
SciWiNet: a Science Wireless Network for the Research
Jim Martin,
School of Computing
Clemson University
KC Wang
Ivan Seskar
ECE Department
Winlab, Rutgers
Clemson University
Presented at Mobicom 2013 Panel: Deploying a 4G LTE Network in a Research
October 3, 2013
SciWiNet Project website at
Agenda …..
 Introduction
 History
 Project Objectives
 Methods/Details
 Next Steps
Enabling research over cellular networks…..
3G/4G Cellular Operator
NSF Research Communities
Challenge #1: Geographic Scalability
Challenge #2: Device Scalability
Challenge #3: Economics
DOT/ITS Safety/
Research Homeland
Mobile Network Operator
MNO customer
Mobile Virtual Network
MVNO customer
SciWiNet: an MVNO that supports the academic research community
• Our project consists of a Phase 1trial/planning effort to be followed by a
larger trial/deployment (Phase 2)
• We are just beginning Phase 1
• As we will explain, Sprint is the MNO, Clemson/Rutgers along with
Arterra represent the MVNO
Agenda …..
 Introduction
 History
 Project Objectives
 Methods/Details
 Next Steps
 Lots of great prior work towards wireless testbeds
 Emulab, PlanetLab, GENI all contribute to current ‘slice-based’
experimentation model
 Prior NSF Workshop specifically identified an MVNO as a
solution for the academic community (Workshop on Wireless
National Testbed, WiNTeB, held May 2010)
 Why now?
 Timing: GENI helped get us here, Sprint/Arterra supportive
partners, NSF ready to finance a project to evaluate the
concept, finally wireless now touches many research projects
that involve people and society.
Agenda …..
 Introduction
 History and Motivations
 Project Objectives
 Methods/Details
 Next Steps
Research Objectives
 The underlying infrastructure (i.e., Arterra/Sprint’s system)
is not under investigation. Instead, we are developing and
evaluating a possible service framework that can support a
broad set of academic researchers.
 First, identify the requirements
 Who will use the network?
 What features/capabilities are required ?
Agenda …..
 Introduction
 History and Motivations
 Project Objectives
Phase 1: Get researcher’s access
to SciWiNet, learn requirements and
develop a user community (NOTE: as
we will explain, the system initially is
intended for a small set of users)
 Methods/Details
 Next Steps
Phase 2: Based on Phase 1 results,
develop/deploy fully functional system
(not yet funded)
Methods and Details
 SciWiNet will support Sprint’s network (WiMAX, LTE, 3G) as an MVNO
 We are using Arterra to provide the MVNO framework including
management devices.
 Arterra is Carrier of Record and holds the FCC IDs (Sprint owns the
 SciWiNet provides portal interface for administrators
 Customers can acquire their own devices or purchase through SciWiNet –
further discussion to come
 Discussed over next slides
 User/customer management
 Device discussion
Methods and Details: User
 Users are identified by ‘Research Project’
 For example, University A might have two separate research projects. Each
consisting of different faculty/staff/students.
 Each Research Project will have an admin person who has access to SciWiNet’s
portal. From the portal the admin can:
 Manage devices, observe device consumption levels, purchase additional data
 New Research Projects are entered in the system through SciWiNet admin.
Note: The procedures described on this page are subject to change
Methods and Details: User
 Arterra provides a hierarchical management scheme using abstractions called ‘buckets’
and ‘wallets’.
 A bucket is a control point for managing device usage.
 A wallet is a billing mechanism. For Phase 1 we will utilize a single bucket and a single
 Research Projects are allocated an amount of data (i.e., Mbytes) which is added to a
single bucket managed by SciWiNet. Each Research Project will have an enforced
maximum usage based on their allocation.
 “Points” are used to account for the monthly active device charge. Each device active in a
given month requires one Point. On a month to month basis the administrator is
required to purchase the number of Points needed to support the desired number of
active devices for the following month. The administrator will also be required to
suspend any devices, for the entire billing period, for which they desire not to be
decremented a Point.
Note: The procedures described on this page are subject to change
Methods and Details: Devices
 Any device that is supported by Sprint’s network and permitted for use by MVNOs.
 Sprint’s MVNOs are not allowed to support iPhone devices (this is an Apple
 With a few exceptions, Android devices that have been validated for use on Sprint’s
network (either Sprint branded or third party authorized) are permitted
 Sprint supports a broad range of device types, ranging from USB dongles and MiFi
devices to tablets and smartphones.
 SciWiNet will require users to accept an end user agreement which effectively passes
along Sprint’s end user agreement.
Note: The procedures described on this page are subject to change
Agenda …..
 Introduction
 History and Motivations
 Project Objectives
 Methods/Details
 Next Steps
Next Steps
 Monitor our project web site for further and updated information:
 Phase 1 : if you might be interested in being an ‘early user’ of SciWiNet
 Fill out an information sheet (to be posted the week of October 7, 2013 at the web
page listed above), send to
 Could be loaned 1-3 devices and with a small amount of data, you should be
agreeable to purchase additional devices and data in the future.
 Willing to provide feedback on the system (especially on requirements and future
capabilities that are necessary to support your research)
 Caveat: we have a very short time frame to select our ‘early users’. Our decisions
will be based on when we see your information sheet and how well your project
fits with our evaluation.
 Will likely favor projects that are willing to purchase devices and data
 However, we would like to get as many folks as possible to submit their interest
by filling out the information sheet (to be posted the week of 10/7/2013)
 What exactly does SciWiNet give us that we did not have before?
 What devices can we chose from?
 Can I modify the device?
 How much does it cost?
 What is the procedure to sign up?
 Is LTE supported at my campus or deployment site?
 Can I run a WiFi AP on my devices?
 Will information from the network (e.g., base station information such as signal
strength, modulation details, or channel frequencies) be available to clients through
some sort of web service?