Study guide - Chapter 01

1. Define biology.
2. List the properties that distinguish live organisms.
3. Explain how the biological organization unfolds. Briefly describe the characteristics of each
4. What are emergent properties? At what level of the biological organization does the properties
of life emerge?
5. Compare and contrast the two basic types of cells.
6. Briefly explain the correlation of structure and function observed in biology.
7. Describe how the cycling of nutrients and the flow of energy are related in an ecosystem.
8. Define genes. Of what molecule are genes composed?
9. Why do we say that the unity of life is based on DNA and a common genetic code?
10. Define taxonomy.
11. What are the three domains of biological organization? What type of organism is found in each
12. Name the kingdoms found within the domain Eukarya. Briefly describe the main characteristic
of the organisms found in each Kingdom.
13. Define evolution. Why do we say it accounts for life’s dual nature of kinship and diversity?
14. How does natural selection act as a mechanism for evolution?
15. What is a hypothesis?
16. What is the difference between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning?
17. What is quantitative data? What is qualitative data?
18. How is a scientific theory different from a hypothesis?
19. Explain the statement “a hypothesis must be testable and falsifiable”.
20. What is a controlled experiment?
21. What is the purpose of including a control group in a scientific research?
22. Why would it be difficult to draw a conclusion from an experiment that does not include a
control group?
23. What is the goal of science?
24. How are science and technology related?
25. Enumerate examples of species or groups of organisms whose evolution has been affected by
human-caused environmental changes.