2014-15 Curriculum Checklist

2014-15 Duplin County Schools Curriculum Checklist
All Schools:
 Number of non-proficient and/or low performing students reduced by at least 10% as measured by
state assessments and local/state benchmark assessments
 Implement Common Instructional Framework (CIF) in all classrooms with fidelity (using CIF Rubrics as
a guide for implementation)
 CIF Strategies will be labeled on lesson plans (not a checklist of strategies at the top of plan; instead,
embed the strategies where they are included in the plan)
 Educational background signs, using the DCS template, are evident throughout school for each certified
and non-certified staff member
 College banners and posters are evident throughout school (hallways, common areas, classrooms), in
addition to educational background signs
 All teachers will participate in The Tuning Protocol at least three times per semester
 All certified staff will participate in the Rounds Model for Professional Development at least 4 times per
school year, as planned by principals
 School administration and other appropriate school personnel will participate in a quarterly review of
the Self-Assessment/SIP to show fidelity to the NC New Schools Design Principles
 Schools will complete and submit Self-Assessment documents by the established deadlines
 Evidence of global awareness embedded in instructional practices
 Evidence of School Improvement Team (SIT) meeting, as required by statute, to discuss school data
(demographic, process, perception, performance), instructional programs, and school operations. SIT
is elected, with chair other than the principal.
 Evidence of using Schoolnet/CTE Elements (E3) as a formative assessment tool in all classrooms for
which test items are available
 Evidence that teachers are trained to access benchmark data and utilize the results to adjust instruction
 Evidence all teachers have EVAAS logins and are proficient in its use
 Evidence of using DCS Walk-Through document to drive instructional decisions and improvement (i.e.
using the summary of responses as a guide)
 Teachers will use district and/or state approved Curriculum Guides to plan instruction
 Schools will implement clearly defined affective support structures (Advisories, Seminar, Interventions
and Enrichment, Lunch and Learn, etc.)
 Principals assure that all curriculum checklist items are documented using dates, details, and artifacts
2014-15 Duplin County Schools Curriculum Checklist
 College adoption clearly evident for school/site (signs and banners posted throughout school)
 Field trip participation, virtual or actual, with a college connection/theme
 High school students are invited to mentor/tutor students
 90 minute reading block which incorporates Balanced Literacy Components (Read Aloud, Shared
Reading, Guided Reading and Mini Lessons
 Daily block of time scheduled for Intervention and Enrichment
 College adoption clearly evident for each grade level (signs and banners posted in classrooms)
 Evidence of guest speakers with topics related to college and career readiness (minimum of 3 per
 Field trip participation, virtual or actual, with a college connection as related to the grade level
adoptions (one per grade level)
 Counselors educate all students on college options (Associate of Applied Science, Associate of
Arts/Sciences, Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, Doctorate Degree, etc.), different types of colleges
(two year, four year, liberal arts, private/public, etc.), career interests/options, and college- and
career-ready skills following the district plan.
 Host parent meetings to discuss school expectations, college preparedness, 21st century skills, bullying,
Internet and social media safety, and/or other elementary school issues.
 Daily block of time scheduled for Intervention and Enrichment
 College adoption clearly evident by teacher (signs and banners posted in classrooms)
 Evidence of guest speakers with topics related to college and career readiness (minimum of 3 per
 Field trip participation to a college, including live college classroom visits as related to the college
adoptions (one per grade level)
 Counselors educate all students on college options (Associate of Applied Science, Associate of
Arts/Sciences, Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, Doctorate Degree, etc.), different types of colleges
(two year, four year, liberal arts, private/public, etc.), career interests/options, and college- and
career-ready skills following the district plan.
 Students participate in Career and College Fair
2014-15 Duplin County Schools Curriculum Checklist
 8th graders complete Career Interest Inventory (through CTE) and College Readiness Inventory (i.e.
 Host parent meetings to discuss school expectations, college preparedness, 21st century skills, bullying,
Internet and social media safety, and/or other middle school issues.
 College adoption clearly evident by teacher (signs and banners posted in classrooms)
 Evidence of guest speakers with topics related to college and career readiness (minimum of 4 per
 Field trip participation to a college, including live college classroom visits (every student has at least one
on-campus college experience per year)
 College and Career Liaisons educate all students on college options (Associate of Applied Science,
Associate of Arts/Sciences, Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, Doctorate Degree, etc.), different types of
colleges (two year, four year, liberal arts, private/public, etc.), career interests/options, and collegeand career-ready skills following the district plan.
 Sophomores take the PLAN assessment to determine college readiness
 Juniors take ACT assessment to determine college readiness
 Senior CTE Concentrators take WorkKeys assessments
 Evidence that all teachers incorporate the STEM theme into instruction (i.e. Agriscience &
Biotechnology (EDHS, JKHS, NDJS, WRH), Energy & Sustainability (DECHS))
 Evidence that all teachers incorporate the DCS Engineering Design Process into instruction
 Schools maintain an accurate list of students eligible for the College Transfer Pathway and Career and
Technical Education Pathway with the Career and College Promise (CCP)
 Assure that students eligible for CCP have the opportunity to enroll in college coursework each
 Host parent meetings to school expectations, graduation requirements, SAT/ACT testing procedures
and dates, college application process, financial aid opportunities, CFNC support, Internet and social
media safety, and/or other topics related to college and career readiness.