Department Head Approval Process Webex Training

SCS Support and
Professional Development
Administrator In-Service
July 19, 2013
PD and Support Staff
 Racheal
 Jeff
Addison, Principal Coaching Advisor
Baxter, Reflective Practice Analyst
 Donna
 Mary
 Pam
Bohannon, Pre-Service/New Teacher Associate
Douglas, PD and Evaluation Clerk
Haney, Instructional Support Analyst (MLP)
 Lavita
Johnson, Administrative Assistant
 Monica
 Amy
Jordan, Professional Development Manager
Nelson, Instructional Support Analyst
 Tyler
Salyer, Instructional Support Manager
PLC Coach/PLC Lead Teacher
Provides PD and consultation related to professional learning communities
and formative assessment
Collect artifacts such as team norms, agendas,, common formative
assessments, and protocols from teacher teams to monitor and assess their
Assists teams in the creation, administration and analysis of common
formative assessments
Assists teams in developing and implementing effective
intervention/enrichment strategies based on results of commonly
administered assessments
Gathers data from commonly administered assessments and provides this
data to teacher teams in a manageable format (i.e. spreadsheets, bar
graphs, etc)
One-on-One Coaching:
Peer Assistance and Review (PAR)
One-on-One Coaching:
Tiered Coaching
New Teacher Orientation
July 24 and 25: Formal Luncheon by region: 11:30 to 3:00
Principal, New Teacher, Learning Coach or PAR CT
Brief overview of New Teacher Induction to follow luncheon and time to
plan for immediate next steps with learning coach and PAR CT
July 26: Demonstration Classroom
In-Service Week
Teacher TEM Training:
2 hour video module facilitated by PLC Coaches and/or Master Teachers on
July 31 or August 1
Print copies of TEM 3.0 rubric and addenda (as appropriate) for your staff
Put TEM training in MLP and confirm attendance
C&I training for special groups:
July 31 and August 1 by region
TEM training facilitated on-site
Teachers will bring a Certificate of Attendance to Financial Secretary as
My Learning Plan
MLP Instructor Video and Step Sheet
User Information Not Updated Yet
Approved Absence and Field Trip Request
Avatar Historical PD
Stay Tuned for Username Change in MLP
Department Head Approval Process
 As Principals and Department Heads, you will be
responsible for approving various Requests and Action
Items in APECS. Included in these are Timesheets for
payroll and Requisitions for Finance.
 A brief training video has been created and posted on the
SCS APECS Website: (scroll to
the bottom of the page and find Department Head
Approval Process Webex Training to access the video)
 For questions or assistance, contact the following:
-Problems logging in – call the Help Desk (416-2700)
-Problems with Timesheets – contact Cammille Hubbard
-Problems with Requisitions – contact Alicia Lindsey
 If you would like credit on your MLP transcript, email Pam
Haney at stating you have watched
the video.