Special Parallelograms Mini Project

Group Members:_________________________________________________________________
Instructions: Using your three pieces of poster board, create three special parallelogram posters! You
must include all the information listed below each of the following special parallelograms on the
posters. First, complete the numbered sections below for each of the three parallelograms, detailing
their individual characteristics. Then, use the magazines and newspapers provided, as well as the
scissors and glue, to complete your three poster boards as a group!! This completed worksheet, as well
as all three posters, is due by the end of class today! Good luck and have fun! 
Write the title in an interesting way… using cut out letters or in some other creative way!
What makes something a rectangle?
Examples of rectangles in the real world – pictures?
Examples of rectangles in the real world – words?
Write the title in an interesting way… using cut out letters or in some other creative way!
What makes something a rhombus?
Examples of rhombuses in the real world – pictures?
Examples of rhombuses in the real world – words?
Write the title in an interesting way… using cut out letters or in some other creative way!
What makes something a square?
Examples of squares in the real world – pictures?
Examples of squares in the real world – words?