Dr. Sue Shook Elementary 2nd Grade 3rd Nine Weeks Performance

Dr. Sue Shook Elementary 2nd Grade
3rd Nine Weeks Performance Checklist
Dear Parents,
Below you will find the overview of the curriculum that all 2nd grade students will receive during
the third 9 week instruction. Students will receive a grade based on a scale of 100. An average
of 70 or higher shall be considered a passing grade. The grading also applies to the two
projects listed.
Essential Questions:
Language Arts:
Use prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of words
Use context to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple meaning words
Identify and use common words that are opposite (antonyms) or similar (synonyms) in meaning
Describe how rhyme, rhythm, and repetition interact to create images in poetry.
Recognize that some words and phrases have literal and non-literal meanings (e.g., take steps).
Identify the topic and explain the author’s purpose in writing the text.
Distinguish between fiction & nonfiction
Fables & Myths
Identify moral lessons as themes in well-known fables, legends, myths or stories.
Compare different versions of the same story in traditional and contemporary folktales with respect to
their characters, setting, and plot.
Describe similarities and differences in the plots and settings of several works by the same author.
Describe main characters in works of fiction, including their traits, motivations, and feelings.
Id the elements of dialogue & use them in informal plays
Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own and others’ desired outcome to enhance
comprehension. (to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment)
Establish a purpose for reading selected text
Ask literal questions of text (questions Before, During, After Reading; Literal- who, what, when, where,
why, & how)
Ask relevant questions, seek clarification and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and
support answers with evidence from text.
Monitor and adjust comprehension
Monitor comprehension making corrections & adjustments when understanding breaks down
Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding
Make connections, retell important events in stories in logical order
Use ideas (e.g. key words, and foreshadowing) to make and confirm predictions
Write a poem
Write a short story
Write a letter
Recognize and use apostrophes and contractions
Use prepositions and prepositional phrase
Use complete subject verb agreement
Use capitalization in salutations and closing of letter
Fluency Goal: 80 wpm
Use concrete models of hundreds, tens, and ones to represent a given whole number (up to 999) in various
ways (base –ten blocks, bundles of sticks; construct base 10 relationships to show regrouping)
use place value to read, write, and describe the value of whole numbers to 99 (standard form, written
notation, expanded form)
Model addition and subtraction of two digit number with objects, pictures, words, and numbers (whole #’s
0-99; various representations to solve + and – with inverse operations
Select addition or subtraction to solve problems using two-digit numbers, whether or not regrouping is
necessary (with/without regrouping; ID extraneous information; concrete/pictorials/abstract
representations; number sentences; = a the beginning & end of sentence, terms-less than, more than,
greater than, fewer than; multi-step problems)
Model, create, and describe multiplication situations in which equivalent sets of concrete objects are joined
(no longer than “9” groupings; arrays, equal groups justify for reasonableness; real-life situations)
Generate a list of paired numbers based on a real-life situation such as number of tricycles related to
number of wheels (horizontal/vertical tables
Identify patterns in a list of related number pairs based on a real-life situation and extend the list (verbal
& written description of pattern)
Identify, describe, and extend repeating & additive patterns to make predictions and solve problems (whole
number patterns –repeating, additive; real object patterns-beads, paper clips, geometric figures, pattern
blocks, color tiles)
Use concrete models to represent and name fractional parts of a whole object (with denominators of 12 or
less). (Area Models-fraction circles, fraction bars, pattern blocks, color tiles; Linear Models-fraction bars,
paper folding, number lines).
Use concrete models to represent and name fractional parts of a set of objects (with denominators of 12
or less)- (introduce fraction names)
Use concrete models to determine if a fractional part of a whole is closer to 0, ½, or 1 (tactile experiences
using concrete models & 0, ½, 1 as benchmarks; vocabulary for fraction names)
use data to describe events as more likely or less likely such as drawing a certain color crayon from a bag
of seven red crayons and three green crayons (variety of real-life applications/experiments; random
number generators-spinners, color tiles, counters, coins, show given data through lists, tables, models)
ID Math in everyday situations
Solve problems by understanding problems, making & carrying out a plan, & evaluating solution for
Select or develop an appropriate problem solving plan or strategy including drawing a picture, looking for a
pattern, systematic guessing and checking, or acting it out in order to solve a problem.
Use tools such as real objects, manipulatives, and technology to solve problems.
Explain and record observations using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology;
 Observe, describe and record patterns & describe patterns in the sky
 Explore the processes of the Water Cycle
 Investigate effects on an object by increasing or decreasing amounts of light and heat
 Plan and conduct descriptive investigations such as how organisms grow
 Identify the basic needs of plants
 Observe, record and compare how the physical characteristics of plants help them meet
their basic needs
 Identify what a scientist do
Social Studies
 Identify contributions of historical figures
 Identify several sources of information about a given period or event
 Describe various evidence of the same time period using primary sources
 Describe how weather patterns and seasonal patterns affect activities and settlement
 Describe how natural resources and natural hazards affect activities and settlement
 Identify the characteristics of different communities
 Identify ways in which people have modified the physical environment
 Identify positive and negative consequences of human modification of the physical
 Identify ways people can conserve and replenish natural resources
Identify causes of disease other than germs such as allergies and heart disease
Explain way in which germs are transmitted, methods of preventing the spread of germs,
and the importance of immunization
Explain how the body provides protection from disease
Apply practices to control the spread of germs in daily life such as hand washing and skin
Describe strategies for protecting the environment and the relationship between the
environment and individual health such as air pollution and ultra-violet rays
Identify personal responsibilities as a family member in promoting and practicing health
(Take Home Project)
 Moon observation and model.
-------Please ------cut here--- and -----return bottom part---------------I have read the performance checklist and understand the requirements for my child. I
understand that I may contact the teacher during the designated conference time in regards to
my child’s academic progress.
Parent/ Guardian Signature
Child’s Name
Escuela Dr. Sue Shook 2º Grado Elemental
Lista de Verificación de Rendimiento de las Segunda Nueve Semanas
Estimados Padres de Familia,
A continuación encontrará la descripción general del plan de estudios que todos los estudiantes de 2 º
grado recibirán durante las segundas nuevas semanas. Los estudiantes recibirán una calificación basada
en una escala de 100. Un promedio de 70 o más se considera una calificación aprobatoria. La clasificación
también se aplicara a los dos proyectos mencionados.
PREGUNTA ESENCIAL: ¿Cómo afectan mis decisiones a mi y a mi comunidad?
Poesía, texto de no ficción, texto de procedimiento, Leyendas
 Conocimiento fonológico y ortográfico
 Prefijos y Sufijos
 Identificar la idea principal del texto y distinguirlo del tema
 Escribir para reflexionar y hacer conexiones
 Escribir cartas y composiciones para convencer,
 Aplicar el uso correcto a las mayúsculas y la puntuación (en composiciones)
-Meta de fluidez: 75 palabras por minuto
 Utilizar pictografías y gráficas
 Determinar el valor de una colección de monedas hasta un dólar
 Suma y la resta de 2 dígitos con objetos, dibujos, palabras y números
 Describir los atributos de figuras geométricas en 2D y 3D, como círculos y polígonos
 Identificar las matemáticas alrededor del mundo
 Seleccionar y desarrollar un plan o estrategia de resolución de problemas (hacer un dibujo, buscar
 Explicar y anotar observaciones utilizando objetos, palabras, dibujos, números y tecnología
 Observar y describir las rocas por el tamaño, la textura y el color
 Identificar y comparar las propiedades de las fuentes naturales de agua dulce y agua salada
 Distinguir entre los recursos naturales y provocados por el hombre
 Identificar y demostrar cómo utilizar, conservar y disponer de materiales de recursos naturales tales
como la conservación del agua y la reutilización o reciclaje de papel, plástico y metal
 Medida, registro e información meteorológica gráfico
 Identificar la importancia de la información meteorológica y de temporada para tomar decisiones en las
actividades de la ropa y el transporte
 Identificar los factores en el entorno, como la temperatura y la precipitación
Estudios sociales
 Identificar las funciones de gobierno
 Nombre de los funcionarios públicos actuales
 Comparar los roles de los funcionarios públicos
 Identificar formas en que los funcionarios públicos son seleccionados
 Identificar el Alcalde, el Gobernador, y el Presidente
 Identificar personajes históricos que hayan demostrado poseer un buen ciudadano
 Describir cómo una dieta saludable puede ayudar a proteger el cuerpo contra algunas enfermedades
 Identificar los efectos nocivos del alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas
 Identificar las opciones de alimentos saludables y no saludables
 Identificar los grupos de alimentos y los efectos de comer demasiado azúcar
 Identificar conductas saludables que ayudan a reducir el estrés
Proyectos: Los estudiantes crearán un folleto acerca de los héroes históricos que ejemplifican la buena
ciudadanía, usando la tecnología
En la casa, los estudiantes crearán un libro sobre como "estar sano" para incluir rutinas
saludables, recetas saludables, y el ejercicio.
 Más información será enviada a casa para indicar la fecha que se entregara.
--------Por favor ------ corte aquí --- y la parte inferior ----- regreso ---------------He leído la lista de resultados y entiendo los requisitos para mi hijo. Yo entiendo que puedo
comunicarme con el profesor durante el tiempo de la conferencia designado en lo que respecta al
progreso académico de mi hijo.
Padre / Tutor
Nombre del Niño