unit1.part2.iv.dv.branches of science

Branches of Science
Mrs. Geisler
 Bio- life
 Ology – study of
Branches of Biology:
- Anatomy: study of the structure of organisms
- Genetics: heredity of living things
- Microbiology: microscopic living things
- Physiology: functions of the structures that make up living things.
- Taxonomy: study of the classification of organisms.
- Botany: study of plants
- Zoology: study of animals
- Ecology: study of interactions among organisms and their environment.
 Study of the composition, structure, properties and
change of matter.
 Study of movement of objects.
Independent and Dependent
 Independent Variable – “The Cause”
 The one thing that is changed in an experiment
 This variable makes one test “independent” of another
 Dependent Variable – “The Effect”
 The result of the experiment
 What is measured
 This “depends” on what you changed
The temperature of the water was measured at different
depths of the lake.
Different depths
Independent V.
Dependent V.
The amount of time you study will make a positive
difference on your next test score.
Time studying
Score on the next test
Independent V.
Dependent V.
 The higher the temperature of water, the faster the egg
will cook
Temp of water
time it takes to cook
 An investigation was done to see if keeping the lights
on for different amount of time each day affected the
number of eggs the chicken lay.
 Amt. lights are on
 IV
number of eggs layed
 The time it takes to run a mile depends on the amount
of exercise a person gets.
 Time to run a mile
amt. of exercise
 DV
 Grass will grow taller if it is watered and fertilized more.
 Height of grass
watered and fertilized
 DV
 The amount of algae growth in lakes seems to be
directly related to the number of sacks of fertilizer sold.
 Amt. of algae growth
fertilizer sold
 DV
 Volume – liters (base unit)
 Length – meters (base unit)
 Mass – grams (base unit)
 Time – seconds (base unit)
 Kids Having Doughnuts Usually Drink Chocolate Milk
 Kili
 Hecto
 Deka
 Unit
 Deci
 Centi
 Milli
Monday: Bellringer
 On a piece of scrap paper, identify if each statement is an
inference or observation.
1. Problem/Question
 Problem
 Ex. All the fish are dying in the river.
 Question
 Ex. I wonder what the inside of a fish looks like.
2. Gather Information
 You should gain knowledge so you can make an
educated hypothesis.
3. Hypothesis
Will food coloring in water change the color of a
Will more light make plants grow taller?
4. Experiment
 Experimental Group
 Independent Variable - Manipulate
 Dependent Variable - Data
 Control Group
 No Independent Variable
5. Collect & Analyze
 Data!
Identify qualitative or
quantitative data.
1. There are four bubbles that formed.
2. The carnation is blue.
3. The plants grew more when there was added nitrogen
in the fertilizer.
4. 68% of the ninth grade class received their laptops.
5. The student answered 9 out of 10 questions correct.
6. Conclusion
 Accept or Reject Hypothesis.
This is why a lab report is written!
 Variable – root word = vary, meaning can change
 Ex. Independent and dependent variable
English vs. Metric Units
Which is longer?
A. 1 mile or 1 kilometer
B. 1 yard or 1 meter
1 mile
1.6 kilometers
C. 1 inch or 1 centimeter
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 yard = 0.9444 meters
Left Image: http://webapps.lsa.umich.edu/physics/demolab/controls/imagedemosm.aspx?picid=1167
Right Image: http://share.lancealan.com/N800%20ruler.jpg
Measuring Length
How many millimeters are in 1 centimeter?
1 centimeter = 10 millimeters
What is the length of the line in centimeters? _______cm
What is the length of the line in millimeters? _______mm
What is the length of the line to the nearest centimeter? ________cm
HINT: Round to the nearest centimeter – no decimals.
Ruler: http://www.k12math.com/math-concepts/measurement/ruler-cm.jpg
Metric Units
The basic unit of length in the metric system in the meter and is represented by a
lowercase m.
Standard: The distance traveled by light in absolute vacuum in 1⁄299,792,458 of
a second.
Metric Units
1 Kilometer (km) = 1000 meters
1 Meter = 100 Centimeters (cm)
1 Meter = 1000 Millimeters (mm)
Which is larger?
A. 1 meter or 105 centimeters
C. 12 centimeters or 102 millimeters
B. 4 kilometers or 4400 meters
D. 1200 millimeters or 1 meter