s20090134_kamala rep..

What is the effect of violent internet games on teenagers from
age group 12-18?
Violent video games are the most recent medium to be decried by researchers,
politicians, and the popular press as contributing to society's . It is postulated
that juvenile violence is one of the biggest problems facing societies in the new
millennium.Contributing factors to the problem of juvenile violence, and relating
to this paper, include the violence that children are watching on television, at the
movies, the music they are listening to, unrestricted use of the Internet, violent
video games and violent coin-up games . Violent games like ; balls ,
counter-strike, battle-field , call of duty etc . Part of the increase in aggressive
behavior is linked to the amount of time children are allowed to play video
 The information I found out from websites are being very popular and its
commonly found to be used by most of the people as it gives lot of
information that are useful.
From the newspaper,it helped me to know recent news about the teenagers
involvement in different activities.
Violent internet games have both negative and positive effects.
Negative effect :The decrease in pro-social behaviors, studies and articles
have also found that frequent use of video games leads to an increase in
antisocial behavior. Characteristics of those who exhibit antisocial behaviors
include being considerably introverted, aggression, depression or anxiety (said to
appear later in life). Antisocial behavior begins to appear in younger ages,
typically these children display acts of violence with no consideration for
Positive effects of video games:
Video games many have healthy and positive aspects effects; for example, it can
be a safe outlet for aggression and frustration , it can develop many skills, for
example, positive effects on divided attention performance, developmental issues
and spatial and coordination skills. There are many positive effects of video
games on some people play because they want to get away from their everyday
life, break routine, to relieve stress, allow them to cool off when they are stressful,
take out their anger through the game rather in real life because they are fun and
an interesting way to spend time
Kids who are addicted to violent internet games should be given knowledge
about how harmful it is and how it effects their future.
They can play sports instead of wasting their time playing internet
games.People should control the number of violent game website.
Teachers and school administrators can help reduce children's exposure
to media violence by educating parents on the dangers of violent television
programs, graphic video games and violent content on the Internet.
Parents should watch television, play games and listen to the music that
their children listen to in order to monitor the quality of the media.
Parents need to talk with their children about what they see on television
and on the Internet.
Of course most people do not become violent when they watch television or
movie violence or play a violent internet games.
But they may be affected in one of the following ways:
 An aggressor effect: encouraging violent behavior
 A victim effect : increasing fearfulness
 A bystander effect: leading to callousness, accepting
as normal
 An appetite effect: building a desire to play more violent games
Sample qustions:
1. Do you play violent internet games?
2. Do you think violent internet games effect teenager personal development?
3. Does playing violent video games can lead to aggressive
Around 80% of people think that violent internet games lead to aggressive
self-conceptualizations .50% of people think that violent internet games effect
teenagers personal development and about 65% of people are involved in playing
violent games.
During this project I came to know that the boys are more addicted to violent
internet games then the girls .I have faced lot of problem while doing this project
because i don’t have knowledge about violent games but somehow I managed as
I did research in internet, newspaper, books. Now that I have learned a lot about
violent internet games its seems that these kind of games are not good for
teenagers as it affect their life regarding study, development, behavior attitude
etc. This project helped me to build-up my self-confidence as I did presentation
in-front of all and was able to do it smoothly.
After doing this project I came to know that actively playing violent video games (as
compared to passively watching the same games) leads to an increased perception of
aggressiveness in boys. The effect did not hold true for girls. Boys did not believe that
they experienced any negative effects of violent video games, but believed that younger
children might imitate violent games. They did not believe that video games cause
violence but in real it does affect. Angry people are more likely to show negative effects
of violent video games. Aggressive behavior may be the result of playing violent video
games, the expression of traits that were present before playing violent video games, or it
may be a result of several possible combinations of these and other factors. Boys who
identify with violent video game characters are more likely to be aggressive , boys who
are naturally aggressive are attracted to violent video games. Lower educated boys play
more violent video games than higher educated boys and also playing violent video
games can lead to aggressive self-conceptualizations. This project helped me a lot to get
knowledge about violent internet games and its result on teenagers and know I am more
concerned about its effect too.