Chapter 5 Lesson 2 Where is fresh water found?

Chapter 5 - Water on Earth
ES 3.a
ES 4.a
ES 3.a Students know most of Earth’s water is present
as alt water in the oceans, which voer most of Earth’s
ES 4.b Students know the influence that the ocean
has on the weather and the role that the water cycle
plays in weather patterns.
Students explain that nearly all of Earth’s water is alt
water in oceans that cover three-fourths of Earth’s
Students relate ocean currents to changes in
Bell Work
1. List foods that taste salty.
2. Why does the ocean water leave white grains
on your skin?
Chapter 5 – Water on Earth
Sea level-
Interaction: Draw a picture to
represent sea level.
2. salinity-
How can the oceans be
described ?
Chapter 5 Lesson 1
• What do you think the word hydrosphere
The Hydrosphere
• Earth is covered mostly in water.
– Most of Earth’s water is in its salty oceans.
– All of the waters on Earth make up the
• The hydrosphere covers ¾ of the Earth’s surface.
• Only 3/100, or 3% of the hydrosphere is in a place
other than the oceans.
– What?!?!?! That means 97% of water on
Earth is salt water?!?!?
– Can we drink salt water?!?! Why or why
• Group discussion and brainstorm
– So how much of Earth’s water can we
• Drinking water is also called fresh water
The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean.
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Southern Ocean
Artic Ocean
– All of the oceans are connected.
– Each sea level differs slightly from ocean to ocean
Earth’s Oceans
• Ocean water is salty.
• The oceans get salt from rivers, when rain falls over land, it
dissolves salts and other minerals, which are then carried
to the oceans by rivers.
• When water evaporates from the surface of the ocean, the
dissolved salts are left behind in the ocean.
• Salinity is the measure of the amount of salt in water.
• Ocean water is saltier in some places than in others.
• The temperature of ocean water differs from place to place.
• Cold water is heavier than an equal volume of warm
water, so cold water sinks below warm water.
• Refer to the illustration on pg. 174
• Location and currents affect temperature.
Ocean Resources
• Salt
– Evaporating sea water
• Magnesium
• Fish
– Other seafood
Chapter 5 Lesson 2 – Where is fresh water found?
3.d Students know that the amount of fresh water located
in rivers, lakes, underground sources, and glaciers is limited
and that its availability can be extended by recycling and
decreasing the use of water.
3.e Students know the origin of the water used by their
local communities.
Students will identify Earth’s limited sources of
fresh water, including rivers, lakes, underground
sources, and glaciers.
Students will describe ways to extend the
availability of fresh water.
Students locate sources of fresh water used by
local communities.
1. Name and describe fresh water lakes and
rivers near where you live.
2. Where do you think the water in rivers and
lakes come from?
Bell Work
Ch. 5 Sec. 2 Where is fresh water found? ?
1. aquifer-
2. water table-
Interaction: What roots are used in
the word aquifer, what do they
Interaction: Sketch a picture of a water
3. watershed-
4. reservoir-
Interaction: List types of reservoirs.
Which reservoir is closet to us?
Where is fresh water found?
Chapter 5 Lesson 2
Where is fresh water found?
• Drinking water is also called fresh water.
• Where does fresh water come from?
Almost all of Earth’s fresh water starts as rain or snow.
Some sinks into the ground
Some collects in rivers and lakes
Some is frozen in ice sheets and glaciers
• Fresh water is NOT evenly spread over the world.
• The amount of fresh water is limited
– This means water should be used WISELY!!!!!
Sources of Fresh Water
• Groundwater
– Rain or melted snow that soaks into the ground.
• Groundwater keep sinking until it reaches a layer of
rock or clay that it cannot move through.
• This layer of rock and soil that groundwater moves
through is an aquifer.
– Aqua means water
– Ferre means to carry
• The top level of groundwater in an aquifer is called
the water table.
• Identify three places fresh water can be found
– Group discussion and brainstorm
• Identify three places fresh water can be found
– Group discussion and brainstorm
Ice sheets
Surface Water
• Rivers, Streams, Lakes
– Melting snow, rainwater, and groundwater
• The area from which water drains into a river
is called the river’s watershed.
• Lakes are generally blocked by higher land or
by a dam.
• Lakes form when water collects in a low spot.
• A reservoir is usually an artificial lake that
forms behind a dam.
Ice and Glaciers
• Ice
– About 7/10 of Earth’s fresh water
is FROZEN in ice.
– Frozen in ICE?!?!?! What?!?!? that
means we have even less fresh
water to drink!!!!!!!
• Glaciers
– Smaller areas of ice are called
– As they flow they scrape and move
– Glaciers and ice sheets form over
time if snowfall is greater than the
amount of snow that melts.
• Floating pieces of ice are called
Group Discussion & Brainstorm
• Where is most of the earth’s fresh water
• Why is it important to conserve water?
• How can we conserve water?
Getting Water to Homes
• Water towers
• Groundwater
• Surface Water
– Pollution
– Water treatment plants
Water Pollution
Questions to consider
• How does a person use the most water?
• Why does water need to be treated before it
can be used?
Chapter 5 Lesson 3 –California water sources?
3.d Students know that the amount of fresh water located
in rivers, lakes, underground sources, and glaciers is limited
and that its availability can be extended by recycling and
decreasing the use of water.
3.e Students know the origin of the water used by their
local communities.
Students will give examples of sources of fresh
water found in CA, including rivers, lakes, and
underground sources.
Students know the origin of their community’s
water supply.
1. List four sources of fresh water.
2. Where do you think water comes from when
you turn on a faucet.
Bell Work
What are some California water
Chapter 5 Lesson 3
• Where does California get its water from?
• California gets fresh water from lakes, rivers,
and groundwater.
• Because the amount of fresh water is limited,
it is important to use water wisely.
• Because most fresh water starts as rain or
snow, the supply of fresh water in southern
California is very limited.
Transporting Water Throughout
• California Aqueduct system
• An aqueduct is a system of pipes that carries water
from a river or lake to the area where it is needed.
Group discussion and brainstorm
• Why are aqueducts important
• What aqueduct does Riverside County get water
• What is the purpose of aqueducts?
• How would the supply of water for CA be affected if
less snow fell during the winter than normal?
Local Water Sources
• Watershed – the land
that water flows
across or under on its
way to a stream.
– No matter where you
live, you live in a
• In which watershed
do you live?
What affects the water supply?
• The amount of water available to an area
depends on how much water is collected in
the watershed.
• It also depends on how much water is used.
• Water quality also affects how much fresh
water is available.
Group discussion and brainstorm
• What affects water quality?
• Water used in homes and business can be
• Wastewater treatment plant
Group discussion and brainstorm
• List three ways people can reduce and recycle
the water they use.
• How is reclaimed water used on the farm?
• How can the supply of water in lakes and
rivers be affected?
• Why does you community’s water source
depend partly on how much water it needs?
Chapter 5 - Section 1 - 3: How can the oceans be described?
sea level
water table
water shed
Draw a flow chart of a watershed
Water from rain or snow – small
creeks – larger streams – rivers –
most rivers flow to the ocean
Reading Check Question
What type of water source has a high
level of salinity?