seminairs - academic year 2015/2016

1. General concept (main duties of forensic medicine, cause of death, mechanism of death,
manner of death) Forensic Thanatology (Process of Dying, Time of death, Signs of Death,
Early and Advanced postmortal changes,
Histothanatology), Basics of Forensic
2. Autopsy (Medicolegal jurisdiction, review of the medical records, External & internal
examination, methods of dissection, ancillary procedures, Child deaths and specific
medicolegal cases). Medicolegal autopsy demonstration at autopsy room.
3. Forensic Alcohology. The Transfer nad Metabolism of Ethanol in The Human Body.
Detection of Ethanol in biological Samples, Medicolegal Evaluation.
4. Sudden natural death (definitions, epidemiology, causes, diagnostics), Fundamentals of
pediatric forensic pathology, Pregnancy-related deaths
5. Environmental injury – Thermal injury, Carbon monoxide, Hyperthermia, Hypothermia,
Electrocution. Case reports
approved by
Prof. MUDr. František NOVOMESKÝ, PhD.
Head of institute
1. Gunshot wounds. Basic of Forensic ballistic. Injuries by single projectile, by shotgun
pellets. Injuries due the explosion.
2. Traffic accidents - part I. Biomechanics of a human body, physical principles of traffic
injuries. Double - trace vehicles (automobiles, trucks). Injuries in collision type pedestrian
versus automobile. Injuries of the car crew. Single trace vehicles (bikes, motorcykles).
Injuries of the railway traffic, air traffic.
3. Forensic Aspects of the Diving Accidents. Pressure Changes of the Human Body.
Barotrauma. The Inert Gases under Pressure. Saturation/Desaturation. Decompression
Sickness of the Divers. Investigation of the Diving Fatalities. Morphologic Findings. Case
4. Forensic aspects of asphyxia. Types of suffocation, signs of the aphyxia on the body.
Drowing, near-drowing, death in the water.
5. Forensic traumatology. Biomechanics of the injury, deformation forces within the human
body. Injuries of the skeleton, injuries of the soft tissues.
approved by
Prof. MUDr. František NOVOMESKÝ, PhD.
Head of institute