The Great Gatsby Literary Devices Worksheet Ch 1 – Exemplar

The Great Gatsby
Literary Devices Worksheet—Chapter 1
Winter 2013
Setting is defined as ___________________________________________________________________.
Using specific examples from the text, give a description of each of the following. Be sure to include the
page number.
East Egg—Across the courtesy bay the…dinner with the Buchanans. (page 10 or 5)
Buchanan House—Their house was even more elaborate….on the front porch. (page 11
or 6)
West Egg—I lived at West Egg, the…all for eighty dollars a month. (page 9 or 5)
Nick Carraway’s House—see section cited above
Gatsby’s House-- see section cited above
What conclusions can you draw about the characters from the descriptions of the settings?
Gatsby –
Nick –
Characterization is defined as ____________________________________________________________.
Indirect characterization is defined as ______________________________________________.
Direct characterization is defined as ________________________________________________.
Beside each character’s name write one sentence that provides a general description of that character
(paraphrase in your own words).
Nick Carraway—My family have been prominent…in the spring of twenty-two. (page 7 or 3)
Tom Buchanan—Her husband, among various…irrecoverable football game. (page 10 or 6)
He had changed…who hated his guts. (page 11 or 7)
Daisy Buchanan—The other girl…no less charming.) (page 13 or 8-9)
Jordan Baker—The younger of the two…by coming in. (page 13 or 8)
Gatsby—Only Gatsby, the man who…elations of men. (page 6-7 or 2)
Theme is defined as ____________________________________________________________________.
There are 8 major themes in this novel. A specific example is provided below. On subsequent literary
device worksheets, you will provide your own examples.
Loneliness—It was lonely for a day…of the neighborhood (page 8 or 4)
Vision—I had no sight into Daisy’s heart. (page 10 or 6)
Time—When I came) back from the East last autumn. (page 6 or 2)
Romance—…with romantic affection upon her glowing face…street at dusk. (page 18 or 14)
Wealth/Money—His family were enormously wealthy…enough to do that (page 10 or 6)
Death—The whole town is desolate…the north shore. (page 14 or 9)
Dreams—But I felt that Tom…football game. (page 10 or 6
Imagery is defined as __________________________________________________________________.
 Imagery can be created by other literary devices such as ________________________________
For this next section, an example has been provided for you.
Choose one passage that you believe creates an image. Be sure to include the page number. You may
use the ellipsis if the passage is more than two lines. Once you have recorded the passage and page
number, explain how this passage is an example of imagery. Does it appeal to the senses (which ones)?
Does it include any other figures of speech (which ones)?
We walked through a high hallway…slowly to the floor. (page 12 or 7-8)
Symbolism is defined as _______________________________________________________________.
One symbol found in The Great Gatsby is the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock. (page 26 or 21)
At this point, what do you think the green light symbolizes?
Different colors symbolize different ideas. Using the chart provided, choose a recurring color and explain
its significance.