Thermo-Fluid Engineering

Postgraduate program in
Thermo-Fluid Engineering
January 2014
Mechanical Engineering Department
P. O. Box 3086
Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia
Telephone (office) +251 344 410973
Mekelle, Ethiopia
Curriculum for Postgraduate program
In Thermo-Fluid Engineering
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SHORT SUMMARY OF THE PROGRAM ........................................................................... 4
BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................... 4
Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle (EiT-M) .......................................................... 4
Mechanical Engineering Department .................................................................................. 4
Academic Structure of the Department................................................................................ 5
THE PG CURRICULUM ........................................................................................................ 7
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 7
Learning Objective: ............................................................................................................. 8
Learning Outcomes: ............................................................................................................. 8
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies: ................................................................... 10
Admission requirements to M.Sc. programme: ................................................................. 11
Minimum requirements for admission to the Master’s programme: ................................. 11
Selection criteria: ............................................................................................................... 12
Language requirements: ..................................................................................................... 12
Program Course Coding ..................................................................................................... 12
3.10 Program Duration............................................................................................................... 12
3.11 Thesis Project and Final Degree ........................................................................................ 13
3.12 Modula structure of the program ....................................................................................... 13
The Modules of the Program .......................................................................................... 13
Courses of the Modules .................................................................................................. 14
3.13 Programme Structure : ...................................................................................................... 14
3.14 Course Description: ........................................................................................................... 17
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Awarding Institution: Mekelle University, Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle
(EiT-M), Mechanical Engineering Department
Final award:
M.Sc. Degree
Programme Title:
Thermo-Fluid Engineering
2 years full time or 3 years part-time
Subject benchmark statement: Engineering and Technology
Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle (EiT-M)
The Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle (initially named as the Faculty of Science and
Technology and later renamed as College of Engineering) was established in 2000 with three
departments under its supervision: Applied Geology (now moved to college of Natural Science),
Civil Engineering and Industrial Engineering. Since then, five further departments have been
added to the institute.
Currently, the EiT-M comprises the following departments:
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (established in 2004)
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (formerly established as department
of Electrical Engineering in 2001)
Department of Industrial Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering (established in September 2001)
Department of Chemical Engineering (established in September 2011)
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems (formerly establish under the
college of Business and Economics and now moved to EiT-M)
Mechanical Engineering Department
The Mechanical Engineering Department of Mekelle University has been established in 2001.
Enrolling of students was officially started in the year 2000 (one year pre-engineering period)
with an intake of 35 students in the undergraduate regular program.
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Currently the department runs one undergraduate program (in regular, evening and summer
enrollment) and two postgraduate programs (both in regular enrollment only). Currently, the
department runs the following programs:
B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering (regular enrollment)
B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering (Evening enrollment)
B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering (Summer enrollment)
M.Sc. degree in Product Design and Development, PDD (regular enrollment)
M.Sc. degree in Energy Technology (regular enrollment)
Academic Structure of the Department
The department has conducted a series of structural reforms to improve its services with
emphasis on teaching learning services, improved community service and research & innovation.
As part of the reform, the department academic activities are now decentralized from the former
“Department Head centered” activities into Chair Systems.
The chair system has enabled to decentralize all academic activities including staff development,
infrastructure development, course development and offering and research and projects.
All courses in the programs of the department are assigned to the relevant chairs. Staff are also
grouped in each chair as per their field of specialization and areas of interest. Each chair is led by
a chair holder. All chairs are responsible for setting out development plan (for staff, for
infrastructure, for programs, courses and research) and execute as planned in collaboration with
the program and institute. Currently, the Mechanical Engineering Department is categorized into
the following five chairs:
1. Solid Mechanics and Design (SMD) Chair
2. Transportation Engineering and Ground Vehicle (TEGV) chair
3. Thermal and Energy Systems (TES) Chair
4. Industrial Automation and Control (IAC) Chair
5. Manufacturing Engineering (ME) Chair
The Department of Mechanical Engineering has several laboratories and facilities including:
Thermal Engineering laboratory
Fluid and Turbo Machinery Laboratory
Material Testing Laboratory
Engineering Mechanics Laboratory
Computer Laboratory
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Energy Laboratory
Solar Demonstration Center
Farm technology center
Automotive Laboratory
Manufacturing Engineering laboratories such as Machine Shop, Sheet Metal Shop,
Foundry Shop, Wood work Shop and Welding Laboratory
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Technology is fundamental to the economic and social prosperity worldwide. It is a “people
serving” profession whose activities not only manage humankind’s environment but also create
that environment itself. It requires well-qualified and motivated students who seek to be the
future leaders within their profession. Studies at Mekelle University will be a foundation for life
aimed at developing an appreciation of technical and managerial principles and competence in
their application using a wide range of personal and professional skills.
The Master of Science (MSc) degree programme in Thermo-Fluid Engineering is designed to the
needs of the 21st Century required for various sectors; like energy- hydro and thermal power,
refrigeration and air conditioning, textile and agro based industries, etc. to graduate with the
necessary skills and understanding in the thermal and fluid engineering subjects with
computational and engineering research techniques to design and develop integrated thermal and
fluid systems. The programme aims at
imparting in depth the technical knowledge and skills across the discipline of ThermoFluid Engineering and their applications
providing breadth to encourage innovators
facilitating exposure to other engineering disciplines
developing and enhancing research skills. Upon graduation Students are expected to have
the capacity for meaningful interdisciplinary interaction, a leadership role, and
professional growth.
The programme places emphasis on both teaching-learning and research, believing them to be
mutually dependent.
With reference to teaching and learning, the programme aims at producing postgraduates who
aspire to challenging careers in industry, commerce and the public sector or developing their
own enterprises. Postgraduates will be able to move directly into responsible roles in
employment with a minimum of additional training. These aims will be achieved by
Providing a supportive, structured environment in which students will be encouraged to
develop independent learning skills;
Developing subject knowledge and understanding, developing discipline skills and
developing personal transferable skills, in order to enable graduates to pursue programmes of
further study, or to move directly into responsible employment.
Upon successful completion of this course graduates may be able to: -
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Use advanced level knowledge and understanding of thermal and fluid systems to optimise
the applications of existing technologies and to produce innovative applications for emerging
Provide technical expertise in theoretical, computational, and practical methods to the
analysis and solution to the problems.
Demonstrate leadership in meeting the technical and managerial requirements for effective
project implementation.
Employment Opportunities:
There are employment opportunities in the following areas:
 Oil and gas industries
 Thermal and hydropower generation industries
 Hydro and thermal engineering sectors
 Manufacturing industries, agro-based industries, and food processing industries, etc.
 Research and Development Organizations
 Universities, educational institutions, polytechnics
Learning Objective:
The purpose of the Thermo-fluid Engineering Program is to provide state-of-the-art education in
the fields of Transportation, power generation, energy utilization in various thermal and fluid
related sectors in the built environment by means of economically and environmentally
sustainable energy systems and technologies.
Thermo-fluids Engineering course places stress on real-time functions of fluid movement and
heat transfer in thermal energy systems, cryogenic engineering and refrigeration & air
Conditioning etc. Students will be rendered with the best coaching and teaching aids which will
help them to excel in the design, development, and simulation and that will enable them to
explore new areas in Thermo-fluid Energy systems and allied sciences.
Salient Features
The goals and the objectives of this program are to:
Impart education in the line of work of Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer, Thermal Design
and development of numerous components.
Infuse advanced knowledge of the latest developments in the field of thermal and fluids
engineering and their applications.
Strengthen formal training through lectures, hands-on training courses and workshops
Inculcate sound technical-know-how across industry– institute interaction.
Learning Outcomes:
Technology and Engineering is an inter-active process usually involving creation, planning,
analysis, design, economic evaluation, manufacture, operation & maintenance and
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decommissioning with a view to minimizing environmental impact. As such, students will
develop the following:
Knowledge and Understanding of:
 Advanced principles, concepts and theories underpinning thermal and fluid
energy activities related to the design, development, and control of systems used
in power plants, cement industries, chemical industries, sugar industries, textile
industries, food processing and agro-based industries etc.,
 The tools and disciplines required in interdisciplinary competitive design;
 Theoretical, experimental, computational, and simulation methods used to
optimize the designs and processes for reliability and robustness of thermal and
fluid systems.
The fundamental concepts, principles, and theories underpinning Energy Technology with
knowledge in computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer, and manufacturing simulation
 Business and management practices that are relevant to engineering and engineers
and/or Technology and Technologists
 Detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of key concepts, principles and
theories required for successful innovation
 Demonstrate an appreciation of models of leadership and personal development as
applied to the strategic development and promotion of change within the
Intellectual Skills
 Apply Engineering and Technological principles and inter-personal skills to the
critical analysis of multi-disciplinary problems in order to create innovative
solutions to non-routine problems.
 Identify an area for further detailed investigation, design and experimental
programme, utilize research skills to critically evaluate and interpret newly
generated data.
 Integrate engineering understanding and apply insight to the solution of real
 Plan, conduct and report a programme of original research.
 Integrate and evaluate information from a variety of sources.
 Take holistic approach in solving problems and designing systems, applying
professional judgments to balance risks, cost, benefits, safety, reliability and
environmental impact.
Discipline Specific Skills:
 Use Industrial Standards, Computational tools and packages in the advanced
analysis, design and evaluation of complex thermal and fluid systems.
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 Use numerical methods for modeling and analyzing real life technological
 Selection and application of principles, data collection, and manipulation methods
to support problem solving.
 Skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation to support design.
 Plan, undertake, and report an investigation.
 An ability to balance sometimes conflicting, ambiguous and/or incomplete aspects
encountered in creative problem solving and designing.
 Specify, plan, undertake, and report an investigation and associated
methodologies via exposure to research activities.
Personal and Transferable Skills
 Work in groups in order to meet shared objectives.
 Use problem solving strategies to develop, monitor, and update a plan for the
solution of both technical and personnel contributions to meeting organizational
 Use problem solving strategies to develop innovative solutions.
 Learn independently in familiar and unfamiliar situations with open mindedness
and in the spirit of critical enquiry.
 Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a
wider context throughout their career.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies:
The teaching and learning strategy takes into consideration the learning outcomes, progression
through the levels of study, the nature of the subject and the student intake, and the need for the
student to take greater responsibility for their own learning as they progress through the course.
The strategies and methods implemented are:
The teaching and learning methods implemented to engage students in developing their
knowledge and understanding of the course include formal lectures (including those from
Visiting Lecturers), case studies, tutorial exercises, practical demonstrations, directed
learning and individual work. The method of assessment is by written examination and both
analytical and experimental coursework.
The methods implemented in developing the students’ intellectual skills include engaging
with them during tutorial exercises, case studies, practical demonstration and supervised
research or project work. The methods of assessment of intellectual skills are implicit in the
written examinations, analytical and experimental coursework and more particularly in their
M.Sc. Thesis final report.
The methods implemented in developing the students’ practical skills include demonstrations
and practical’s linked with the taught modules. The M.Sc. students will also design and
operate equipment and use control and measuring instruments under supervision during the
initial phase of their research project.
The methods implemented in developing the students’ transferable skills are implicit in the
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programme. This along with the learning facilities available to all students provide the
conditions for students to develop and manage their learning. The programme, Making
Knowledge Work, is imbedded in the philosophy of this course, particularly in the area of
Energy Technology, which will be equipped with practical and computational facilities. The
methods of assessment of transferable skills are built in the structure of the examinations,
case studies, laboratory demonstrations and research or project work.
Admission requirements to M.Sc. programme:
Students recruited are expected to demonstrate intellectual curiosity, who wants to discover more
about Thermo-Fluid Engineering. To join this programme, prospective students should:
have excellent analytical skills, to be able to understand problems and propose solutions;
be capable of working hard on difficult projects;
have the ability to set own goals and manage time;
be self-critical and able to evaluate own performance fairly;
have good communication skills, and be able to explain personal ideas in meetings with
supervisor and in writing.
If someone has these attributes and can satisfy the formal admission requirements, then they
are well-suited to the M.Sc. in Thermo-Fluid Engineering.
Minimum requirements for admission to the Master’s programme:
Admission is based on selection
1. B.Sc. degree (or equivalent) from an accredited or recognized university in one of the
following subjects: Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Aeronautical
2. A Grade Point Average (GPA) for the Bachelor study of at least 2.5 out of 4 scale
maximum or 62.5% of the scale maximum.
3. Students holding overseas degrees are welcome and their degree qualifications are
assessed in accordance with their referees’ comments and equivalence will be done
through Ministry of Education.
4. Candidates who do not possess an Honors Degree but who have sufficient professional
experience in a relevant area may also be admitted in special circumstances.
N.B:-Those with backgrounds other than Mechanical engineering, Aeronautical and
Chemical Engineering shall be required to take bridging courses: Fluid Mechanics,
Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Thermo-Fluid Laboratory I and
II, IC Engines, Renewable Energy Technology and Thermal Power Plant (total of 32
ECTS) from the BSc in Mechanical Engineering programme during the first year of MSc
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Candidates who do not fulfill the normal entry requirements but have extensive industrial
experience in Mechanical Engineering or related area can be considered on an individual
Selection criteria:
The number of study places available for this programme is limited and the application is
processed on competition basis. All Applications received will be short listed on the basis of
B.Sc. Degree CGPA and selected courses very relevant to the programme.
The short listed candidates will then have to sit for graduate program entrance exam and
Language requirements:
English proficiency tests are waived for the following:
Applicants with a Bachelor's degree from a university where English is the only medium
of instruction.
Applicants with a Bachelor's degree from an internationally recognized university, where
all courses of the study programme were taught in English.
Applicants with a 4 or 5 year Bachelor's degree from the countries, those were formerly
part of the British Commonwealth (only from universities where English is the language
of instruction).
Applicants, whose B.Sc. Degree’s study medium of instruction is other than English Language,
are expected to take English Test (TOEFL or IELTS).
Program Course Coding
Courses in the master program are coded as ‘MEng 6321’. The ‘MEng’ indicates the courses are
for ‘Mechanical Engineering Department’. The first digit number indicates the year (6 for
postgraduate), second digit the study stream (Thermo-Fluid Engineering, which is coded as 3),
third digit the semester the course will be given (semester 1, semester 2, semester 3, or semester
4) and fourth digit specific course numbering (given from 1 to 9) respectively.
Program Duration
The course work of the programme consists of three semesters. After successful fulfillment of
two semester course requirements, students are assigned a thesis project on which they typically
work during a subsequent period of about 10-12 months. Expected completion time is two years
for full-time students in the Master of Science program.
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Thesis Project and Final Degree
After completing two semester coursework, each student commences with a thesis project on
which he/she typically works over a period of 10-12 months. Provided that a thesis project deals
with a clearly defined topic from the domain specialization, and under the condition that
competent guidance/supervision is available to the student throughout the thesis project period,
the project may be carried out either in an academic environment (university, research institute,
or equivalent) or in an industrial setting (automobile industry, power plant, energy consulting
agency, or other industry/business). In general students are encouraged to identify and/or define
relevant projects on their own, and to seek environments in which these can be carried out
The thesis project is conducted under the guidance of an advisor from within the program, with
the assistance of local/external advisors. Students are expected to keep their advisors regularly
updated on the progress of their project work, and need to submit progress reports at different
stages of their work.
Once the thesis project is nearly complete, students are expected to formally present the results
of their efforts within the framework of a seminar and respond to comments/questions put
forward by a committee consisting of their thesis advisors and invited referees. Upon successful
completion of all required coursework and presentation/defense of their project work, students
are awarded the degree “2 years Master of Science Degree in Thermo-Fluid Engineering”.
Modula structure of the program
The structure of the postgraduate program is arranged in such a way that the training elements
(courses) are grouped into modules.
The Modules of the Program
The following training modules are designed to cover the specific goals of the postgraduate
program in Thermo-fluid Engineering:
General Module
Module 1 – Advanced Engineering Mathematics Module
Core Modules
Module 2 –Advanced Thermal Engineering Module
Module 3 – advanced Fluid Engineering Module
Module 4 –Thermo-fluid Engineering Module
Module 5 – Thermo-fluid Application Module
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Courses of the Modules
Module 1 – Advanced Engineering Mathematics Module
Math 6311
Course title
Advanced Engineering
Total Semester Credit
Cr. Hrs.
3 (2+3+0)
3 Cr. Hrs.
Module 2 – Advanced Thermal Engineering Module
Course title
Advanced Thermodynamics
Advanced Heat and mass transfer
Advanced Refrigeration and air
Combustion Engineering
Heat Exchanger Design
Elective I
Total Semester Credit
MEng 6313
MEng 6314
MEng 6321
Cr. Hrs.
3 (2+3+0)
4 (3+3+0)
3 (2+3+0)
MEng 6323
MEng 6324
3 (2+3+0)
3 (2+3+0)
3 (2+3+0)
19 Cr. Hrs.
Cr. Hrs.
3 (2+3+0)
3 (2+3+0)
3 (2+3+0)
3 (2+3+0)
12 Cr. Hrs.
MEng 6322
Cr. Hrs.
3 (2+3+0)
MEng 6332
MEng 6338
3 (2+3+0)
2 (1+0+3)
8 Cr. Hrs.
Cr. Hrs.
3 (1+6+0)
15 (3+36+0)
18 Cr. Hrs.
Module 3 – Advanced Fluid Engineering Module
MEng 6312
MEng 6315
MEng 6331
Course title
Advanced Fluid Dynamics
Gas Dynamics
Advanced Turbo-machines
Elective II
Total Semester Credit
Module 4 – Thermo-Fluid Engineering Module
Course title
Computational Fluid Dynamics and
Heat Transfer
Two phase flow and heat transfer
Thermo-fluid laboratory
Masters Thesis
Total Semester Credit
Module 4 – Thermo-Fluid Engineering Module
MEng 6333
MEng 6341
Course title
Research methodology and Seminar
Master Thesis
Total Semester Credit
Programme Structure:
The following tables describe the overall programme structure:
1: Year I: Semester I
Course Title
Math 6311
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Research Methods
and Seminar
Advanced Fluid
Advanced Heat and
Mass Transfer
Gas Dynamics
MEng 6312
MEng 6313
MEng 6314
MEng 6315
2: Year I: Semester II
Course Title
Refrigeration &
Air conditioning
Fluid Dynamics &
Heat Transfer
Heat Exchanger
Elective I
MEng 6321
MEng 6322
MEng 6323
MEng 6324
List of Elective I
Advanced Internal Combustion Engines,
Energy Conservation and waste Heat Recovery,
Radiative Heat Transfer in Participating Media,
Heat and Fluid Flow In Porous Media,
MEng 6325
MEng 6326
MEng 6327
MEng 6328
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3: Year II: Semester III
Course Title
Advanced TurboMachines
Two Phase Flow
& Heat Transfer
Methodology &
Elective II
Thermo-Fluid Lab
MEng 6331
MEng 6332
MEng 6333
MEng 6338
List of Elective II
Jet Propulsion,
Gas Turbine Theory,
Hydropower plant,
Principles of Hydraulics and Pneumatics,
MEng 6334
MEng 6335
MEng 6336
MEng 6337
4: year II: Semester IV
Course Title
Master Thesis
MEng 6341
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Course Description:
Math 6311
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (3-2-3-0-6)
Vector and Tensor Analysis in Cartesian system, effect of rotation of coordinate systems.
Review of ODEs; Laplace & Fourier methods, series solutions, and orthogonal polynomials.
Sturm-Liouville problem. Review of 1st and 2nd order PDEs. Linear systems of algebraic
equations. Gauss elimination, LU decomposition etc., Matrix inversion, ill-conditioned systems.
Numerical eigen solution techniques (Power, Householder, QR methods etc.). Numerical
solution of systems of nonlinear algebraic equations; Newton-Raphson method. Numerical
integration: Newton-Cotes methods, error estimates, Gaussian quadrature. Numerical solution of
ODEs: Euler, Adams, Runge-Kutta methods, and predictor-corrector procedures; stability of
solutions; solution of stiff equations. Solution of PDEs: finite difference techniques. Probability
and Statistics – Probability Distribution, Bays Theorem, Parameter Estimation, Testing of
Hypothesis, Goodness of Fit. Laboratory: Basics of programming. Numerical experiments with
the algorithms covered in class.
1. E. Kreyzig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, New Age International, 1996.
2. D. S. Watkins, Fundamentals of Matrix Computations, John Wiley, 1992
3. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar, and R. K. Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and
Engineering Computation, 3rd Ed., New Age International, 1993
4. D.S. Chandrashekaraiah and L. Debnath, Continuum Mechanics, Academic Press, 1994.
5. M.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyenger and R.K. Jain, Computational Methods for Partial Differential
Equations, New Age International, 1994
6. R. Courant and D. Hilbert, Methods of Mathematical Physics, Wiley, 1989.
7. P.V. O’Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Cengage Learning, 2007
8. G. B. Arfken, H. J. Weber and F.Harris, Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 5th Ed
9. Grewal, B. S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, 40th Edition, Khanna Publications, New
MEng 6312 Advanced Fluid Dynamics (3-2-3-0-6)
Fluid kinematics; Integral and differential forms of governing equations; Mass, momentum, and
energy conservation equations; Navier-Stokes equations and its applications; Potential flow;
Laminar boundary-layer; Free-shear flows: jet, wake, and mixing layer; Instability and transition;
Turbulent flow. Non-Newtonian Flows: Introduction, classification of non-Newtonian fluids,
apparent viscosity, constitutive equations- power law constitutive equation & modified power
law constitutive equation, rheological property measurements, fully developed laminar pressure
drop for time independent non- Newtonian fluid- modified power law fluids, power law fluids,
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fully developed turbulent flow pressure drops, viscoplastic fluids- fully developed laminar flow
& turbulent flow pressure drop.
1. B.R.Munson, D.F.Young and T.H.Okiishi., Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics, John Wiley
and Sons., 1994.
2. P.M.Gerhar, R.J.Gross and J.I.Hochstein., Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, AddisonWesley Publishing Co., 1993.
3. H.Schlichting, Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw-Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering,
4. F.M.White, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill international editions, 1994.
5. F.M.White, Viscous Fluid Flow, McGraw-Hill international editions, 1991.
6. Thomas F. Ervine, Jr., State University of New York, Handbook of Fluid Dynamics,
Chapter -22, Non- Newtonian Flows.
7. H. Yamagushi, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Springer.
MEng 6313
Advanced Thermodynamics (3-2-3-0-6)
Review of first and second law of thermodynamics, Thermodynamic relations-Maxwell
equations, the Gibbs and Helmholtz relations, the Clapeyron equation, general relations for du,
dh, ds ; Joule-Thompson experiment, irreversibility for closed and open system - steady flow
process- effectiveness; exergy analysis- availability of heat, availability function of closed and
open system; phase transition, types of equilibrium and stability, multi-component and multiphase systems, equations of state for ideal and real gases, chemical thermodynamics, Third law
of thermodynamics; Kinetic theory of gases- introduction, basic assumption, molecular flux,
collisions with a moving wall, principle of equipartition of energy, classical theory of specific
heat capacity.
Transport phenomena-intermolecular forces, The Van der Waals equation of state, collision cross
section, mean free path Statistical thermodynamics- introduction, energy states and energy
levels, macro and microscales, thermodynamic probability, B-E, F-D, M-D statistics, distribution
function, partition energy, statistical interpretation of entropy, application of statistics to gasesmono-atomic ideal gas, distribution of molecular velocity, ideal gas in a gravitational
1. F.W.Sears and G.L.Salinger, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory And Statistical
Thermodynamics, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. Wylen and Sontag, Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi.
3. M.J.Moran and H.N.Shapiro, Fundamentals Of Engineering Thermodynamics, John
Wiley and Sons.
4. Zemansky, Engineering Thermodynamics, Mc Graw Hill.
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5. Bejan, Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics, John Wiley and sons.
MEng 6314 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer (4-3-3-0-6)
Introduction: Brief Introduction to different Modes of heat transfer- Conduction- General heat
conduction equation – Boundary conditions – Steady simplified heat transfer in Cartesian
coordinates – Finned surfaces,1-D Heat transfer with internal heat generation.
Transient heat conduction: Lumped system analysis – Heisler charts – Semi infinite solid –
Product solution- 2D – steady state heat conduction – Use of conduction shape factors-Transient
heat conduction – Analytical solution- Finite Difference methods for Heat Conduction Problems1 D & 2 D steady state and Unsteady heat conduction – Implicit and Explicit methods.
Forced Convection: Concept of boundary layer- Hydrodynamic and Thermal boundary layer
concepts-Equations of Motion and Energy-Methods to determine heat transfer coefficientDimensional Analysis –Importance of Non – Dimensional numbers –Analogies between Heat
and Momentum Transfer-External flows and integral methods for flow over a flat plateApplication of empirical relations to various geometrics.
Free convection: Dimensionless parameters of Free convection-An Approximate Analysis of
Laminar Free Convection on a Vertical Plate-Free convection on a Horizontal Plate, Cylinder
and Sphere- Combined free and forced convection.
Boiling and condensation: Boiling curve – Correlations – Nusselt’s theory of film condensation
on a vertical plate – Assumptions & correlations of film condensation for different geometrics.
Radiation: Concept of View factor- Methods of Determining View factors-Radiant heat
exchange in Grey, Non- Grey bodies with Transmitting, Reflecting and Absorbing mediaSpecular surface, gas radiation –Radiation from flames.
Mass Transfer: Introduction- Analogy between heat and mass transfer-Mass diffusion-Fick’s law
of diffusion-Boundary conditions-Steady mass diffusion through a wall-Mass convectionAnalogy between friction, heat transfer and mass transfer coefficients- Significance of Non –
Dimensional numbers.
Necati Ozisik ,TMH, Heat Transfer.
Yunus Cengel (MH), Heat Transfer a basic approach.
Holman ,TMH, Heat Transfer.
P.S. Ghoshdastidar, Oxford Press, Heat Transfer.
P. K Nag, TMH, Heat and Mass Transfer
Frank Kreith & Mark. Bohn, Principle of Heat & Mass Transfer
MEng 6315 Gas Dynamics (3-2-3-0-6)
Concepts from thermodynamics; The basic equations of fluid motion; One-dimensional gas
dynamics; Isentropic conditions, speed of sound, Mach number, area velocity relations, normal
shock relations for a perfect gas, Fanno and Rayleigh flow, one-dimensional wave motion, the
shock tube; Waves in supesonic flow: oblique shock waves, supersonic flow over a wedge, Mach
lines, piston analogy, supersonic compression by turning, supersonic expansion by turning, the
Prandtl-Meyer function, reflection and intersection of oblique shocks, Mach reflection, shock
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expansion theory, thin aerofoil theory; Flow in ducts and wind tunnels: area relation, nozzle
flow, normal shock recovery, effects of second throat, wind tunnel pressure ratio, supersonic
wind tunnels; Small perturbation theory; The method of characteristics; Methods of
measurement; Computational aspects: One-dimensional inviscid high speed flow.
1. H. W. Liepmann and A. Roshko, Elements of Gas Dynamics, John Wiley, 1960.
2. J. D. Anderson, Modern Compressible Flow, Mc Graw Hill, 1989.
3. B. K. Hodge and C. Koenig, Compressible Fluid Dynamics (with P.C. applications),
Prentice Hall, 1995.
4. A. Shapiro, The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Flow, The Ronald
Press Co., 1954.
MEng 6321
Advanced Refrigeration & Air conditioning (3-2-3-0-6)
Prerequisite MEng 6313
Refrigeration: Introduction-Necessity and applications, unit of refrigeration, Heat Engine,
Refrigerator and Heat Pump-C.O.P and Types of Refrigeration.
Aircraft Refrigeration System: Necessity of Aircraft Refrigeration – Advantages of Air cycle
for Aircraft Refrigeration – Classification of Aircraft Refrigeration Systems –Simple air craft
Bootstrap– Regenerative air refrigeration systems
Refrigerants: A survey of Refrigerants-Nomenclature, Desirable properties- Classification of
Refrigerants – Alternate refrigerants – Ozone depletion potential and Global Warming
Vapour Compression Refrigeration: Performance of Vapour Compression SystemSubcooling and Superheating-Actual VCR cycle
Multistage Vapour Compression Systems: Introduction-Multi stage or Compound
Compression-Multi Evaporator system-Cascade Systems.
Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System: Description and working of simple and actual
Aqua-Ammonia system-Maximum COP-Li-Br Water system-Three fluid absorption systemApplications
Steam Jet Refrigeration System: Working and Analysis, Applications, merits and
Non-Conventional Refrigeration Methods: Principle and operation of (i) Thermoelectric
refrigerator (ii) Vortex tube or Hilsch tube (iii) Pulse Tube (iv) Adiabatic demagnetization.
Air Conditioning: Psychometric properties and processes, Construction of
psychometric chart -Requirements of Comfort Air conditioning – Thermodynamics of human
body, Summer, Winter and Year round air conditioning systems-Cooling load estimation.
Design of Air conditioning systems: All fresh air, Re-circulated air with and without
bypass- factor -ADP, RSHF, GSHF& ESHF for different systems
Heat Pump: Different Heat Pump circuits-Analysis of Heat pump cycle- Applications.
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C.P.Arora, Refrigeration and air conditioning, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Arora & Domkundwa, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Dhanpat Rai & Co
Manohar Prasad, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, New Age International, 2003.
J L Threkeld, Thermal Environmental Engineering, 2nd ed, Prentice Hall Inc, 1970
W F Stoecker and J W Jones, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill
International Editions, 1982.
6. Anantha Narayana, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, (TMH)
MEng 6322 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (3-2-2-1-6)
Prerequisite MEng 6312, MEng 6314
Introduction: Computational Fluid Dynamics as a Research and Design Tool, Applications of
Computational Fluid Dynamics. Governing Equations of Fluid Dynamics: Introduction, Control
Volume, Substantial. Derivative, Divergence of Velocity, Continuity Equation, Momentum
Equation and Energy Equation. Mathematical Behavior of Partial Differential Equations:
Introduction, Classification of Quasi-Linear Partial Differential Equations, Eigen Value Method,
Hyperbolic Equations, Parabolic Equations, Elliptic Equations, Basics Aspects of Discretization:
Introduction, Introduction of Finite Differences, Difference Equations, Explicit and Implicit
Approaches, Errors and Stability Analysis, Grid, Generation Incompressible Fluid Flow:
Introduction, Implicit Crank-Nicholson Technique, Pressure Correction Method, Computation of
Boundary Layer Flow Heat Transfer: Finite Difference Applications in Heat conduction and
Convention-Heat conduction, steady heat conduction, in a rectangular geometry, transient heat
conduction, Finite difference application in convective heat transfer.
1. John. D. Anderson , McGraw Hill, Computational fluid dynamics - Basics with
2. Anderson, D.A.,Tannehill, II.,and Pletcher, R.H.,Taylor and Francis Computational Fluid
Mechanics and Heat Transfer.
3. Suhas V. Patankar, Butter-worth Publishers, Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow
4. T. K Sengupta, University Press, Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics.
5. Y Jaluria and K E Torrance, Springer Verlag, 1986, Computational Heat Transfer.
MEng 6323
Combustion Engineering (3-2-3-0-6)
Prerequisite MEng 6313
Combustion Modes and Flame Types; Combustion and Thermochemistry: Property relations,
First law of thermodynamics, Reactant and product mixtures, Adiabatic flame temperature,
Chemical equilibrium, Equilibrium products of combustion; Introduction to Mass Transfer: Mass
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transfer rate laws, Species conservation, The Stefan problem, Liquid-vapor interface boundary
conditions, Droplet evaporation; Chemical Kinetics: Global versus elementary reactions,
Elementary reaction rates, Rates of reaction for multistep mechanisms; Some Important
Chemical Mechanisms: The H2-O2 system, Carbon monoxide oxidation, Oxidation of higher
paraffins, Methane combustion; Oxides of nitrogen; Coupling Chemical and Thermal Analysis of
Reacting Systems: Constant-pressure fixed mass reactor, Constant-volume fixed mass reactor,
Well-stirred reactor, Plug-flow reactor; Conservation Equations for Reacting Flows: Overall
mass conservation, Species conservation; Multicomponent diffusion; Momentum conservation,
Energy conservation, The concept of a conserved scaler; Laminar Premixed Flames: Physical
description, Simplified analysis, Detailed analysis, Factors influencing flame velocity and
thickness, Quenching, flammability and ignition, Flame stabilization; Laminar Diffusion Flames:
Nonreacting constant density laminar jet, Jet flame physical description, Simplified theoretical
descriptions, Soot formation and destructions, Counter flow flames; Pollution Emissions: Effects
of pollutants, Quantifications of emissions; Emissions from premixed combustions, Emission
from nonpremixed combustion.
Texts/ References:
1. S. R. Turns, An Introduction to Combustion, 2nd Ed, McGraw Hill, 2000.
2. J. Warnatz, U. Mass and R. W. Dibble, Combustion, 3rd Ed, Springer, 2001.
3. F. A Wiiliams, Combustion Theory, 2nd Ed, Addison Wesley Publishing Company,
4. K. K. Kuo, Principles of Combustion, 2nd Ed, Wiley-Interscience, 2005
5. S. P. Sharma, Chander Mohan, Fuels and Combustion, Tata McGraw Hill, 1984.
6. Kenneth W. Regland, Kenneth M. Bryden, Combustion Engineering, CRC Press,
MEng 6324
Heat Exchanger Design (3-2-3-0-6)
Prerequisite MEng 6313, MEng 6314
Introduction: Types, Classification of heat exchangers; Basic design methods for Recuperators
and Regenerators: LMTD, effectiveness-NTU method; Forced convection correlations, pressure
drop, fouling in heat exchangers; Double pipe heat exchangers: Thermal and Hydraulic design;
Fundamentals of two phase heat transfer; Shell and Tube Heat exchangers: Basic design
procedure, Kern method, Bell-Delaware method, stream analysis method; Heat exchanger
Network (HEN) and process integration; Pinch design method; Design of Boilers, Condensers;
Compact Heat Exchangers; Process Fired heaters and furnaces; Thermodynamics of heat
exchangers: Principles of Exergy analysis.
1. G. F. Hewitt, G L Shires and T R Bott, Process Heat Transfer, CRC Press, 1994.
2. A. Kakac, H Liu, Heat Exchangers, CRC Press, 2002.
3. Yonous A. Cengel, Heat transfer: A Practical Approach, McGraw Hill, 2002.
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4. Thomas Lestina and Robert Serth, Process Heat Transfer, Principles and Applications,
Academic Press, 2007.
5. R. K. Shah and D P Sekulic, Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design, John Wiley &
Sons., 2003.
6. Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association, Inc, Standards of Tubular Exchanger
Manufacturers Association, 1968.
7. Sarit K. Das, Process Heat Transfer, Narosa Publishing House, 2005.
8. W. M. Kays, A. L. London, Compact Heat Exchangers, Krieger Pub Co, 1998.
9. Kuppan Thulukkanan, Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, ISBN:0-8247-9787-6, Eastern
Hemisphere Distribution.
10. Geoffrey F. Hewitt, Imperial College London, Heat Exchanger Design Handbook 2008
(HEDH 2008), 5 Volume Set, ISBN 978-1-56700-259.
Prerequisite MEng 6313
SPARK IGNITION ENGINES , Normal and abnormal combustion-factors affecting knockCombustion chambers , COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINES, States of combustion in C.I.
Engine-Direct and indirect injection systems-Combustion chambers-Fuel spray behavior-spray
structure, spray penetration and evaporation , air motion-Introduction to Turbo charging ,
POLLUTANT FORMATION AND CONTROL, Pollutant-Sources-Formation of carbon
monoxide, Unburnt hydrocarbon, NOx, Smoke and Particulate matter-Methods of controlling
Emissions-Catalytic converters and Particulate Traps-Methods of measurements and Introduction
to emission norms and Driving cycles, ALTERNATIVE FUELS, Alcohol, Hydrogen, Natural
Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas- Properties, Suitability, Merits and Demerits as fuels, Engine
Modifications, RECENT TRENDS-Lean Burn Engines-Stratified charge Engines-homogeneous
charge compression ignition engines-Plasma Ignition-Measurement techniques-laser Doppler,
1. K.K. Ramalingam, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Scitech Publications,
2. R.B.Mathur and R.P. Sharma, Internal combustion Engines.
3. V. Ganesan, Int. Combustion Engines, II Edition, TMH, 2002.
4. Duffy Smith, auto fuel Systems, The Good Heart Willox Company, Inc., 198
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MEng 6326 Energy Conservation and Waste Heat Recovery (3-2-3-0-6)
Prerequisite MEng 6313, MEng 6314
Energy resources and use. Potential for energy conservation. Optimal utilization of fossil fuels.
Total energy approach. Coupled cycles and combined plants. Cogeneration systems. Exergy
analysis. Utilization of industrial waste heat. Properties of exhaust gas. Gas-to-gas, gas-to-liquid
heat recovery systems. Recuperators and regenerators. Shell and tube heat exchangers. Spiral
tube and plate heat exchangers. Waste heat boilers: various types and design aspects. Heat pipes:
theory and applications in waste heat recovery. Prime movers: sources and uses of waste heat.
Fluidized bed heat recovery systems. Utilization of waste heat in refrigeration, heating,
ventilation and air conditioning systems. Thermoelectric system to recover waste heat. Heat
pump for energy recovery. Heat recovery from incineration plants. Utilization of low grade reject
heat from power plants. Need for energy storage: Thermal, electrical, magnetic and chemical
storage systems. Thermo-economic optimization.
5. J. H. Harlock, Combined Heat and Power, Pergaman Press, 1987
6. F. Kreith and R. E. West, Energy Efficiency, CRC handbook, CRC Press,1999
7. Kays and London, Compact Heat Exchangers, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
MEng 6327 Radiative Heat Transfer in Participating Media (3-2-3-0-6)
Prerequisite MEng 6314,
Fundamentals of thermal radiation; Review of surface radiation- Radiative properties of real
surfaces, View factors ; Radiative exchange between gray, diffuse surfaces; The equation of
radiative heat transfer in participating media; Radiative properties of molecular gases and
particulate media; Exact solutions of one-dimensional gray media; Approximate solution
methods for one-dimensional media; Zone method; Spherical harmonics method; Discrete
ordinate method; Discrete transfer method; Monte Carlo method; Finite volume method.
Radiation combined with conduction and convection.
1. M. F. Modest, Radiative Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
2. R. Siegel and J. R. Howell, Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer, 3rd ed, Taylor and Francis,
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MEng 6328 Heat and Fluid Flow Through Porous Media (3-2-3-0-6)
Prerequisite MEng 6314,
Basic Concepts: Porous Media definition, porosity, percolation and tortuosity, permeability and
Form coefficient, permeability of porous media based on tortuous leaky- tube model,
permeability of porous media undergoing alteration by scale deposition, temperature effect on
permeability; macroscopic transport equations- introduction, REV, volume averaging rules,
surface area averaging rules, applications of volume & surface averaging rules.
Flow Through a Porous Medium: Introduction, historical overview, physics of fluid flow
through porous media, Darcy momentum equation, modification of Darcy’s law for bulk-versusfluid volume average pressure, macroscopic equation of motion from the control volume
approach and dimensional analysis, Generalized Darcy’s law by control volume analysis,
equation of motion for non- Newtonian fluids; mass, momentum and energy transport in porous
media; extension of the HDD model, flow transition, miscellaneous topics.
Heat Conduction in Porous Medium: Introduction, First law of Thermodynamics, second law of
thermodynamics, effective stagnant, thermal conductivity, thermal dispersion, Local thermal
non-equilibrium model, Transient heat conduction in porous medium.
Forced Convection through Porous Medium: Energy equation with flow, forced convection in
porous medium over a flat plate, forced convection in porous medium channel, heat transfer
enhancement aspects, other forced convection configurations, viscous dissipation effects.
Natural Convection through Porous Medium: Natural convection boundary layer, Natural
convection with vertical thermal gradient, Natural convection with horizontal thermal gradient,
heatline visualization, Non- Darcy, LTNE and Heat generation effects, viscous dissipation.
Porous Medium Aspects of Biological Systems: Introduction to biothermal fluids, porous
medium modeling in bio- heat transport, modeling drug delivery, LDL transport across arterial
tissues, porous medium modeling in bio-mass transport.
Radiation Heat Transfer in Porous Medium: The radiative transfer equation, the energy equation
with radiation, radiative property measurement, solving the RTE, coupling of RTE with other
heat transfer model.
Advanced Topics: Phase change in porous media, variable viscosity porous medium flows, flow
and convection in bio-disperse porous media, two phase flow through porous media, LBM
formulation for porous medium flows, combustion in inert porous media.
3. Arunn Narshimhan, CRC Press, Essentials of Heat and Fluid Flow in Porous Media.
4. M. Kaviany, Principles of Heat T ransfer in Porous Media, Springer-Verlag, New York,
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5. R. G. Carbonell and S. Whitaker, Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, in
Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Bear and Corapcioglu, eds.,
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 1984.
6. Frank Civan, Porous Media Transport Phenomena, John Willy & Sons, 2011.
7. Edited by Derek B. Ingham, Transport Phenomena in Porous Media III.
MEng 6331 Advanced Turbo-machines (3-2-3-0-6)
Prerequisite MEng 6312
Introduction concepts ( Basic definitions, Industry standard nomenclature for describing
Turbomachines, Turbomachine classifications, Review of units and dimensions, Fluid properties)
The Governing Equations (Conservation of mass, The Euler turbomachine equation,
Turbomachine power, Conservation of energy)
Velocity Polygon Analysis (Velocity components and geometry, Applying velocity polygons to
simple Turbomachines, Power and torque prediction, Relationships between head and flow rate,
Interpreting performance data)
Power generating machine I - Axial flow turbines- Stage losses and efficiency – Soderberg’s
correlation – Turbine flow characteristics.
Power absorbing machine I - Axial flow compressors, pumps, and fans – Three dimensional flow
in axial turbo machines – theory of radial equilibrium – actuator disc approach – Secondary
Power absorbing machine II - Centrifugal pumps, fans, and compressors – slip factor – optimum
design of centrifugal compressor inlet choking in a compressor stage.
Power generating machine II - Radial flow turbines, Loss coefficients, off design operating
Condition, clearance and windage losses 90 deg IFR turbines.
Performance Characteristics (Design parameters and performance criteria, Examination of
typical pump and turbine performance, System losses, Pump and turbine sizing)
Similarity Rules for Turbomachines (Scaling effects, Turbine and pump performance curves,
Real-world effects (viscosity and cavitation))
8. Dixon, S.L., Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, 6th ed.,
Butterworths Heinemann, 2010.
9. R.K.Turton, “Principles of Turbo machinery”, 2nd Edition, Chapman & Hall, Madras,
10. V.P.Gupta, Alam Singh, Manish Gupta, “Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Machines and
Hydraulics”, 3rd Edition, 1999.
11. Csanady, G.T., Theory of Turbomachines, McGraw Hill, 1964.
12. Prithvi Raj, D. and Gopalakrishnan, G., A Treatise on Turbomachines, Scitech
Publication, 2003.
13. Grant Ingram, Basic concepts in Turbomachinery, Ventus Publishing ApS,2009.
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MEng 6332 Two-phase Flow and Heat Transfer (3-2-3-0-6)
Prerequisite: MEng 6312, MEng 6313, MEng 6314,
Definitions; Review of one-dimensional conservation equations in single phase flows; Governing
equations for homogeneous, separated and drift-flux models; Flow pattern maps for horizontal
and vertical systems; Simplified treatment of stratified, bubbly, slug and annular flows.
Thermodynamics of boiling; Pool boiling- onset of nucleation, heat transfer coefficients, critical
heat flux, effect of sub-cooling; Flow boiling- onset of nucleation, heat transfer coefficients,
critical heat flux, effect of sub-cooling. Condensation- Film and dropwise condensation
14. Wallis, G.B., One dimensional two-phase flows, McGraw-Hill 1969.
15. Collier, J.B. and Thome, J.R., Convective boiling and condensation, Oxford Science
Publications, 1994.
16. L S Tong and Y S Tang. Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow. Taylor and Francis,
17. P B Whalley. Boiling, Condensation and Gas-Liquid Flow. Oxford University Press,
18. P. B. Whalley, Oxford University Press, 1996, Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer
19., Engineering Thermofluids- Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer, 2005,
MEng 6333 Research Methodology & Seminar (3-2-0-3-6)
Introduction, The meaning of research: the role of theory, the hypothesis, sampling, purposes of
research; selecting a problem and preparing a research proposal, the academic research problem,
the research proposal, ethics in human experimentation,, references and bibliography; the
research report: format of report, style of writing,, evaluating a research report, Research
Methods, descriptive studies: assessment studies, evaluation studies, the follow-up study,
descriptive research; Experimental and quasi-experimental research: experimental and control
groups, variables, controlling extraneous variables, experimental validity, Experimental design;
Qualitative research: themes of qualitative research, research strategies, data collection
techniques; Methods and tools of Research: reliability and validity of research tools, Quantitative
and qualitative studies, Tests and inventories, Observation, Inquiry Forms, Interviews,,
Organization of data collection, Data Analysis, descriptive data analysis: what is statistics,
Parametric and non-parametric data, descriptive and inferential analysis, organization of data,
Statistical measures, normal distribution, measures of relationship, correlation coefficients,
standard errors; Inferential data analysis: statistical inference, the central limit theorem, statistical
significance, decision making, student’s distribution, analysis of variance and analysis of
covariance; computer data analysis, data organization, computer analysis of data, examples:
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SPSS, Student Proposal Presentations Validation: reliability and reproducibility Lab: Using
search engines to locate research studies, evaluating internet resources for research assessment
written exam, written assignment, discussion and seminar.
Forms of study The course combines lectures, seminars, group work, tutorials,, demonstrations,
practical exercises, both individually and in groups, and preparation of individual research
1. John, W. Best & James V, Kahn, Research in Education, 9th Edition, Needham Heights,
MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1998.
2. Gall, Meredith, Walter Borg, Joyce P. Gall, (1996) Educational Research: An
Introduction, Longmann Publishers.
3. Huck, Schuyler W. (2000) Reading Statistics and Research, Adision Weseley Longmann,
Inc., 2000.
4. Jaeger, Richard M. (1993) Statistics: A Spectator Sport, Sage Publications.
5. Lagemann, Ellen Condliffe, Lee S. Shulman (1999) Issues in Education Research:
Problems and Possibilities, Jossey-Bass, Inc.
6. Merriam, Sharon B. (1997) Qualitative Research and Case Study, Applications in
Education, Jossey- Bass, Inc.
7. Creswell, J. W. (2008), Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches, 3rd edition, Sage Publications, Inc., 296pp.
8. Jackson, S. L. (2008), Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach,
3rd edition, Wadsworth Publishing, 448pp.
MEng 6334 Jet Propulsion (3-2-3-0-6)
Prerequisite: MEng 6312, MEng 6315
Air breathing and non-air breathing engines, aircraft gas turbine engine, cycles analysis of ideal
and real engines, components performance-intake, combustor, nozzle, turbomachinery, etc.
Turbojet, turboprop, turbofan engines, ramjet and pulsejet, performance parameters like thrust,
propulsive efficiency, etc. Chemical Rockets, types of propellants and their properties, injectors,
thrust chamber, burning rate, cryogenic propellant, combustion phenomena, thrust vector control,
ignition and inhibitors. Basics of Electrical and Nuclear rockets.
1. J Mattingly, Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion, McGraw-Hill Publications, 1996.
2. G.P. Sutton and O. Biblarz, Rocket Propulsion Elements, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
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3. G.C.Oates, Aerothermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion, AIAA, New
York, 1988.
4. N.A.Cumpsty, Jet Propulsion, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
5. P G Hill and C R Peterson, Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion, Addison
Wesley, 1965.
6. M J Zucrow, Aircraft and Missile Propulsion (Vol. I and II), John Wiley, 1958.
7. W W Bathie, Fundamentals of Gas Turbines, John Wiley, 1996.
8. H Cohen, G F C Rogers and H I H Saravanamuttoo, Gas Turbine Theory, Addison
Wesley, 1998.
MEng 6335 Gas Turbine Theory (3-2-3-0-6)
Prerequisite MEng 6312, MEng 6315
General Considerations of Turbomachinery: Classification; Euler’s Equation for
Turbomachinery; Velocity triangle; Cascade analysis & nomenclature. Shaft Power & Aircraft
Propulsion Cycles. Centrifugal Compressors: Workdone and pressure rise; Slip; Compressibility
effects; Compressor characteristics. Axial Flow Compressors: Stage pressure rise; Blockage in
compressor annulus; Degree of reaction; 3-D flow; Stage performance; h-s diagram & efficiency;
Off design performance; Performance characteristics; Design process. Combustion System.
Axial Flow Turbines: Stage performance; Degree of reaction; h-s diagram & efficiency; Vortex
theory; Overall turbine performance; Performance characteristics; Blade cooling; Design
process. Prediction of performance of simple gas turbines; Off Design performance; Gas turbine
blade materials; Matching procedure.
1. H. Cohen, Gas Turbine Theory, 4th Edition, Longman, 1998.
2. S.L.Dixon, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Pergamon Press,
3. Jack D. Mattingly, Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1996.
4. B. Lakshminarayana, Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery, John Wiley
& Sons, 1996.
MEng 6336 Hydropower Plant (3-2-3-0-6)
Introduction, run-off, hydrograph and flow duration curves, mass curve, selection of site for a
hydroelectric plant, essential features of water-power plants, classification of hydro- plant,
storage plants, run-off- river plants, pumped storage plants, power house and turbine settingadvantages and disadvantages of underground power house, prime-movers, specific speed of
turbines, draft tubes- methods to avoid cavitation, types of draft tubes, different types of draft
tubes, models and model testing, classification and selection of turbines, efficiency and
performance characteristics, integrated energy systems and their cost benefit analysis, case study
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of hydropower plants, environmental impacts and its mitigation- burdens and impacts
identification, impacts in construction phase, hydropower economics. Hydropower potential,
hydropower generation and distribution, Mini and Micro hydel power (MHP) generation
Brief Introduction to Electrical Systems: generators and motors- rotors, stators &ventilation, high
voltage generator, transformers- constructional parts, core construction, windings, cooling of
transformers- simple and mixed cooling, natural oil cooling, internal cooling, bus-bars- single
bus bar systems, single bus bar system with sectionalization, duplicate bus bar system, bus- bar
protection- differential protection & fault bus protection .
5. James Joseph Donald, Hydro Power Engineering
6. Richard Muller, G. E. Steehert & Co., Hydroelectrical Engineering
7. William Pitcher Greager, J. Willer & Sons, Hydro- electric Handbook.
8. A. K. Raja, Amit Prakash Srivastava, Power Plant Engineering
9. R. K. Rajput, Power Plant Engineering
10. Domkundwar, Power Plant Engineering
11. P. C. Sharma, Power Plant Engineering
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MEng 6337 Principles of Hydraulics and Pneumatics (3-2-3-0-6)
Prerequisite MEng 6312, MEng 6315
Hydraulics: Fluid power systems and fundamentals, basics of hydraulics, hydraulic systems and
components, fluid power actuators, hydraulic elements in the design of circuits, actuators and
intensifiers, design and drawing of hydraulic circuits, fluid power in machine tools and other
Pneumatics: Pneumatic systems- concepts and components, design of pneumatic circuits, multicylinder pneumatic circuits, electropneumatics.
Applications of Hydraulics and Pneumatics: SERVO Systems, PLC applications in fluid power,
Failure and troubleshooting in fluid power systems.
1. S. Ilango & V. Sounrarajan, Introduction to Hydraulics and Pneumatics, 3rd Edition,PHI.
2. James R. Daines, 2013, FESTO, Fluid Power: Hydraulics and Pneumatics, 2nd Edition
3. E. Andrew Parr, Hydraulics and Pneumatics: A Technician’s and Engineer’s Guide.
MEng 6338 Thermo- Fluid Lab (2-1-0-3-4)
Experiments related to Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, I. C. Engines, Gas Turbines, Steam
Turbines, Compressors, Steam Power Systems- Boiler, Condenser, Solar Energy, Bio-mass
Energy; Conduction, convection, Radiation heat transfer and mass transfer related experiments.
Experiments related to wind tunnel, hydraulic turbines, pumps and blowers, hydraulic and
pneumatic control circuits.
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