
August 29
Warm-up: MUG Sentence1 (Week 1)
Vocabulary – clamor n. a loud, continuous noise; uproar
Introduce autobiography/biography
- Discuss difference between autobiography and
- t-chart notes
Read samples of each in textbook pgs. 778-783
- Christopher Reeve/Living Without Fear – pp. 781
– Compare POV
– Answer questions
August 30
Library Orientation
4th period 12:05-12:30/5th period 1:10-1:35
MUG Sentence 2 (Week 1)
Vocabulary – appalling adj. shocking, horrifying
Grammar Review
- coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS)
- Simple & Compound sentences
- Identify Simple & Compound sentences
August 31
Warm-up: MUG Sentence 3 (Week 1)
Vocabulary – memoir n. Written work that deals with one certain moment
that is stretched out to show emphasis. Memoirs may be less encompassing
than a formal autobiography as they are usually about part of a life rather than
the chronological telling of a life from childhood through adulthood.
Check homework
Review Literary Elements:
memoir, imagery, allusion, figurative language,
conflict, theme
Read “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan – independently
- circle unfamiliar vocabulary
- discuss POV and different viewpoints
Annotate using literary terms
September 1
 Warm-up: MUG Sentence 4 (Week 1)
Vocabulary – innate n. something that is inborn or central
to a person or thing
Independent Reading – AR
September 2
Warm-up: MUG Sentence 5 (Week 1)
Vocabulary – grimace v. to twist the face, as in pain
or displeasure
Continue “Fish Cheeks”
- Annotate using literary terms
- Complete imagery chart – identify &
explain purpose/effect
Our Story of the Human Experience see PowerPoint