Middle Ages Test Study Guide: Complete on a Separate Sheet of

Middle Ages Test Study Guide: Complete on a Separate Sheet of Paper
In-Class Review, Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Test: Thursday, November 17, 2011
1. In “The Grail,” the opening sentence reads: “The youth began his journey from the castle.” What does this clue tell you
about the plot of the story?
2. Why is Perceval pleased at the sight of the castle to which he is guided by the fisher in “The Grail”?
3. In “The Grail,” a great, special sword is given to Perceval. Of what is the sword a symbol?
4. The narrator of “The Grail” says that Perceval’s silence was “not very smart” and that sometimes people can be too
silent. Why?
5. In “The Grail,” when Perceval awakens in the morning, what is he surprised to discover?
6. In “The Grail,” when at first Perceval cannot find the castle, what is his attitude?
7. The most amazing feature of the grail, in this excerpt from Perceval, is
8. In “The Grail,” how does the elaborate feast affect Perceval?
9. In “The Grail,” Perceval does not ask questions because he
10. In Perceval, Chrétien de Troyes uses the grail to symbolize
11. A story such as Perceval is considered archetypal because it is based on
12. Which of the following details indicates that Perceval is a quest story?
13. What is the basis for the plot of “The Lay of the Werewolf” (What archetype is found in the story)?
14. In “The Lay of the Werewolf,” what must the naked beast do in order to return to human form?
15. In “The Lay of the Werewolf,” why do the king and his counselors forgive the kindhearted Bisclaveret’s attack on the
16. In “The Lay of the Werewolf,” what might the werewolf symbolize that is common to all people?
17. In “The Lay of the Werewolf,” of what are the baron’s clothes a symbol?
18. What archetype best applies to “The Lay of the Werewolf”?
19. According to the narrator of “The Lay of the Werewolf,” what apparently causes the werewolf’s wife to betray him?
20. When the baron in “The Lay of the Werewolf” becomes a werewolf, what does he do with his clothes?
21. In “The Lay of the Werewolf,” why is it symbolically appropriate that the lady is disfigured by the werewolf?
22. Create a brief statement that expresses the theme of “The Lay of the Werewolf”?
23. Two archetypes that appear in stories are the quest—a journey taken by the hero—and disguised identity—an effort by
a character to hide who he or she really is. In an essay, discuss how “The Grail” and “The Lay of the Werewolf” are
examples of these archetypes. Use details from each story in your explanation.
24. The idea of characters with disguised identities plays a major role in the stories of modern-day superheroes such as
Superman, Batman, and Spiderman. Write an essay in which you compare the role of disguised identity in the adventures
of a modern-day superhero to the role of disguised identity in “The Lay of the Werewolf.” Use details to support your
25. Chrétien de Troyes avoids explaining the meaning of the symbols in his romance, preferring to leave them open to
interpretation. Choose a symbol from Perceval that you think has more than one possible interpretation, and write an
essay exploring the possible meanings.
26. In an essay, discuss the feudal values that are demonstrated in either “The Grail” or “The Lay of the Werewolf.”
Identify and describe at least three values, using examples from the work you have chosen.