
Value guidelines for Third term project
Grade – 11
Subject: Marketing
Topic: Corporate Wars
Last date for submission of project: 11th Jan
1. Cover page(Name of the project, school logo, year, name of the student, class, name of the
teacher in charge)
2. Certificate on project completion(sample provided down)
3. Acknowledgement(sample provided down, students can add extra words if required)
4. Index
5. Methodology(sample provided down)
6. What is corporate war?
7. What is the need of corporate war?
8. If there’s no corporate war between the companies, what will be state in market?
9. What are warfare Strategies?
10. What is marketing mix?
What is Product mix? What are its variables?
What is price Mix?
What is Place mix? What are its variables?
What is promotion mix? What are its variables?
Select any two companies and print as Cadbury Vs Nestle in center of the page in big font (eg:
Cadbury Vs Nestle, Britannia Vs Parle, Pepsi Vs Coca Cola , Lipton Vs Tetley, Samsung Vs Apple)
Name of the first Company
History of first company
Introduction on the first company
Marketing mix of first company
Branding of the first company
Packaging and labelling information of the first company products
Stick package and labels
Product mix of the first company
Price mix of the first company( how the product is priced, what strategy they follow, what is the
price charged for different products they produce and sell etc)
Place mix of the first company (where is their headquarters, how they distribute, who are their
dealers etc.)
Promotion mix of the first company(details on their advertising, personnel selling, publicity and sales
promotions )
Pictures of different advertising through different media of the 1st company (newspaper
advertising, internet advertising, magazine ad, transit advertising, billboard advertising, social
media ad etc.)(download from internet)
Few newspaper/magazine advertising cutting of the 1st company
Marketing strategies of first company
Latest news of first company( on Britannia _if Britannia Vs Parle)
New product launch of the first company
SWOT Analysis of the first company
What are the awards of the first company(Eg:Britannia Award)
What are the social responsibility of first company(Eg:Britannia social responsibility)
Name of the Second Company
History of second company
Introduction on the second company
Marketing mix of second company
Branding of the second company
Packaging and labelling information of the second company products
Stick labels and packages
Product mix of the second company
Price mix of the second company( how the product is priced, what strategy they follow, what is the
price charged for different products they produce and sell etc
Place mix of the second company(where is their headquarters, how they distribute, who are their
dealers etc)
Promotion mix of the second company(details on their advertising, personnel selling, publicity and
sales promotions )
Pictures of different advertising through different media of the second company( newspaper
advertising, internet advertising, magazine ad, transit advertising, billboard advertising, social
media ad etc)(download from internet)
Few newspaper/magazine advertising cutting of the second company.
Marketing strategies of second company
Latest news of second company(Parle _if Britannia Vs Parle)
New product launch of the second company
SWOT Analysis of the second company
What are the awards of the second company(Eg: Parle Award)
What are the social responsibility of second company(Eg: Parle social responsibility)
Appendix Pictures of two companies as war with products
Pictures of two companies as war with price
Pictures of two companies as war with place mix
Pictures of two companies as war with promotion mix(different advertising)
Dealer Questionnaire ( 5 dealers – meet any 5 dealer who deals your product and fill in the
Tabular Analysis on response of questions of dealer questionnaire(sample given below)
Graphical analysis on response of questions of dealer questionnaire (only pie charts)
Verbal analysis- conclusion on the research on dealer questionnaire.
Customer Questionnaire(total 20 questionnaire- 10 questionnaire are to be filled in by meeting the
customers directly and other 10 questionnaires get it filled through social media)(sample provided
Put the snap shots for the analysis over social media.
Tabular Analysis on response of questions(sample given below)
Graphical analysis on response of questions (only pie charts)
Verbal analysis- conclusion on the research on consumer questionnaire.
Also Prepare a PPT Presentation for a duration of 10-12 mins only.
Each slide should have information in bullets with picture in support to it.
Do not copy paste the whole paragraph and read out while presenting.
Give the presentation like a marketing executive do not read out from the slide.
(Marking scheme for the ppt: contents on the slide(no copy paste only bullets with relevant
pictures) -3 marks, communication and presentation skill-3 marks, information collected-4
1. Introduction on corporate war and warfare strategies
2. Introduction on the first company
3. Product mix, price mix, place mix and promotion mix of first the company
One video advertisement on the first company
Introduction on the 2nd company
Product mix, price mix, place mix and promotion mix of 2nd the company
One video advertisement on the 2nd company
Pictures war with products
Pictures war with price
Pictures war with place mix
Pictures war with Advertising
Awards and social responsibility of each company
Sample Questionnaire-dealer and consumer
Snap shots on social media analysis
Graphical Analysis-dealer
Graphical analysis consumer
Conclusion in words-dealer
Conclusion in words consumer)
Sample Methodology
1. We learnt on the introduction on corporate wars.
2. We selected two competing companies and collected information on the history of the
3. Information on the marketing mix of the company is also collected
4. Market Research on importance of the product line
5. Survey on who wins the war
6. Dealer and consumer analysis is also done
7. Analysis and graphical presentation on survey
8. Final conclusion
Sample consumer questionnaire (Lipton VS Testley)(10-12 questions)
Questionnaire on corporate wars
Name: ________________
Age: ________
Sex :__________
Marital status:______________
I ______________ age __ a marketing student from The Indian High School would like to
take 5 minutes of your time to fill this survey for my project.
1. Which brand do you use?
a. Lipton
b. Tetley
2. How long you have been using it?
a. For the past 1 year
b. For the past 2 years
c. For more than 3 years
3. How often do you purchase tea packets?
1. Weekly once
2. Monthly once
3. 15 days once
4. 2 months once
5. Others
Do you feel charges according to the quality of the product?
a. Yes b. no
Do they offer wide variety of products segments to you?
a. Yes b. no
Are you aware of the new products of this brand coming to the market?
a. Yes b. no
Tastewise how do you rate this brand?
a. Excellent b.very good c. good d. fair d. not at all pleasing
On what basis do you prefer your brand?
a. Quality
b. Price
c. Taste
d. Packaging
e. Aroma
f. others
which of the following sources influence your purchasing decision?
a. Newspaper advertisements
b. Television advertising
c. Recommended by a friend
d. Tried as a sample
e. Promotion offered
Which flavored tea do you prefer?
a. Vanilla
b. Honey
c. Mint and lemon
d. Strawberry
e. Ginger
Answer if lipton is your option, Which type of lipton tea do you prefer?
a. Green label
b. Red label
c. Yellow label
d. Iced tea
e. Lipton original
Answer if Tetley is your option, which type of Tetley tea do you prefer?
a. Tetley original
b. Tetley green tea
c. Tetley black tea
d. Tetley masala
e. Tetley british blend
Dealer questionnaire(sample )(8-10 questions)
Name of the dealer _____________________
Branch _______________________
Which all branded tea do you sell ?
1. Lipton
2. Alkozay
3. Tetley
4. 3 Roses
Which brand sells the most?
1. Lipton
2. Alkozay
3. Tetley
4. 3 Roses
Why do customers the particular brand?
a. Taste
b. Variety
c. Cost
d. Promotion given
How do you inform your customers?
a. Advertising
b. Personal selling
c. Exhibition
d. Display on racks
How do customers rate the tea they buy?
a. Excellent b. good c. very good d. fair e. poor
Do you feel that every tea company has sufficient segments to provide wide variety to
a. Yes b. no
How are the product priced?
a. Costly b. moderate b. cheap
Which quantity tea packet sells the most?
a. 100 gm
b. 200 gm
c. 500 gm
d. 1 kg
e. Others
Which brand is the best according to you?
4.3 Roses
Tabular analysis (sample)
Question number
No of respondents
selected a.
No of respondents
opted b.
No, of respondents
opted c.
The Indian High school, Dubai
School Logo
This is to certify that ………………………… of class……………… of the Indian High School has
completed the Marketing Project with the topic ………………………….. under my
supervision. He has taken proper care and shown utmost sincerity in completion of this
I certify that this project is up to my supervision and as per the guidelines issued by the
Name of the teacher in charge:
I would like to convey my heartful thanks to Mrs.………………………, my Marketing teacher
who always gave valuable suggestions and support for completion of my project.
Her moral support and continuous guidance enable me to complete my work
Look at the following site address for sample
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