Chapter 1 -

A.G.B.U. High School-Pasadena
2008-2009 School Year
Chemistry Course Syllabus & Classroom Guidelines
Instructor: Silva Aviki
Textbook : Modern Chemistry,Holt ,Rinehart, and Winston, 1999S
Course Description :The major purpose of this course is to help students understand and learn
chemistry which is closely linked to two main goals: to show how important and interesting
chemistry is, and to show how to think like a chemist .To solve complicated problems .Chemistry has
much to offer, including an understanding of many fascinating and important phenomena and
problem -solving skills. Students will be presented the course in a sensible inspiring manner which will
interest them in science throughout their life.
Chapter 1: Matter and change
Chapter 2: Measurements and Calculations
Chapter 3: Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter
Chapter 5: The Periodic Law
Chapter 7: Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds
Chapter 8: Chemical Equations and Reactions
Chapter 9: Stoichiometry
Chapter 10: Physical Characteristics of Gases
Chapter 11: Molecular Composition of Gases
Chapter 12: Liquids and Solids
Chapter 13: Solutions
Chapter 14: Ions in Aqueous Solution and Colligative Properties
Chapter 15: Acids and Bases
Chapter 16: Acid-Base Titration and PH
Chapter 17: Reaction Energy and Reaction Kinetics
Chapter 18: Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 19: Oxidation Reduction Reaction
Chapter 20: Carbon and Hydrocarbons
Note: Details about daily and weekly assignments will be provided
(Two-Week Study Guide).
bi-weekly in the form of the TWS
Grading Policy:
Each quarter’s grade will be determined as follows:
Class work/Projects
Notebook/Participation and effort
Each semester’s grade will be determined as follows:
Two Quarter grades (40% each)
One Final Exam grade
The letter grade corresponding to the average points received by the student will be as follows:
O=Outstanding: Student
has exemplary behavior and has turned at the most one assignment
late, has maximum participation points, and always has materials ready for class.
S=Satisfactory: Student has occasionally broken classroom rules and has turned in at the most two
assignments late, has more than participation points, and has not brought materials for class only
once or twice.
N=Needs Improvement: Student has broken classroom and school rules and has turned in at
most three assignments late or has failed to turn in one assignment, has average participation points,
and not brought materials for class three or four times.
U=Unsatisfactory: Student frequently breaks classroom and school rules and has turned in more
than three assignments late or has failed to turn in two or more assignments, has below average
participation points, and not brought materials for class more than four times.
Class Behavioral Expectations:
Students are expected to arrive to each class on time and be in their seat ready to begin work when
the bell rings. Students who arrive to class after the bell will be marked tardy. In class tardy
consequences are as follows:
Second and third: Parent notification by the teacher
Referral to office and office assigned consequences
Classroom Rules:
Listen when others are talking.(one person speaks at a time)
Follow directions.
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Work quietly and do not disturb others.
Show respect for school and personal property.
No gum chewing , no cell phones.
Be neat .Be tidy .Clean up your desks before you leave.
Students are not allowed to handle any lab equipment, unless advised otherwise only by teacher.
Any damage to school property in general, and lab property in particular, the student takes the
responsibility of the expenses of the damage.
10) A ringing bell does not dismiss the students. The teacher dismisses the students.
If any of the above mentioned rules and regulations are not met, the student will be given a first and a
second warning .After a third warning, the student has to serve detention with the teacher. Further
disregard of the rules will result in communication with the parent/guardian. A fifth notice will result
in a referral to the office.
Required Supplements
In addition to your textbook, you will need the following for this class:
1) Binder (any kind and color)
2) Sheets of paper
3) Stationary (pens, pencils, etc….)
4) Dividers for the binder
Organizing your binder
1) All materials related to each other should go under one division.
2) Write homework assignments on a separate sheet of paper
3) Mark answers to questions by the number of the question.
Homework Policy:
Homework will be assigned everyday and will be due at the beginning of the class period the nextday.
The student will receive a grade of “0” if he/she does not turn the homework assignment.
Extra Credit:
Extra credit will be given for different extra activities done by a student throughout the year including
but not limited to:
1) Participate in Enrichment Sessions
2) Make a poster or bulletin board about a topic covered by a lesson
3) Bring in research or newspaper articles about a topic we are covering
I can be reached at the following email address or by calling the school at