01_Interpret a Text


Interpret a Text Art, Religion, or Philosophy HUM 1020

Interpret a work of performing arts, architecture, religion, visual arts, literary arts, or philosophy

(call it a text) within its cultural and historical context by considering a main concept.

FORMAT—write one or two sentences for each section

Topic: State a clear interpretation of the text by identifying a main concept. Name the text and its creator. Use a term or terms that show an understanding of the historical context.

Definition: Define the term(s) used in the topic; these should be proper nouns naming periods of time or concept terms used as vocabulary. Explain how the term(s) connect to this text.

Context: Explain the historical circumstances surrounding the creation of the text. Include details about the culture in which it was created by referring to leading cultural principles and/or the geographic region where the text was created.

Example: Describe or quote a specific moment or piece of the text which points to the main concept as understood in the era of its original creation.

Explanation: Examine how the details of this example lead to understanding the main concept of the text in its cultural and historical context.

Conclusion: Connect the explanation of the one, specific example to the overall interpretation of the text. Use this as evidence to support the stated concept.

QUESTIONS—use to remember and check the format

Topic—Who created the text and (what is) its main concept?

Definition—What do the terms used mean?

Context—When (and where) was it created?

Example—Where is the meaning?

Explanation—Why is it found there?

Conclusion—How does that confirm the interpretation?

COMPOSE—write as one complete paragraph

State the TOPIC clearly by describing the main concept of the text. Name the title and its creator and use terms that show an understanding of the historical context; those terms should be the kind of words that can be found as textbook vocabulary words or proper nouns naming periods or styles. DEFINE the main term(s) included in the topic sentence(s) and explain how the term(s) relate to the specific text. Explain the historical CONTEXT and include the cultural era or geographic region in which the text was created. Cite a specific EXAMPLE, one moment or piece of the text which points to the main concept in the era of its original creation. EXPLAIN the example by examining how the details lead to an understanding of the main concept of the text in its cultural and historical context. CONCLUDE by connecting the specific example to the overall interpretation of the text and use this as evidence to support the stated topic about the main concept.

Nichole Jackson, Valencia College, (2014), Introduction to Humanities
