Nine Week 1 Outline Study Guide test Oct 13

U.S. History
9 wk 1 Review # 1
Use your reading guides, class activities, homework and other handouts to create study guides, graphic organizers, or flash
cards. 
Identify the Huguenots and religious groups locating the region (colonies) and why they settled
Identify the first national boundary line for English advancement or colonial America
Explain why the Puritan felt the need to draw up the Mayflower Compact and what are some of the components
Explain why the French and Indian War fought and what the result was (Treaty of Paris)
Ben Franklin’s Join or Die, Political Cartoon
When and where were the first slaves brought to the colonies (1619)
Explain the differences between ‘separatists’ and non-separatists (wanted to work within the frame work of the
Puritan church)
How did the Great Awakening change religious patterns?
Explain the route and symbolic meaning of the middle passage
Identify the impacts of the Columbia Exchange and products exchanged and Triangular Trade Route including middle
Define Mercantilism
Explain the cultural differences of First Americans and Europeans (land ownership being one)
Virginia Cavaliers vs. Puritans
Identify who wrote the following documents and their similarities and differences:
o Mayflower Compact
o Articles of Confederation
o Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom
o Maryland Act of Toleration
o Virginia Declaration of Rights
o Common Sense
o Declaration of Independence
o Federalist Papers
o Bill of Rights
o Declaration of Religious Freedom
Explain the importance of John Rolfe and Virginia Colony
Know the differences 3 major Empires; Spain, France and England
Define; proprietary colony, corporate and royal colony
How was New England more successful over Chesapeake Bay Colony
Products and effects of the Triangular trade route
Explain in what way did the Great Awakening change religious patterns (causes and outcomes)
Define the following, beliefs, people and compromises:
o Federalists
o Anti-Federalist
Explain key components – causes of the Revolutionary War
o Proclamation of 1763
o Townshend Acts
o Navigation Acts
o Coercive/Intolerable Acts
o Tea Act – Boston Tea Party
o Stamp Act
o Sugar Act
Different groups during the Revolutionary War:
o Loyalists/Tories
o Patriots
o Neutral
o Slaves
o Native Americans
o Women
Identify the major accomplishments key people:
o George Washington
o George Mason
o Thomas Paine
o Thomas Jefferson
o James Madison
o John Locke
o Thomas Hobbs/Jean-Jacques Rousseau
o Benjamin Franklin
o Alexander Hamilton
o James Monroe
o Patrick Henry
o John Adams
o Samuel Adams
o John Marshall
Explain key battles and importance:
o Battle of Yorktown
o Saratoga
o Lexington & Concord
o Treaty of Paris (outcomes and land gains)
Differences between; First Continental Congress and Second Continental Congress
Shay’s Rebellion
Constitutional Convention
o Who attended the convention and who didn’t
o Father of the Constitution and what documents and people influenced the Constitutional Government
o Person Presided over –later became first president
o 3 branches of government and checks and balances
o Virginia Plan vs. New Jersey Plan
o Compromises
o Supremacy Clause
o Bill of Rights (First 10 Amendments) influenced by?
o Federalist vs. Democrats/Republicans and the Election of 1800
o What did the Democrat/Republican’s (Jefferson’s party) oppose and favor
o Similarities and differences between articles of Confederation and Constitution (create an Venn diagram)
o Weakness of the Articles of Confederation and Strengths; such as Northwest Ordinances 85, 87
Concept of Self-Government and the early documents that supported this colonial concept
Unalienable rights or natural rights can be found in what document
Northwest land Ordinance (1785/87) and what states were carved from this territory, such as Ohio, Michigan &
Illinois (area around Great Lakes)
Importance of the following Supreme Court cases under Chief Justice Marshall:
o Marbury v. Madison (1803)
o McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
o Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
Identify Hamilton’s 5 point financial plan
Arguments between Hamilton and Jefferson
Virginia Presidents
Importance of the Federalist Papers, who wrote and for what state
Washington’s Farewell address
Whiskey Rebellion