Grade Expectation Sheet

Grade Expectation Sheet
2014 – 2015
Subject: English 12
Student Name: _______________________________
Teacher: Mrs. Bishop
Classroom Rules:
o Give respect. Get respect. Repeat.
o Be in class and seated by the bell.
o Participate actively during each lesson.
o If you are absent, you are responsible for making up missed work.
o Homework is due at the beginning of class. Put it in the folder.
o Cell phones are not allowed. If your cell phone is visible, it will be taken.
o No food or drinks in class (except for water). See me if you have a lunch scheduling
o Bring your binder, literary work, and pen to class each day.
o Attendance and participation are vital in Senior year. Senioritis leads to Super Seniors!
o Students will be completing a research paper this year. The research paper is a
requirement for graduation. Students will practice creating and developing a thesis
statement, researching literary criticism in support of their thesis, and writing a 5-7 page
paper. Completion of the paper will adequately prepare students for research assignments
which may be seen in their freshman year of college. In addition to the research paper,
we will be reading 2 works of literature and practicing college essays.
o Literature
o The Great Gatsby
o Hamlet
o Silver Linings Playbook
o Freakonomics
Grading Policy:
Tests/Quizzes: 50%
Classwork: 25%
Homework: 25% MrsBishopEng @twitter
The department phone number is: 516 488-9632 Email:
Grade Expectation Sheet
2014 – 2015
Subject: English 12
Student Name: _______________________________
Teacher: Mrs. Bishop
Student Email Address
Signature Student
Parent/Guardian Home Phone Number
Parent/Guardian Cell Number
Parent/Guardian Email Address
Signature Parent/Guardian