Civics - Mount Pleasant Area School District

Chapter 2
Date: Tuesday
March 4
TSWBAT create a collage describing Democracy;
review and analyze chapter 1.
Warm up: time to complete the Collage Project
Activity: If completed with collage, time to study for test
tomorrow: See Study Guide!
• Book
• Binder
• Pen/pencil
Current Assignments
Past Due
What do I need
for class today?
Date: Wednesday
March 5
TSWBAT evaluate their understanding of naturalization
and what it means to be an American citizen; survey and
explain the Big ideas and concepts of Chapter 2
Warm up: 5 minutes to study/ Q&A
Activity: Test; then complete chapter 1 survey and hang up group
poster ((should say immigrants NOT immigration))
• Book
• Binder
• Pen/pencil
Current Assignments
Past Due
What do I need
for class today?
Date: Thursday
March 6
TSWBAT explain the importance of the Magna Carta
and Parliament in the changes that occurred in England
in the 1600s and how this influenced the United States;
describe and evaluate John Locke’s ideas
Warm up: write this answer in your notes: What seems to be the
main idea of this next chapter?
Activity: Time to complete section 1 reading guide
• Book
• Binder
• Pen/pencil
Current Assignments
Past Due
What do I need
for class today?
Date: Friday
March 7
TSWBAT explain the meaning of enlightenment
Warm up: What does the term “enlightenment” mean to you after
reading section 1 of chapter 2.
Activity: reading partner activity; comparison
• Book
• Binder
• Pen/pencil
Current Assignments
Past Due
What do I need
for class today?
Date: Monday
March 10
TSWBAT explain how political and economic institutions
evolve to help individuals and groups accomplish their
Warm up: CH 1 tests returned; make corrections
Activity: PPT of chapter 2 and notes; make up work for Ms.
• Book
• Binder
• Pen/pencil
Current Assignments
Past Due
What do I need
for class today?
Used textbook PPT
Not needed for future
Date: Tuesday
March 11
Warm up: SPEAKER
• Book
• Binder
• Pen/pencil
Current Assignments
Past Due
What do I need
for class today?
Date: Wednesday
March 12
TSWBAT explain how political and economic institutions
evolve to help individuals and groups accomplish their
goals; define interpret a primary resource
Warm up: Write this answer in your notes- what was the Mayflower
compact? Write any detail you can think of or guess to what it could
have been!
Activity: PPT for back ground info—take notes!! read and answer
questions in a group from “reading the Mayflower Compact
• Book
• Binder
• Pen/pencil
Current Assignments
Past Due
What do I need
for class today?
Origins of the Mayflower Compact
Since the new location for their colony was outside
the areas claimed by the two chartered joint-stock
companies, they considered themselves independent
and created their own government under the
Mayflower Compact.
Creating the Mayflower Compact
 In
basic terms, the Mayflower Compact was a social
contract whereby the forty-one men who signed it
agreed to abide by the new government's laws in
exchange for shared protection.
The Purpose of the Mayflower
"Having undertaken, for the Glory of God and
advancement of the Christian Faith and Honour of our King
and Country, a Voyage to plant the First Colony in the
Northern Parts of Virginia Combine ourselves together into
a Civil Body Politic, for our better ordering and
preservation and furtherance of the ends; and by virtue
hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal
Laws, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall
be thought most meet and convenient for the general good
of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission
and obedience.“
–William Bradford
The Mayflower Compact’s Significance
The Mayflower Compact was the foundational
document for the Plymouth Colony.
the fact that it was a covenant whereby the settlers
would subordinate their rights to follow laws passed
by the government to ensure protection and survival
made it a unique document.
As previously stated, it set a precedent and was
indeed an influential document for the founding
fathers as they created the US Constitution.
Reading the Mayflower Compact!
Read the Mayflower Compact and answer the
Once you have finished reading, please answer the
reflection questions:
 Why
do you think they believed they needed a
 Why
did they write what they did?
Date: Thursday
March 13
TSWBAT create a “Mayflower Compact” using
information from their research yesterday
Warm up: get out your reflection questions from yesterday!
Discuss answers to these two questions
Activity: With a partner/group, write your OWN “Mayflower
• Book
• Binder
• Pen/pencil
Current Assignments
Past Due
What do I need
for class today?
Example “Classroom” Compact:
"We, who have signed this document below, have joined
together to attend the Mount Pleasant Area Jr/Sr High
School, and study Social Studies. . . .“
Reminder: a Compact was a pledge to do something in
a stated way for an expressed reason, and your
"Classroom Compacts" should do the same.
each group (2-3 people) will write its own "Classroom
Compact." Explain that they should follow the format
of the Mayflower Compact BUT use modern language
and substitute appropriate descriptions of themselves
for those given in the Mayflower Compact.
Date: Friday
March 14
TSWBAT navigate the web to read and analyze the
English Bill of Rights and
Warm up: sign out a computer and load; review the assignment
while computers load
Activity: Short online activity and reflection
• Book
• Binder
• Pen/pencil
Current Assignments
Past Due
What do I need
for class today?
The Bill of Rights, 1689
It lays down limits on the powers of the crown
 sets out the rights of Parliament and rules for
freedom of speech in Parliament, the
requirement for regular elections to
Parliament and the right to petition the
monarch without fear of retribution
Date: Tuesday
March 18
TSWBAT Review the English Bill of Rights and the
Mayflower Compact to explain and discuss how it
influenced America
Warm up: Review the English Bill of Rights and the Mayflower
Compact to explain and discuss how it influenced America
Activity: PPT and notes
• Book
• Binder
• Pen/pencil
Current Assignments
Past Due
What do I need
for class today?
How did the Mayflower
Compact and English Bill of
Rights influence American
Feelings on Declaration?
Date: Wednesday
March 19
TSWBAT describe the causes of war, declaration of
Independence and translate the Declaration
Warm up: Public Poll: would you have went to war- why or why
not (begin in groups of 4 and cast your ballot!!)
Activity: PPT of Declaration of Independence; begin activity
• Book
• Binder
• Pen/pencil
Current Assignments
Past Due
What do I need
for class today?