RSG Index 22-33

Advanced Placement United States History
Assessment Index for the Americans Reading Study Guide
AY 2015-2016
Chapter 22 (pp. 297-307)
1. Describe two ways the Great Depression affected American families.
2. Explain two problems that American farmers faced in the 1920s. ©
3. Explain two weaknesses in the economy in the 1920s that led to the Great Depression.
4. What did President Hoover think government should do in bad economic times? Use examples that illustrate his views.
5. Explain the intention behind the Hawley-Smoot Tariff, and evaluate its effectiveness.
6. There is still an intense scholarly debate over the “causes” of the Great Depression. Based on what you have read, identify the causes
that, based on the evidence, you believe are the most significant. Who or what was to blame?
Note: the symbol “©” is a reminder that you should work to connect this item to a broader historical context. Ask yourself how this topic relates to a theme or trend that recurs in US
history. Then use that relationship to connect relevant SFI and show of your depth or mastery.
Chapter 23 (pp. 308-325)
1. Explain how the New Deal addressed the emergency in the farm sector
2. Explain how the New Deal gave greater security to American homeowners.
3. What were the CCC and WPA, and how did they contribute to economic recovery in the 1930s?
4. Explain two ways that some conservatives criticized the New Deal. Connect to broader context! ©
5. Explain two ways that the New Deal changed the role of the federal government in the lives of regular people? ©
6. Explain how the New Deal gave greater security and stronger rights to American workers.
Chapter 24 (pp. 325-340)
1. According to the Atlantic Charter, why were the Allies fighting the Nazis and Japanese?
2. Explain how the Munich Conference led to World War Two.
3. How did the US react to the rise of dictators in Europe and Asia in the 1930s?
4. Explain how Hitler and the Nazis rose to power in Germany in the 1930s.
5. Explain one example of Hitler’s aggression in Europe prior to 1939.
6. Explain two of the steps in America’s progress toward joining the World War Two in 1941. ©
Chapter 25 (pp. 341-354)
1. Explain the rationale and objective of the US “island-hopping” campaign during World War Two.
2. Explain a major turning point in the European Theatre of WWII… and why it is a turning point.
3. Explain a major turning point in the Pacific Theatre of WWII… and why it is a turning point.
4. Explain how World War Two affected Japanese-Americans. ©
5. Explain how World War Two affected women. ©
6. Explain two ways that the US mobilized for World War Two. ©
7. Explain how World War Two affected African-Americans and Mexican-Americans. ©
Note: for chapters 26 and 27, you will be assigned one question from each chapter.
Chapter 26 (pp. 355-369)
1. Explain McCarthyism.
2. Explain the Berlin Blockade of 1948 and its outcome.
3. Explain the goals of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan.
4. Explain two reasons why hostilities between the US and Soviet Union increased in the 1950s.
a. Use your answer to consider the objectives of US foreign policy during the Cold War compared to those of the Soviets.
5. What did the US gain from the Korean War?
6. What were three ways that Americans reacted to fear of communism at home in the 1950s.
Chapter 27 (pp. 370-384)
1. Explain two parts of President Harry Truman’s “Fair Deal.”
2. In your own words, characterize the “American Dream” in the 1950s, and analyze the sources of these aspirations and values.
3. Characterize the experiences of those Americans who were considered “outside” of the cultural mainstream in the 1950s, and offer some
explanations for why and how these folks were excluded from participating in the “American Dream.”
Chapter 28 (pp. 385-395)
1. Explain the key developments that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.
2. Explain President Kennedy’s doctrine of “flexible response,” and how it differs from “brinkmanship” (p. 366).
3. Explain two parts of Kennedy’s “New Frontier.”
4. Explain three parts of President Johnson’s “Great Society” program.
5. How did Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev “test” President Kennedy in Europe in 1961?
6. Name two factors that helped Kennedy win the election in 1960.
7. What was the key conclusion of the Warren Commission’s report?
Chapter 29 (pp. 396-407)
1. Explain how the experience of World War Two contributed to the Civil Rights Movement.
2. Why did Little Rock, AR become the focus of the national civil rights debate in 1957?
3. Explain how the tactics and philosophies of Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. differed.
4. Explain the “Black Power” movement.
5. Explain the key objective of Freedom Summer (1964), and two specific tactics employed to achieve this goal.
6. Explain why the Montgomery Bus Boycott succeeded in 1956.
Chapter 30 (pp. 408-425)
1. Explain how the leak of the Pentagon Papers affect American public-opinion about the Vietnam War.
2. Explain the War Powers Act and what it was intended to accomplish.
3. Explain two incidents that weakened support for the Vietnam War among Americans.
4. Explain “Vietnamization” and its intended purpose.
5. What was the Tet Offensive and why is it considered a turning-point of the war in Vietnam?
6. Explain how Cold War tensions between 1945 and 1973 led to US involvement in Vietnam.
Chapter 31 (pp. 426-435)
1. Explain two factors that helped launch the women’s movement in the late 1960s.
2. Explain two goals of the NOW and the feminist movement in general.
3. Explain the ERA, what happened to it and why (also see p. 459)
4. Explain two ways that Latinos fought for equal rights in the 1970s.
5. Explain two of the demands of the American Indian Movement.
Note: For Chapters 32 and 33, you will assigned one question from each chapter.
Chapter 32 (pp. 436-450)
1. Explain détente and give one example of this policy in action in the 1970s.
2. Explain the Camp David Accords (1978)
3. Explain two reasons that President Ford lost public support between 1974 and 1976.
4. Explain the Iran-Hostage Crisis (1978) and why it hurt President Carter’s popularity.
5. Explain two reasons that Nixon was successful at attracting votes in the South.
6. Explain, specifically, why President Nixon resigned in 1974.
Chapter 33 (451-465)
1. Explain two reasons why the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990.
2. Explain the Iran-Contra Scandal (1986).
3. Explain “deregulation” and why President Reagan supported it.
4. Explain two reasons why Reagan won the election in 1980.