Birds - K12Share

Chapter 18 Section 3
6th Grade
Do Now…
Describe the steps of frog metamorphosis.
Students will…
Identify the characteristics of birds
Describe the adaptations that birds have for
Explain the function of feathers
Characteristics of Birds
1) Endothermic (warm blooded)
2) two wings
3) two legs
4) covered mostly with feathers
5) Bill or beak
6) Lay a hard-shelled egg
How Birds are Adapted for Flight
Strong, light skeleton
Tail vertebrate joined for stability
High-energy diet
Strong, efficient heart
Specialized lungs connected to air sacs
Functions of Feathers
Down Feathers (4 characteristics)
Contour Feathers (4 characteristics)
 Trap warm air near body
 Give birds streamlined shape
 Under contour feathers of adults
 Barbs branch off main body
 Cover bodies of some young birds  Colors attract males
 Fluffy
 Camouflage protects from predators
Three Reasons Why Birds Preen
1) To clean feathers
2) To organize feathers
3) To spread oil to keep skin soft and
prevent feathers from becoming brittle
 Bird Evolution and Adaptations
 Amazing Birds 1
For Next Time…
Complete Self Check Questions #1-3 pg. 544
Flying Paper Birds
6th Grade
Check Now…
Review Self Check Questions #1-3 pg. 544
Students will…
Create paper airplanes that model
birds in flight
How Bird Wings Work
Flying Paper Birds
Types of Flight
 Gliding-In gliding flight, a bird's wings deflect air downward, causing a lift
force that holds the bird up in the air. When a bird is gliding, it doesn't
have to do any work
 Soaring-Soaring flight is a special kind of glide, in which the bird flies in a
rising air current. Because the air is rising, the bird can maintain its height
relative to the ground. (Vultures and Hawks)
 Flapping-The wings flap with an up-and-down motion. When the wings
move up and down, they are also moving forward through the air along
with the rest of the bird.
Bird Paper Airplane Types
Follow Directions on Worksheets to create the following airplanes
 1) Straw Flyer Airplane
 2) Falcon Airplane
 Begin completing activity worksheet with your lab group
 Together as a team you will measure the distance and time of your
airplanes in flight
For Next Time…
Complete Reinforcement Worksheet on Birds
 Bill Nye- Amphibians