Servant Leadership Quotations

Leadership: The art of
getting someone else to
do something you want
done because he wants
to do it.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Men are governed only by
serving them;
the rule is without
V. Cousin
The real leader has no
need to lead-he is content to point the
Henry Miller
Go to the people. Learn from
them. Live with them. Start with
what they know. Build with what
they have. The best of leaders
when the job is done, when the
task is accomplished, the people
will say we have done it
Lao Tzu
If your actions inspire
others to dream more,
learn more, do more and
become more, you are a
John Quincy Adams
The ultimate measure of a
man is not where he stands
in moments of comfort, but
where he stands at times of
challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Never tell people how to
do things. Tell them what
to do and they will
surprise you with their
George Patton
Where there is no vision,
the people perish.
Proverbs 29:18
It is absurd that a man
should rule others, who
cannot rule himself.
(Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui
seipsum regere nescit.)
Latin Proverb
A leader’s role is to raise
people’s aspirations for
what they can become and
to release their energies so
they will try to get there.
David Gergen
Leadership is the
capacity to translate
vision into reality.
Warren Bennis
A leader has the vision and
conviction that a dream
can be achieved. She/He
inspires the power and
energy to get it done.
Ralph Lauren
The task of the leader is
to get his people from
where they are to where
they have not been.
Henry Kissinger
No institution can possibly
survive if it needs geniuses or
supermen to manage it. It must
be organized in such a way as to
be able to get along under a
leadership composed of average
human beings.
Peter Drucker
The task of leadership is
not to put greatness into
humanity, but to elicit it,
for the greatness is
already there.
John Buchan
The leader is one who mobilizes
others toward a goal shared by
leaders and followers. ... Leaders,
followers and goals make up the
three equally necessary supports
for leadership.
Gary Wills
A leader is one who
influences a specific
group of people to move
in a God-given direction.
J. Robert Clinton
The first responsibility of a
leader is to define reality.
The last is to say thank you.
In between, the leader is a
Max DePree
Never doubt that a small
group of thoughtful
committed citizens can
change the world. Indeed, it
is the only thing that ever
Margaret Mead
My own definition of leadership is
this: The capacity and the will to
rally men and women to a
common purpose and the
character which inspires
General Montgomery
It is no use walking
anywhere to preach
unless our walking is our
St. Francis of Assisi
Our chief want is
someone who will inspire
us to be what we know
we could be.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The function of
leadership is to produce
more leaders, not more
Ralph Nader
The best executive is the one who
has sense enough to pick good
people to do what he wants done,
and self-restraint to keep from
meddling with them while they
do it.
Theodore Roosevelt