel power plant – Kirk Scheitler, Area Manager for
Community and Local Government Affairs at Xcel Energy
Xcel owns plant at 13th and Zuni (original plant) – only a peak plant (not used
very often). The plant is part of steam system for downtown Denver
ii) Retired unit 1 Retiring unit 2 in 2014
iii) If things move forward with PUC - Decommissioning of the plant would begin
in January 2016. Xcel would replace the existing plant with a much smaller
plant in onsite. The new plant would be natural gas and would probably
have construction start in 2015.
iv) City/County of Denver has first right to purchase parcels at 95% market price
as they come on the market
v) The existing transformer field is a substation and will remain in place
c) Decatur/Federal station draft plan
Plan addresses land use, urban design, economic development, multi-modal
transportation for Sun Valley (17th ave- 6th/Federal Blvd – I25)
(1) Copies of draft plan passed out and still accepting public input
(a) Big box stores not specifically addressed
(b) About 100 acres of government or quasi government property that
could be developable – only site that has significant development
along new west light rail line
(c) Denver housing authority has slated Sun Valley homes to be next (after
South Lincoln) for re-development. Before anything happens they
need to acquire land elsewhere (do not want to re-develop on site).
Earliest they can get funding for design/construction is 2015 – nothing
will happen until then
(2) Recommendation for stadium lands is mainly focused along south side of
stadium – trying to attract visitors more than 13 times a year
(3) Parking will be an issue – plan recommends shared parking and structures
(4) There was public comment regarding Federal – needs to be consolidated
(5) Upcoming process – Currently incorporating comments and will release
updated version this Friday – There will be a public hearing march 6th
(before planning board) and assuming approval at the hearing the plan
will then go to city council for final approval
(6) Information can be found at (has an
online survey)
d) Mountain bike trail off of 8th and 6th along Platte River Valley – Angela Casias,
Denver Parks & Rec (doing a website redesign)
Creating new mountain bike park trails – incorporating into south platte river
(1) Frog hollow gateway and Phil Milstein park – about 10 miles
(2) Have a private donor funding work (no tax payer dollars) – construction to
begin in May (should be able to use this year)
ii) Trying to incorporate mountain bike trails/courses into bike trials
iii) Maybe get them to support 23rd ave bridge?
e) Development of Sun Valley Riverfront Neighborhood Park and Weir Gulch – Jeff
Shoemaker Executive Director Greenway Foundation
Small non-profit
ii) Passed out some material (greenway foundation annual report) –
(1) Platte river has come back from what it was – over 10 million (private,
public, philanthropic) invested into river
(2) Future investments coming – invested in Platte river
(a) Enhanced park space – wier gulch
(b) Platte river park will be updated
f) Phase One of Metro State sports complex along 13th and Old Colfax – Sean
Nesbitt, Director, Facilities Planning & Space Management
Metro state on Araria campus
(1) Updated master plan - looking to expand to southwest side of campus.
Project will be mostly recreation fields. The fields/facilities will have some
public use/community use (youth programs etc – Denver parks and rec)
though they are still determining how to designate community use
(a) Project is located at the south corner of I25 and Colfax (currently a
brownfield area)
(b) Hoping to consolidate athletic fields in order to facilitate development
elsewhere on campus
(c) Started yesterday – phase 1 completed by august
(i) Completion 3-4 for entire project (depending on funding)
g) City plan for Sun Valley: JPUN input into approach to managing the development
(like a Larimer Square) to help develop and maintain properties – Barbara
Frommell, Senior City of Denver Planner
11) Committee Updates (as time allows)
a) Land Use – David Solomon
Trying to get people who are developing sites on clay to come to meeting
(1) 3 sites they would like to hear more about 26th and Clay, 25th and Clay,
and Decatur row townhomes (24 and Decatur)
b) Environmental – Kat Meldrum
c) Communications – Tom Blyth
Good news letter
ii) Got good input from people and continually need good input
d) Safety – new chair
e) Social – Kym, Kim, Brooke
Happy hour on the 28th at Corner House
f) Membership – Dave Strano
12) Concerts in the Park – Michael Guiietz
a) Meeting next Tuesday (19th) at Jack n Grill at 8:30
b) 3 concerts planned depending on funding/commitment level
c) Get Denver Parks and Rec involved (talk with Michael)
13) Adjourn
Next Meeting: March 12, 2013