Course Syllabus - Portal

BA 2323 MICROECONOMICS (3 credit hours)
Course Syllabus – Fall 2012
Office Hours
Lana Fowler
Business and Technology
Office – 870-391-3322
posted on door
Others as needed by appointment
Course Description
This is a study of the principles and processes of economics with an emphasis on
microeconomics. Topics covered include supply and demand; elasticity; utility and behavioral
economics; the firm; production and costs; perfect competition; monopoly; monopolistic
competition, oligopoly, and government and product markets.
This course should begin to fulfill the needs of college students who are planning careers in
economics as well as those studying business administration, liberal arts, law or other disciplines.
Course Goals
The student will:
 demonstrate a basic understanding of microeconomics to include demand and supply;
elasticity; utility and behavioral economics; the firm; production and costs; perfect
competition; monopoly; monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and government and
product markets by completing problems, assignments and tests.
 utilize terminology related to economics through written and verbal communication with
the instructor.
 prepare weekly summaries of economic articles from the media to show knowledge of
current economic events.
 participate in classroom discussions to indicate comprehension of material presented to
the instructor.
Resources Needed
 Textbook – MicroEconomics 10th Edition by Roger Arnold and access code for Cengage
 Notebook
 Pen, pencil and highlighter.
 Solar or battery powered calculator (highly recommended)
Student Resources Available
Please do not hesitate to contact me during office hours or by appointment. E-mail is also an
excellent way to contact me. The Learning Assistance Center provides rooms where you can
study as well as the library. If the need arises for a tutor you need to contact Robert Markle in the
Career Center Room M188.
Instructional/Teaching Methods
The textbook material will be presented by lecture followed by classroom discussion. Homework
will be assigned based on the lecture material and will be checked the following class period.
Course Requirements
There will be an abundance of reading in this class. Students are expected to read all of the
material in the textbook. Students are also expected to complete all assigned questions and
Course Evaluation
Students will be evaluated in this course and given grades: A, B, C, D, F or other “grade
symbols” as explained in the current college catalog. Your grade will be based on 5 tests worth
100 points each, special projects, journal summaries, homework and quizzes. Tests should be
taken at regular class sessions but students will be allowed one make-up test. Students are
responsible for securing test review information from the teacher and class notes from other
Grading Scale
90% - 100%
80% - 89%
70% - 79%
60% - 69%
Below 60%
Students are expected to attend all class meetings and officially withdraw from courses
they are no longer attending.
As a general rule, an instructor will not assign a grade of Incomplete (“I”) unless the student
has completed approximately 80% of the course but has not been able, because of illness or
other reason beyond his/her control, to finish the work assigned in the course. The student
must contact the instructor to request an Incomplete (“I”) and make arrangements for
completing the course. The instructor determines the requirements for making the
“I.” An incomplete grade not made up within one semester automatically becomes an
“F” unless the instructor notifies the Registrar’s Office in writing of a later date.
Academic Integrity
North Arkansas College is committed to academic achievement supported by a strict but fair
policy to promote academic integrity. This policy regards academic fraud and dishonesty as
disciplinary offenses requiring disciplinary actions. Any student who engages in such offenses
will be subject to one of more courses of actions (including dismissal from the class) as
determined by the instructor and in some cases other college personnel. Academic fraud and
dishonesty includes: cheating, test tampering, plagiarism and facilitating academic dishonesty
(Refer to North Arkansas College Catalog for a full description.)
Provision for Changes
The instructor will notify students of any updates/changes in the course syllabus.
Classroom Safety
No food or drinks are allowed in any classroom.
Student Responsibilities
 Read the college catalog and all materials you receive during registration. These
materials tell you what the college expects from you.
 Read the syllabus for each class. The syllabus tells you what the instructor expects from
 Attend all class meetings. Something important to learning happens during every class
period. If you must miss a class meeting, talk to the instructor in advance about what you
should do.
 Be on time. If you come in after class has started, you disrupt the entire class.
 Never interrupt another class to talk to the instructor or a student in that class.
 Be prepared for class. Complete reading assignments and other homework before class so
that you can understand the lecture and participate in discussion. Always have
pen/pencil, paper and other specific tools for class.
 Learn to take good notes. Write down ideas rather than word-for-word statements by the
 Allow time to use all of the resources available to you at the college. Visit your
instructor during office hours for help with material or assignments you do not
Accommodations for Students with Special Needs
North Arkansas College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the
Americans with Disabilities ct of 1990. Students with disabilities who need special
accommodations should make their requests in the following way; (1) talk to your instructor after
class or during office hours about your disability or special need related to you classroom work,
and (2) contact Special Services in Room M188 and ask to speak to Kim Brecklein.
Microeconomics - Econ 2323
Fall 2012
Lana Fowler
I acknowledge by signing below that I have received the syllabus for the course indicated above. I
have reviewed the syllabus and understand the objectives of this course. Further, I understand how my
performance will be evaluated and how my final grade will be determined. I am aware of my
instructor’s office hours and I know how to contact him or her for help with and/or clarification of
course contents or procedures.
Student Signature: ___________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________
Optional information:
Telephone number ___________________________________________
E-mail _____________________________________________________