Unit 1 – Final Exam Review

Unit 1 – Final Exam Review
SSUSH1 – Describe European settlement in North America during the 17th Century
1. Explain Virginia’s development –
a. What is a Joint Stock Company?
Group of investors, hoping to make money and split all potential profits
EX: Virginia Company – settled Jamestown
b. What crop finally made Virginia a successful colony?
c. What was the relationship with Native Americans, specifically Powhatan?
Violent, fought with each other over ownership of land
Marriage of Pocahontas (Chief Powhatan’s daughter) and John Rolfe (Jamestown settler)
eased tension between groups
d. What was the House of Burgesses and what did it resemble?
Was formed as a result of Bacon’s Rebellion. Was the first Representative form of
government in the colonies.
Resembled Parliament and our current House of Representatives
e. What happened in Bacon’s Rebellion? Why was there a rebellion in the first place?
Bacon led a group of former indentured servants and frontier farmers against Governor
Berkley and the Jamestown Government. Were unhappy that they paid taxes and did
receive protection from Native American attacks AND did not have representation in
town government. Led to the House of Burgesses
What led to an increase in slavery?
Lack of indentured servants coming to the colonies to work
2. Describe New England’s (Massachusetts) development –
a. Why did the settlers leave Europe?
Puritans left England to practice their religion freely without persecution. Came over in
family units
b. What was King Philips War?
War fought by Native Americans who were tired of having their land taken away from
them by New England settlers. Native Americans also resented having Puritan culture
forced upon them. Waged war against settlers, lasted over 1 year.
Technically Native Americans lost, but many male settlers died
c. Why were town meetings important in this community?
Everyone had a voice in the community, they discussed all the various issues facing the
community with each other and those that were members of the church were able to
d. Why did Roger Williams form Rhode Island?
Felt that individuals could interpret the Bible for themselves, did not need a preacher to
do it. Went against Puritan beliefs. He was exiled from Massachusetts
e. What was the half-way covenant?
Attempt to get people to come back and join the Puritan church. Allowed people to pay
HALF the taxes/membership fee to the church and be considered church members.
However they could NOT vote in town hall meetings
Describe the Salem Witch Trials.
Mass hysteria throughout Salem, Massachusetts. Young girls accused women of being
witches (older, single women were targeted). Led to a literal witch hunt that lasted
under a year.
g. Why did Massachusetts eventually lose its charter?
King felt Church had too much control in Massachusetts, did not like the relationship
between Church and State or the ½ Way Covenant – so he took back the Charter and
placed Massachusetts under control of the King
3. Describe the Middle Colonies –
a. Who originally settled in the present day area of New York? Who took it over?
The Dutch settled and orinigally named in New Netherlands. English Duke of York took it
over so Britain could own all colonies along the Atlantic Ocean
b. How did the Netherlands settlement become New York?
Duke of York claimed it and made it the British colony of New York
c. Why did William Penn settle in Pennsylvania? What was his vision for the colony?
Wanted to create a perfect colony, specifically for Quakers – but welcomed all people
and religions. Did not have slavery, believed in social equality.
4. Explain the reason for French Settlement in Quebec –
a. What were the main differences in the French and English settlements?
French – settled mainly for fur trade opportunities, did not expand colonies. Had a good
relationship with Native Americans because they traded with one another
English – settled to expand and make money. Encroached on Native American land, had
negative relationship with them
b. Which country had better relationship with Native Americans? Why?
Answered above
SSUSH2 – Trace the ways that the economy and society of British North America developed
1. What is mercantilism? What did the British enact that reinforced mercantilism?
Economic system – mother country benefits from colonies, self-sufficient, favorable balance of
trade – meaning country EXPORTS more than it imports. Navigation Acts. 96
2. Describe the Trans-Atlantic trade. What were the routes they took, what items did they trade?
Europe  Africa: Gold and $$
Africa  Americas: Slaves
Americans  Europe: Rum
3. What was the Middle Passage?
Part of the transatlantic Trade from Africa to the Americas where slaves were transported,
terrible conditions
4. When did the trans-Atlantic slave trade peak?
5. What were the short and long term results of this slave trade?
Short – many people’s lives ruined and forced into institution of slavery
Long – families interrupted, southern economy was made very rich based off a free labor source.
Created problems in country b/w those who supported and opposed slavery
6. What was the influence or role of Benjamin Franklin at this point in time?
Seen as a symbol of social mobility – was born poor and ended up becoming famous inventor,
scientist, politician and diplomat
7. What was the significance of the Great Awakening?
Spread of Christianity and revival of the church throughout all 13 colonies