File - Academy for Business & Technology

ABTH Detention Policy & Procedures
(Please see Page 24 of the student Handbook)
A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in his/her assigned seat for their scheduled class when the tardy bell
rings. The Academy for Business & Technology MS/HS operates a detention system whereby students who have
violated acceptable procedure and behavior norms will be able to redeem themselves via “the make-up of time”.
The purpose of this system is to permit students the opportunity to spend time in a controlled study situation. It is
very important that the school and parents/guardians work together to help the students learn the proper
behavior and that students have certain consequences for inappropriate behavior. Administrators can issue
detentions and the student must serve them when they are assigned. Detentions can be assigned during lunch
and before or after school. If the detention is to be served after school, the parent/guardian will be notified the
day prior to the scheduled detention.
 Length of detentions will be determined by an administrator.
 All students who are to serve detention(s) will report to the detention room at the time(s)
assigned. Work, athletics, or other extracurricular activities are not considered acceptable
excuses for failure to serve an assigned detention.
 Students are required to sit where assigned. The supervisor must authorize exceptions.
 Students who communicate in any way, pass materials of any kind, do not appear to keep busy,
eat candy or food of any kind, or put their heads down will be warned. A second violation for any
offense will result in dismissal with no credit being given for the time spent. Students who are
caught sleeping will be dismissed without warning.
 Students who are dismissed from detention for any reason will serve an automatic ISS the
following day.
 Talking is not permitted. Absolutely no talking is to take place during the detention period.
 Failure to serve 3 detentions will result in one (1) day of Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
1. After School Daily Detention begins at 3:15pm and runs until 5:15pm– NO EXCEPTIONS!
2. The student is required to take all coats, books, etc. to the Assigned Detention Room – he/she is not
permitted to go to their locker after entering or when leaving detention.
 Student must bring work to complete. Students are required to bring study materials with them to
work on during detention.
Card playing, games, I-pods/CD/radios/cell phones/headphones, tablets etc. are not allowed.
The student is NOT permitted to sleep or assume a sleeping position.
The student is not allowed to leave the Detention Room without Supervisor’s permission.
Assigned After-School Detention time missed due to suspension or absence is required by the student to
immediately serve upon return to school.
Students waiting for the 5:20 P.M. activity bus report directly to the Cafeteria – all other students should
have prearranged transportation arrangements made. Students are required to leave the building as soon
as possible. No loitering is allowed.
PLEASE NOTE: Student not complying with the After-School Detention rules or do not serve an assigned detention
is subject to additional disciplinary action as stated in accordance with the Parent/Student Handbook.
ABTH Detention Policy & Procedures
Reasons for detention and terms
Refers to arrival at school or to any class after the bell without a written explanation from
a parent or staff member.
Cutting/Skipping Class:
The absence from an assigned class without the permission of a teacher or school staff.
The use of any verbal or non-verbal language or gestures that do not rise to the level of a
major offense in the Student Code of Conduct.
Hallway Loitering:
The unsupervised presence of a student in the hallway after the ringing of the class bell
and without pass.
Classroom Loitering:
The presence of any student in a classroom without adult supervision.
Horse playing:
Any kind of running or playing in the school that threatens safety and endangers staff,
students, parents, and visitors to the building.
Persistent Disruption:
Consistently disturbing the learning environment. The student can be served detention
after the teacher implements at least two (2) classroom interventions
Teacher marks student tardy via POWERSCHOOL with verbal reminder to student and Character
Development Documentation Form (CCD).
Teacher marks student tardy via POWERSCHOOL intervention and Character Development
Documentation Form.
Teacher marks student tardy via POWERSCHOOL intervention and Character Development
Documentation Form.
 The teacher will assign after-school detention for next day (M-Th), complete detention note,
and informs the student of the third infraction (Reminder: note the dates of tardies on the
CCD form and have the student initial that notation).
 Teacher will attempt to contact parent/ guardian and document (note and date) the attempt
i.e. verbal contact, call made - no answer; call made - left message, etc.
 Teacher log contact attempt in POWERSCHOOL log entries (use the backpack).
 Notify the office of the detention assignment by placing the students name and assignment
date on the sign in sheet in the front office.
 Do not tell a student they after school detention without following these steps.
Roles and Responsibilities: There must also be a strong effort by each person in our community to help students arrive to
class on time and be prepared to learn. The effectiveness of the tardy policy will depend upon each person fulfilling their role
and responsibilities as follows:
Administrators – will monitor the hallways during passing periods; will assign detention, suspension, and all other
interventions as deemed necessary.
Counselors and the Dropout Prevention Specialist– will monitor the hallways during passing periods; will meet with
habitually tardy students and make parent contacts.
Behavior interventionist and the Dean of Students– will monitor the hallways during passing periods; will patrol the
campus, monitor the flow of student traffic, and help students get to class on time.
-Behavior Interventionists responsibilities include:
Engaging any student in the hallway for a legitimate pass.
Not allowing a student out of class without a proper hall pass.
ABTH Detention Policy & Procedures
Documenting students without a pass, escorting that student back to class, and submitting those
names to the office by the 3:00pm to Mrs. Gresham.
Attendance Clerk/Office Staff – will log and monitor daily tardies by Behavior Interventionist, write passes from the
office for late students and log tardies for documentation, notify the Dropout Prevention Specialist of excessive tardies, and
assign after-school detentions for excessive tardies.
Teachers – will be at thresholds during passing periods, greet students at the door, keep the student traffic moving
and be a positive adult presence.
-Teachers’ responsibilities include:
Providing “on task” activities, and recording attendance promptly at the beginning of each period.
Not allowing students out of class without a proper hall pass.
 Students are permitted to leave the classroom only:
 With a valid hall pass.
 After the first 20 minutes of class/ before the last 10 minutes of class.
Playing their role in the “Hall Sweeps” by not allowing late students to enter the classroom after
the tardy bell unless the student presents an admit slip.
Being a positive role model by showing up to class on time themselves.
Encouraging students to move quickly to their next class i.e. do not hold students to discuss
and/or complete work (assignments, and/or tests) in your class and thereby make them late to
another class.
Students – will arrive to each and every class on time. They will attend Wednesday morning detentions and all other
assigned interventions.
Parents – will support their child in arriving to school on time. Parents will communicate with teachers, advisers and
administrators and support the tardy policy.