Beowulf Review -

Beowulf Review
Period 5
1. Describe Herot.
Herot was a peaceful land ruled by a great King Hrothgar. After the coming of Grendel and the death of
many in the mead hall, Grendel dominated the land and Herot was feared by others, as Grendel killed
any who came near.
2. What is the significance of Grendel being descended from
The significance of Grendel being descended from Cain, is that he was full of
anger and was cursed by God. Grendel is an evil monster who is descended
from an evil man who killed his brother. So it’s important to understand that he’s
not just evil, but that his evil side came from his evil ancestors.
3. What had Herot symbolized before the coming
of Grendel? After?
Before the coming of Grendel, Herot symbolized order and trust. After the coming
of Grendel, Herot symbolized fear for the citizen’s death.
The Coming of
Why is Hrothgar’s watchman
concerned about the arrival of Beowulf
and his men?
4) The watchman thought that Beowulf and his
men are pirates/invaders.
How does the lieutenant recognize
Beowulf as a hero?
5)The watchman thought Beowulf was a hero
because of hearing his father's history in battle and
the reason of why Beowulf came to them.
What do Beowulf’s words and actions
tell you about his personality?
6) He has a very confident personality and believes
that he does not need weapons to fight but only God
and that no matter the odds he will always succeed.
What are Beowulf’s thoughts as he waits
for Grendel’s arrival? What does it reveal
about the beliefs of Anglo-saxon society?
7) His thoughts were that since Grendel doesn't
use weapons,he himself will not use weapons
either because he doesn't want his lord Higlac to
think less of him. It reveals that people in the past
were tied to loyalty.
The Battle with
8. Identify an example of foreshadowing in lines
8. Line 291/292. “By morning; the monsters mind was hot
With the thought of food and the feasting his belly
Would soon know.”
Foreshadows Grendel eating the Geats
9. Find an example of personification in lines
269-305 and explain its meaning and
Line 289 “And his heart laughed…” This shows how evil Grendel is. His heart is
laughing at the thought of killing young soldiers.
10. Why does Beowulf wait, allowing Grendel to
kill one of the Geats, before he attacks Grendel?
He doesn’t want Grendel to be suspicious and he wants to catch him off guard
11. Describe the battle between Beowulf and
The battle between Grendel and Beowulf was meant to happen, because God
called them together. It was a bloody battle, even though Beowulf used no
weapon, just his hands and natural strength. Beowulf took Grendel's arm and
shoulder off, and Grendel ran away in pain.
12. Why can’t the other warriors come to
Beowulf’s aid?
The warriors were frightened by Grendel and none were as strong and brave as
Beowulf.Grendel cursed the swords so Beowulf's men was unable to pierce his
13. How does Beowulf wound Grendel?
Beowulf defeats Grendel with his owns hands by tearing off his
arm at the shoulder. Causes a fatal wound.
14. During the battle between Beowulf and Grendel, the
reader learns Grendel’s thoughts and feelings. How does
hearing about his fears and feelings affect your impression of
the monster?
Hearing about Grendel’s fears and feelings affects our impressions of him
because he was clearly known as a monster who with no shame, would come and
feed on people. And to find out that he was actually frightened by Beowulf shows
us that there truly is something bigger than a horrible monster and that they could
be cowards at times.
The Battle with
Grendel’s Mother
Describe the Battle between Beowulf and Grendel’s Mother
● Grendel’s mother wanted to avenge Grendel so she goes to hEROT AND KILLS
HER LAIR. bEOWULF FOUND A SWORD IN the monster’s lair. This sword was
huge and impossible for any ordinary man to lift it. Beowulf struck the heavy
sword towards Grendel’s mother’s neck. Grendel’s mother was slain.
Identify an example of personification in lines 435-455 and explain why it is
● no sword could slice her evil it’s fitting to personification because it shows
her evil and that no mortal weapon could kill her. (line 451)
How does Beowulf defeat her? This is an example of what Literary Device?
● Beowulf found a sword made by the giants and blessed with their magic.
He cut her in the neck and it broke all of her bones her body fell lifeless.
this is an example of an epic Hero. Beowulf shows his larger than life
skills to kill the supernatural.
What does Beowulf do before he swims back to land? What does Hrothgar
and the other warriors think has happened.
● Before Beowulf comes back to land, he cuts grendel’s head off to bring
back to the danes. Hrothgar and his men think that Beowulf has died in
the water during the battle.
Identify an allusion in lines 500-535
● Just like Jesus’ disciples. Hrothgar’s men thought that beowulf was dead,
when in reality he was alive and the hero. Jesus died and came back to life
kind of like beowulf.
What does Beowulf leave behind in the lake and what does he take with him? What
does this reveal about his character?
● Beowulf leaves behind the monster’s rich treasures, but brings back Grendel’s
Head and the hilt of the giants’ jeweled sword. This reveals to us that beowulf is
a cautious man and makes sure the case is closed before moving onto anything
else. it also shows us that Beowulf thinks Grendel’s head as a trophy is a lot
better than riches from the monster’s cave because the head will actually mean
something symbolic in the town they live in.