Anorexia and Bulimia

Your Body Image
Body Image
What is body image?
-The way you view yourself
-Can be positive or negative
Factors That Influence Body Image
Body Weight
• It’s NOT about the number
• Bodies come in all shapes and sizes
• A few extra pounds now will grow
and change throughout your teen
• Extra weight many times will turn
into height later
• Too little weight now will usually
catch up after getting taller stops
Body Weight
• Most teens don’t need to gain or
lose weight
• In fact, dieting can interfere with
normal growth and development
Body Weight
Benefits of a Healthy Weight
• Body works right
• No strain
• More energy
• Less risk of disease
• Better mood
Body Mass Index
What is your Body Mass
Your BMI is a method for
assessing your body size
based on your height and
Body Mass Index
• It is important to understand that the BMI
measurement is not perfect
• It cannot take a person’s body build into
account (more muscular or stockier build
may be labeled overweight even if they do
not have a lot of body fat)
• During your teen years, your body is
changing rapidly
• Your growth pattern may cause you to
become overweight or underweight for a
period of time
Eating Disorders
-Extreme eating behaviors that can
lead to serious illness or death
-People who feel bad about
themselves or are depressed are
more likely to develop an eating
Factors that Influence Eating Disorders
• What is it?
• Self-Starvation
• An eating disorder in which a strong fear of
weight gain leads people to starve
themselves on purpose
• Eat so little that their bodies do not get the
nutrients they need
Warning Signs of Anorexia
Abnormal/extreme weight loss
Intense fear of gaining weight
Refusal to eat
Non-stop dieting
Excessive exercise
Excessive facial/body hair
Hair loss
Sensitive to cold
What Can Happen if You Have Anorexia?
• Bones can become thin and brittle
from lack of calcium
• Decrease in blood pressure and body
• Starve to death
• Death from heart failure, kidney
failure, or other medical
• Binge and Purge
• An eating disorder in which a person
repeatedly eats large amounts of food
and then purges
• Purging may include vomiting,
exercising excessively, or abusing
laxatives/diet pills
Warning Signs of Bulimia
• May often go to the bathroom after
eating a large meal to purge
• Swollen cheeks or broken blood
vessels in eyes from vomiting
• Abuse medications, such as
laxatives or diet pills, to help their
bodies get rid of food
• Excessive exercise
What Can Happen if You Have Bulimia?
• Robs the body of nutrients
• Damages the colon, liver, kidneys, and
• Rotten teeth
• Stomach and esophagus damage
• Severe dehydration
• Death from heart failure, kidney failure, or
other medical complications
Binge Eating Disorder
• What is it?
• Compulsive Overeating
• An eating disorder in which a person
repeatedly eats too much food at one time
• Compulsion=Something that you feel you
cannot control
• In some cases, this disorder may be an
attempt to deal with depression
Warning Signs of Binge Eating
• Eat even when not hungry
• Eat so much food they feel physically
• May hide food they plan to eat
• Eat alone
What Can Happen if You Have Binge Eating Disorder?
Serious weight gain
Heart Disease
Low Self-Esteem
Death from heart attack, stroke,
diabetes, or other medical
Ways to Help
-Start by talking to your friend privately about what you've noticed
-If your friend opens up about what's going on, ask how you can
-Find out as much as you can about eating disorders from reliable
-Try not to be too watchful of your friend's eating habits,
food amounts, and choices
-Know your limits
-Focus on inner qualities
-Offer to go with your friend to a support group or be there when
your friend talks to a counselor
-Remind your friend that you're there no matter what